
Feb 27, 2020
what chapter did Sai first appear? I am playing through it again and I am on chapter 3 and don't remember seeing him before this time


Active Member
Apr 24, 2018
In essence, SG and BAD are very similar, the biggest difference between them is that in one game the MC is normal and in the other he pretends to be impotent. It's not about experience, it's about attitude and trust.

Here you were wrong in 2 cases.
1- On the contrary, comparing the number of renders is the fairest comparison. This is how Patreon works, you work quickly and get a lot of money. Imagine that Ocean is working on one game at the pace of the DPC, then by this moment not the 5th chapter but the 20th chapter was released. Do you think after this, Ocean’s popularity would have remained the same or grown like DPC’s? I think the answer is obvious.
2- Ocean is not a perfectionist, he is a commercial artist. A perfectionist would never allow his work to be ruined because of music.
I read a discussion in which fans were arguing about whether DPC would introduce new textures into the game. These textures should have greatly improved his renders. As far as I understand, he will not do this, otherwise he will have to redo the entire game.
Some fair points, and I understand what you're saying. I play another popular game on this site (started at the same time as SG) where the updates take a year or more and where the sexy-time payoff took a very long time (with a lot of teasing before that). That game is still progressing and going strong. BTW, the Dev of that game receives the exact same accusations and crap that Ocean gets here.

I understand what Ocean is trying to do and I see the ways he is trying to get there (within his means and ability). I admire that he is sticking to his guns and vision. I admire that he hasn't said, aw, fuck it! and given up.

If, in a year-and-a-half, SG has gone nowhere or his abandoned, then your remarks were prescient. If, in a year-and-a-half, we have some sexy-time payoff and continued plot progression, then your words were a rush-to-judgement. Time will tell...

The render quality of Being ADIK is around the same as AL, and no where near the best, compared to many other games on this site. The render quality of the reworked SG is VASTLY superior to the original SG.

"In essence, SG and BAD are very similar, the biggest difference between them is that in one game the MC is normal and in the other he pretends to be impotent. It's not about experience, it's about attitude and trust."

OK, what has differences in plot between the two games have to do with the Dev's attitude and trust? That makes absolutely no sense. Trust? Ocean has been upfront since taking SG back over - the slow burn/no sexual content disclaimer has been in there for years.

"...pretends to be impotent." Sorry, it's not worth commenting on that statement.

Being ADIK is an American-Pie-esque bonk-fest that ticks the right boxes for many people. DPC could halve the render count per update and the game would still be popular.

SG is a story-driven slow-burn that also ticks the right boxes for many people.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
I reached my reaction limit, but there's some great stuff, and I like the way you people think :)

I don't know, it's possible I guess, but I think it would have been easier to just find the MC and/or Nami a proper foster family. There's also the fact that there's no way to hide the pregnancy, so even if you are right, people would have already known Leia or Katie were pregnant and if people knew then why not jut keep the child. They wouldn't necessarily have to announce to the world who the father was. To be honest though, incest just overcomplicates things, that's why I think the non incest version of the WIAB story will be canon. That way, William can be in a proper relationship with either Leia or Katie without absolutely ruining his family's name. I guess it will depend on the canon ending of WIAB and who William stayed with. The most likely scenario right now is that he is with either Miru or Leia.

Now that I typed all this though, I just realized there's no way either game will include incest or even a hint of it(when it comes to the MC and LI's). Patreon is one thing, but there's also Steam which I believe is even more strict when it comes to things like this. So this means that the MC and Nami can't be siblings and while Nami might secretly be a Zane, the MC cannot since Ayua is a LI(and also a Zane). Unless of course Ayua is William's daughter only by name, but that being canon would enrage WIAB fans no doubt, so I think we can forget about that one.
Whatever the case is, it'll have impact once it's revealled. I think the situation with the bookclub will open that up, as all thes gossipy drunkards start going over old history

...and William Zane i

I take it you get your rocks off making smarmy comments in threads for games you don't like and have no interest in.

You don't like the game, good for you.

"Clearly Ocean makes the most boring and unappealing shit I have ever seen". ...again, good for you. However, that doesn't mean the rest of the world has to agree with you. It doesn't make those that disagree with you Simps, either.

"...milk them well." ...ahh, the usual low-rent comeback. Developers of games people don't like are automatically milkers. Developers who don't offer instant sexual gratification are automatically milkers.

If you come up with a well thought-out argument to back up your rhetoric, I might actually listen.

Multiple remakes? How about one overall remake since Ocean took back control of the game. Modifying, replacing, or deleting scenes for compliance reasons isn't remaking the game, it's modifying the game. I can think of several developers who had to modify their games due to the music licensing fiasco, and several more who had to modify their games to comply with Patreon. Those weren't remakes.
OK, the story doesn't make sense to you.

"...but a VN without history, without arcs, without structure, is a waste of time."

Dude! This VN has overlapping history in the form of another game - a prequel of sorts - WIAB!

Without arcs? Did you actually play and read the VN or just skip looking for lewds?

- Many of the main characters are revealed to be broken or traumatized and they have arcs dealing with that fact.

- The MC, Summer, and dealing with his trauma. This is ongoing. Summer comes up throughout the game. The MC has an upcoming therapy session at the cabin with Amber. The MC has resolved to ask mysterious fix-it man Emilio about Summer. The MC found Summer's cousin Elsa on social media, after running into her at a restaurant, and resolved to join the social app for that reason. In CH 5, Nia's past relationship with Summer is revealed. The game has many Summer flashbacks.

- The MC and Nami's past, both in terms of who they are (Katie Zane's interest in them and Nojiko's apparent shielding of them) and their own interpersonal relationship.

- Bella, her trauma, and her comatose sister.

-Vic's paralysis and therapy. Marla's response to causing the accident that paralyised Vic.

- The MC and Bella's revenge plots against the Holgersons and Cerils. The dynamic this has on the MC's relationship with Vanessa.

-Bella's past with members of the Ceril family.

-mysterious Sasha... there's so much going on there. Her own past and trauma, her relationship with Bella (why is she working behind the scenes to look out for Bella), her ability to be there at times when the MC needs help (walking in on the MC's fight, getting Robin to phone Marla for help, helping the MC with a panic attack, etc)

-The MC and other characters trying out for and competing at basketball. The inter-college basketball competition.

-The MC training with both Ayua and Zara in prep for basketball.

-Opposition basketball coach Genevieve Coate and her implied relationship (mother) with dwarf Damien.

-The fantasy role-playing games, both tabletop and at 'The Farm'. Both locations are stated to be mechanisms to explore fantasy sex with otherwise inaccessible characters.

-The book club and it's power dynamics, it's link to Nojiko's past that she's carefully hidden from the MC and Nami.

-The MC's romantic relationships with (so far) Bella, Nami, Victoria, and Mila (depending on choices made).

These are just story arcs that immediately come to mind. There is a lot going on, even if you don't comprehend it.
Nailed it.

I posted a few images in this thread before, a collection where Sasha is constantly looking at Nika in the background, and how it focuses in a way that it let us now she's always observing them.
There's also an scene where Sasha approaches Nami and is about to ask her about the ring, but Ayua realizes this and interrupts both of them by climbing onto Sasha's back. Of course, she's not amused by this, but it seems like Ayua was making sure she didn't tell Nami something she wasn't supposed to.

Sasha definitely knows something, the question is what and to what extent.
And the new chapter made me reconsider Sasha’s scenes. I had thoughts about this before, but somehow everything was tense. 1. A reminder that Nika may be quite good at reading people, but a lack of information or some minor detail can change everything. Like the first memory of Summer, Nika then assumed that it was Summer who turned away from Nami, but in fact it was was in Nika. So both scenes with Sasha give me the same feeling. What if Bella was just an excuse to call Nika to the gym? Robin somehow quickly brushes off the conversation with about Bella. And also the scene with the handcuffs. Everyone knows that if you follow the path of Bella’s route, Sasha will say that maybe he deserves it. Many on the forum then suggested that Sasha had a grudge against Bella. What if the phrase was precisely because of the kiss and it doesn’t matter whether Bella or any other girl and it was about Nick himself?
I only noticed it after multiple runs, once I realized Sasha is always lurking in the background I just actively looked for more.

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The whole Sasha thing is infuriating - I can't make out the dynamics around her. First she's silent but stalky, like when she and her gang sit at Nika's table before he knows them, Sasha presumably sending her redhaired friend to check Nika's okay, the way she protects his head when he falls, getting help to free Nika from the handcuffs, things like that. But then there is the vindictive side of her. I wonder if she knew Summer also - if Elsa was dining at the same restaurant as the upperclass, chances are Summer moved in the same social circles as the Z P and R's. The Holgersons do, and wasn't it the same restaurant that Leia liked in pre rework WiaB where we saw Sasha's mum? So the chances of them all knowing Summer in some way are there. It's Nika and Nami who are outsiders, everyone else seems in on the deal. If Sasha knew summer, and her scar is in any way related to events around Summer's disappearance, that might explain her hot and cold nature towards Nika. I'm reaching, but it's a possibility I think. It does seem likely that Ayua and Sasha have more knowledge than they have let on, given how they are both representing major families, and they both have taken interest in Nika on a plot level. And what's up with the white hair think Sasha makes Ayua do? Makes me wonder about the interconnections between the great houses, and their times of the troubles. This part of the story is fascinating to me.

If this was 90% + of the AVNs here on F95 - The MC would be actively working to ensure Noji kicked Nick to the curb because the MC is 'supposed' to have mom for himself.

In Summers Gone - I like Nick - and given that he opens his house up to Noji, Nami and the MC as soon as Noji asks for help - that means something.

The MC has always been very protective of Noji and Nami. It would be in keeping with his character for him to be supportive of Noji's relationship with Nick so long as Nick gives him no reason to doubt his good intentions.

I think having parental figures that actually act like decent people is a plus for storytelling and world-building in Summers Gone.

Nick is the only decent male role model we've met so far.

I am curious how long it will take for Nick to have a talk with the MC about he and Zara (once their feelings evolve and that LI path is open and pursued). That would be a good Dad move and fit the story based on what we know so far.

I'm sure some of the haters/trolls on this thread would complain about it - given how Un porn-like it is - but I am happy to support Ocean as he tells this story his way.

Cheers!! :coffee:
Yeah, I like the idea of a wholesome non dead male, there's enough paths already, let one single NPC dad figure in the history of AVN's have a happy life.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
Clearly Ocean makes the most boring and unappealing shit I have ever seen. The multiple remakes do not help his case.

Worst may be his army of simps that consider this to be some wonderpiece. With all of them doing the total on his dick in his safe space. There's zero chance that the guy will change. Can't believe ayo342 suggested in his review that more people should waste money for his endless holidays or new materials. No thanks! Keep your pigeons Ocean and milk them well. Those "slow individuals" deserve it for still supporting you after 5 years of your bullshit.
And yet - here you are...

Spending your time on this thread, talking smack about a dev while complaining that he "makes the most boring and unappealing shit" you have ever seen.

So - since you Obviously played the latest chapter release of Summers Gone:

What did you like about it?

What, specifically, did you dislike about it?

Are you telling me you can find No redeeming qualities about Anything to do with Summers Gone?

What are you looking for in an AVN?

If what you want in an AVN is not here - then why stay?

It is not uncommon to have a genuine discussion about an AVN you choose time to comment on, right?

I am happy to support Ocean - I think SG is a great AVN and it is top tier for me.

I have made many posts on this thread sharing what I enjoy as well as what I feel needs work.

Since SG is Clearly not top tier for you - what are some AVNs that are?

If you are uncertain about responding with specific AVN names on this thread, just add them to your profile - it is free advertising for devs who you enjoy so - no harm - right?

So, you have a choice - discuss Summers Gone or rant about the dev and how other adults choose to spend their $ and time.

Cheers!! :coffee:


Active Member
Apr 24, 2018
how many weeks before the full version comes out? and is it worth waiting for? or should i go ahead and play the beta
Playing the full version be potentially be more satisfying, if you want to replay the entire game. It's tentatively due out December or January.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
Well, yeah. I see all these intertwined threads, plots, arcs in the game and know they are developing. It obviously helps to know a little bit about WIAB to comprehend some of the things in happening in SG. Other than that, I don't think I've needed an out-of-game reveal or explanation by Ocean to understand what's happening in SG (other than understanding some of the German-English).

For me, the biggest helpful takeaway Ocean has stated outside the game is:

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I see this happening multiple times in the game already, including Chapter 5 (i.e. things revealed depending if you kissed Nami at the end of Ch 4.5 or visited Nia in Ch 5). I understand the subtleties in the game because of that statement, and know it takes multiple playthroughs to bring those subtleties out. Thus, a player has to put in a lot of EFFORT to explore and understand/comprehend things. So what?

Ocean is trying to peel back the layers of an onion, not reveal the answers to all plot mysteries in Chapter 1.

His approach is fuckin' ambitious, since it leads to complex, cascading variables (and a coding nightmare). I hope he can pull it off (I will never blithely opine that he can't).

Work-in-Progress... enough said. Only two things ultimately matter - can Ocean complete at least a sizeable portion of both games before the heat death of the universe and, if done, will they be polished (spelling/grammar, coding)? No one can truthfully answer that (although many on this forum love to offer their opinion). A couple of things have been constant from the beginning - Ocean has warned the game won't have sex for a long while, and Ocean has laid out his vision for the number of Chapters to the end. If Ocean was a milker, none of this would have been revealed. Is game development (i.e. time between updates) slower than most would like, considering the number of proposed chapters? Hell, yeah! But there are many quality games on this site with slow update cycles.

I get that this game rubs up the Don't-Make-Me-Think-I-Just-Wanna-Quick-Wank brigade the wrong way, especially after the reworks. Fine, there are other games on F95 to turn to.

I get that this game rubs up those enticed by the original darker/taboo game tags the wrong way. Bad luck that happened, seriously. But it's time to move on.

I try many (and by no means all) games on this forum all the time. Some I really like, some I don't. I move on from those I personally don't like.

What I do not do is troll threads of games I don't like all the time, calling the Dev a milker or calling fans of that game 'simps" (While I don't personally go gaga over female characters in AVNs, I don't mock or demean those that do).

There's one game I liked that, at least in my opinion, went downhill after a great start. I offered my criticism to the Dev like an adult and had an exchange of views with them. After that, I moved on.

I like that this thread has contributions from people who don't like the game, provided they are presented rationally and are not low-rent/low-effort barbs. Some make me think, some I might agree with (at least in part), and some I will disagree with.

It's OK to wonder or question if Ocean's approach to production is sustainable or if the games will see an end. It's not OK to pass judgement without valid evidence that Ocean is a milker and that the games WILL never be finished.
Damn reaction limit (y) (y) (y)
There's simply nothing to add. This is probably one of the few games where I'm willing to put in the effort to explore and understand/understand things. Without this attitude, SG is just a set of beautiful renderings and a strange story.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
The point was: Katie meeting Nika and Nami on purpose. Now ask yourself why Nojiko didn't like it.
However, this would require Kaite to have known that Nika and Nani were in on it... Nika's participation was only announced to Noji shortly before the trip. There's no way Katie could have known. At most, if Katie assumes that Nika and Nami always travel in pairs.

You're referencing policy on U.S. Steam...the dev is working the VN for German Steam...different policies apparently. It's been a ton of rework hours/months so there must be a gold mine in Steam's German accounts I've never been aware of though....
Being Germany myself, I doubt that the market on steam for this kind of content is really big. And I believe that Ocean can do without this part of its income - if you take the much larger international market as a comparison.

Isn't there an old theory bouncing round that say's Nika is Leia and Williams "forbidden fruit" child and Nami is William and Daphne's child? If so, they'd be half siblings. That'd make Ayua a half sibling as well.
Wow, this is a wild one...

Isn't that what they are told and believe?
Thats the important question.

View attachment 3039222

Interesting combination render&text. Is this a clue, a misdirection or am I just reaching here? What if Katie is actually Nika's mother? Right now I'm 99% sure William is the dad, it's the mother I'm not so sure about.
Putting Willian Zane in as the overall placerholder for potential fatherhood for multiple cases would be zo easy.

Well the clearly superiour system. :p

Calculating with imperial is simply atrocious, far too prone to conversion or rounding errors. In mathematics in general or in physics in particular, it can only be a nightmare. It's a miracle that so little happened with the various rocket launches - although I'd hardly assume that metric had already begun to prevail in the scientific field.

Imperial simply has no advantage but far too many silly disadvantages.

Here is the thing, i would be more than stupid to throw money at him. Two games, four years and no considerable progress whatsoever. His Dev logs are basically always the sam excuses in different wording. You can be as gullible as you like, it's your money afterall, but not everyone throws common sense out of the window like many of the fangirls here or his patreons.
Progress? Progress can't be put easy in hard numbers or something similiar.
But if we want nail the progress on render count, take a look at the changelogs. The raw numbers alone should be enough that you choke on your own words. IF we want to go for the render thing.

Storywise there was a big step, a couple of things are revealed. Bella path has progressed, the meet up with Nia was a gut punch.

The game has it's audience, otherwise it would be far more at the bottom of the weighted rating list. Lew/hardcore content would push the game clearly in the top direction.

Ocean made it clear from the beginning where and how the travel goes, he will stick to his guns and no one can change that. When you buy a chainsaw, you are told what it is for, and it is not the seller's problem if you complain that you can't pave a road with it ...

You don't like the game? Well, thats fine, no one can please all. Just move on, but stop bother others with bullshit that has no solid proof.


Sep 20, 2022
Gotta agree that Nick is a great character. Almost like a father figure for the MC and Nami. He's willing to take them in, was shrewd enough to recognise when Nika was broken up about leaving home and gave him a relatable story to put him at ease. I think he'll become an important role model for Nika over time and will help in ways that Amber and Nojiko can't. Too many AVNs lack decent male characters, but Nick along with Jeff and Trey are good additions.

The Sasha theories are definitely interesting. After the book club, her past scenes are even more telling and some new context of various interactions appear. I checked through and she show's up during the fight with Sai. Why would she come back to class if it was finished? I also reckon Sasha sent Robin after Nika's freakout in the classroom over the rubber. Robin, Sasha and Ayua definitely know a lot more about Nami and Nika. I have a feeling that Amber's session may have an undercurrent to try to slowly reveal some additional truths to Nika. However, his ability to pay attention and Emilio are both avenues for him to learn the truth on his own...


New Member
Jan 28, 2019
Yeah... the constant complaining is getting rather annoying. If the update cycle's not something you can cope with, or the rework & changes to the story aren't things you can live with... then why not leave? These grand announcements of how this user won't play the game because of X, and that user hates it because of Y... they're getting quite old. If these things bother you so much, why not leave and scratch Summer's Gone off of your list? Why stay to announce to the world that you decided not to pirate this game? Like omg! Whatever will Oceans do about a random F95 user who decided that they're no longer going to pirate his game?? :cautious:

I honestly get the frustration; some of it is definitely warranted... but some of you need to relax. Find another game to play... or better yet, do something rather than stalking these pages waiting for the right moment to meme about how your grandkids may finally experience the end of this game. Since I'm probably the only girl here right now, I'll say it. It's kind of sad that for some of you, your only comments are about how Oceans is a bad developer, how the development cycle upsets you, or some other flaw of this game. My goodness, find something else to do because seeing so many users add nothing more to the conversation than ripping on the game... gets proper annoying. Often enough, I saw people voicing their praise for the game, saying how much they love this and can't wait for that, and some of you guys will show up(out of nowhere) and go out of your way to kill their joy for the game. It's literally crazy how some of you will go out of your way to do this kind of stuff. Hundreds of games on this site, and you choose to spend your time annoying people in SG's thread. That's... kind of sad

Some of you will hate me for this(if you don't already), but I'll say it anyway. Some of these critique/review posts seem disingenuous... almost as if some people came here just to complain. The last few pages have been 70% made up of people complaining that they'll never see the end of this game and the fact that Oceans will rework this game to death. If you truly believe that, truly believe that Oceans will never improve and genuinely believe that Ocean's pace will stay the same forever... leave. If you think honestly that Oceans is out to rework this game every single season... leave. Save yourselves the heartache. This thread can do without all of the extra negativityღ

Like I can't stress enough how dumb this all isღ
This game is clearly one of the best I have played in the ren'py category.
Yes the updates are long but I think the wait is always rewarding by the work provided by the devlopeur at the level of the story and the rendering of the game.


Jun 7, 2019
Have you noticed that the outline of Zara’s mother’s figure resembles Dana, especially her tummy.....I would have said earlier, but after I got burned with the theory about Summer, I don’t trust the previews so much anymore.
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Oct 31, 2022
Yes,Sasha say that maybe he deserved punishment.Dialog will be different if you don't kiss Bella.Some people though that this was because Sasha could have some grudge against Bella.My though that Sasha thinks that Nika deserves punishment not because that he kiss Bella,but because HE kiss someone and if it was someone else Sasha would still say that he deserves.
From the many hints in the game, I think Sasha and Bella's sister are friends, it's obvious. Both Sasha's scar and Bella's sister's coma are connected.
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Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
Have you noticed that the outline of Zara’s mother’s figure resembles Dana, especially her tummy.....I would have said earlier, but after I got burned with the theory about Summer, I don’t trust the previews so much anymore.
Who's supposed to be Zara's mom? we never see her and we don't know her name either.

However, this would require Kaite to have known that Nika and Nani were in on it... Nika's participation was only announced to Noji shortly before the trip. There's no way Katie could have known. At most, if Katie assumes that Nika and Nami always travel in pairs.
Bro, Nojiko herself tells that Katie's there for the kids. And Katie herself hints that she knew that Nami would be there.

From the many hints in the game, I think Sasha and Bella's sister are friends, it's obvious. Both Sasha's scar and Bella's sister's coma are connected.
Everybody knows everybody in this story, except Nami who is apparently oblivious of everything. Nothing is hinting anything about Sasha's scar and about Bella's sister.


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
The Sasha theories are definitely interesting. After the book club, her past scenes are even more telling and some new context of various interactions appear. I checked through and she show's up during the fight with Sai. Why would she come back to class if it was finished? I also reckon Sasha sent Robin after Nika's freakout in the classroom over the rubber. Robin, Sasha and Ayua definitely know a lot more about Nami and Nika. I have a feeling that Amber's session may have an undercurrent to try to slowly reveal some additional truths to Nika. However, his ability to pay attention and Emilio are both avenues for him to learn the truth on his own...
You can see that Sasha and Robin were discreetely watching Nika everywhere in the campus before Robin introduced herself and Sasha.
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