
Oct 14, 2019
other answer would be nico because teleportation would also be pretty useful to have as that would save so much of your time and money if it you fully being tranport into her power where you can access all of of her level 5 power and if not well it still teleporting of a smaller degree and if it is a fully body swap with the character then i change my answer to nico for “two” other reasons if u know what I mean:sneaky:
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Question for everyone: If you woke up in the body as any of the characters (except the MC) and have their powers (if they have any) who'd you pick and why?

Me personally, I'm picking Deryl. Bro has fucking amazing powers for real.
Interesting question.

I personally dislike glass cannons and immobile combatants. Which means that I dislike powers like Jake's (too immobile, 100% reliant on his power and awareness), Nico's (glass cannon, absolutely no staying power), Nyx (glass cannon, hasn't shown any actual defensive ability), Danica's (glass cannon, no defenses).

I liked Klaus powers a lot. An impressive defense, both ranged and melee combat capabilities, flying. The only thing I dislike is his reliance to a single type of attack, the plasma thing. What happens if someone is good at defending against it?

Bernhardt's abilities work in a similar way although he seems to have less passive defenses and way higher mobility. Of couse he is a level 5 and we don't know how he would look at level 2 (I'm assuming Klaus was a level 2, he was way more powerful than MC who was a late level 1 at this point).

Malik also seems quite balanced, with great defenses against physical attacks, flight and overwhelming offense. However I find the fire theme a bit boring and I wonder how he stacks against someone that is equiped to deal with fire based powers. We also don't know how he deals with mental attacks.

Alice is interesting. Passive defenses, enormous offense, but her mobility is a bit limited compared to the other three. Assuming that she somehow manages achieve flight and high maneuverability, she is a great contenter, but I haven't seen that yet.

Deryl's have a lot of similarities to the MC. Through his ingenuity he gets to have multiple abilities, like regeneration, flight, powerful offense, strong passive defenses through his tough body. However I think he is too reliant on preparation for my liking.

Then we have the timelords, one of which is Deus. While he was impressive against the possessed MC, I'm not sure what his potential is and under what rules his powers work best. Also I think that being all powerful without the freedom to fly is lame!

I think Bernhardt's powers fit more to the idea I have of a perfect combatant. Extreme mobility, a good defense and attacks that are hard to completely nullify.
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Oct 14, 2019
honestly when I picking the power was that mostly how easy they could make my life. I didn’t even think about the combat aspect of the power since I’m a lazy son of a bitch at heart and jake and nico power would make my life very easy to live. The ability to mind control someone to do anything I wished and the ability to to teleport anywhere I want is busted my me consider them as my best pick. Although the mc would have also been my top pick but Syther excluded our boy sooo the next best would be Ella if anyone wanted the shapeshifter ability
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
The beauty of Cole's reaction.... "Mother...."
Is that the moment he sees how futile his goals to ever dominate MC are?
Has he been been talking to his great great great great granny all this time?
And then Zara just says we're still high on our evolution...
Is Cole just suffering from a bad case of minority complex?
He heard Mother and didn't want to fight anymore. He probably knows about us being the 4th's spawn too. That's why I love that scene. He had no problem with fighting until that was said. We all know Cole is eager to prove he's the best so him actually retreating says it all.

So... "being insulted" is a nothingburger.
But being "looked down on" is a crime?
Personally I consider both a nothingburger
Yes? Ella looking down on us wasn't the full problem with that scene. It's that she told Jake our identity, pushed him to mess with us and then acted like it's our own incompetence for getting influenced by his power. Even though she set the whole thing up to give Jake the advantage. She even went as far as training him personally while simultaneously building the idea in his head that we would be after him.

Nico throwing around random insults because she doesn't like anyone below level 3 isn't comparable at all to what Ella did. So yes, it was a nothing burger, in comparison. Nico was being prejudice, while Ella was being manipulative.

Question for everyone: If you woke up in the body as any of the characters (except the MC) and have their powers (if they have any) who'd you pick and why?
Deus for obvious reasons. Being able to see the future and being able to go back in time makes it an easy choice. The night terrors might be a problem though. A close second would be Nico, for her teleportation/transportation. I'd be a woman now but I'll be rich as hell.

If the MC was allowed, that would obviously be my number one because of shapeshifting and his memory powers. I would chose Alexis as well but her power has a painful ass drawback that's not worth it. Maybe, I'd chose Tiffany's power as well for the speed but that might be tough to get a hang of.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
Secrecy in itself isn't vile but the topic of what they were hiding is:
Example 1: A family secretly planning a party for a loved one
Example 2 : A man secretly plotting to kill a bunch of children

As you can see both are done in secret but both have extremely different intents. Secrecy isn't vile but the intent behind said secrecy is.

There is a major difference between a small group of individuals deciding the fate of a entire species and the whole species itself deciding. Yes, I think it's okay to sterilize the population if humanity as a whole decided upon it.

At least in the case of a vote humanity has a chance to decide rather than some group of elites deciding for the whole.
This line of thought trends toward the "Thanos did nothing wrong" line of thinking

Which isn't a great take lol. The fact that he left his genocide up to random chance doesn't make it not genocide

51% voting to kill the other 49% is the inherent flaw in a direct democracy

"Democracy is three lions and one gazelle deciding what to eat for lunch"

New Kid

Apr 2, 2018
Secrecy in itself isn't vile but the topic of what they were hiding is:
Example 1: A family secretly planning a party for a loved one
Example 2 : A man secretly plotting to kill a bunch of children

As you can see both are done in secret but both have extremely different intents. Secrecy isn't vile but the intent behind said secrecy is.

There is a major difference between a small group of individuals deciding the fate of a entire species and the whole species itself deciding. Yes, I think it's okay to sterilize the population if humanity as a whole decided upon it.

At least in the case of a vote humanity has a chance to decide rather than some group of elites deciding for the whole.
This is... quite a contradiction. You claim that what HERO did is vile because they didn't tell everyone what they were doing even though it was for a higher purpose of elevating the chances for the humankind, yet says that as long the intent is good it's okay to be secretive about it? They seem to be following a specific vision based on what Deus and Zack predicted that would lead to the best overall outcome according to what we know so far.

As for what character I would pick to enter the game world, I'd say Valravn, it would be dope as fuck playing as a talking crow that can kick ass medieval style. And we haven't even seen his full potential yet, I expect that he will break out of his prison at some point to display all his abilities in another epic fight. Maybe the MC could join the Lord of the Dark faction if it becomes a thing in the future? (Wishful thinking yeah, let a guy dream a little)


Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
Thinking about it another way, the problem is you have 10 people who are sick but only 8 doses of medicine. Do you let 2 people die or do you try to acquire 2 more doses of medicine

While unethical in action, HERO seems to at least be attempting some form of the latter
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
This is... quite a contradiction. You claim that what HERO did is vile because they didn't tell everyone what they were doing even though it was for a higher purpose of elevating the chances for the humankind, yet says that as long the intent is good it's okay to be secretive about it? They seem to be following a specific vision based on what Deus and Zack predicted that would lead to the best overall outcome according to what we know so far.
Last time I'm gonna talk about this whatsoever.

The intent of HERO while has the positive of 'elevating' humanity it has the down side of curtailing a portion of the human population's fertility rates just for the 'greater good' the intent while 'good' in this scenario it has a double edged effect of harming many others.

I once again will use an example of something done in secret but has zero malice intent of any form:

I decide to secretly buy a game my friend has always wanted but could never afford to give to them. There is zero harm in this nor could you construe anything negative from it. It is purely a positive thing.

What HERO is doing while plenty can see the positive from it it has the added effect of fucking over those who do not fit what they want in their vision of humanity or rather, as you pointed out what Deus and Zack predicted.

I don't know enough about either character to comment on them except that Deus has his time related powers.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Thinking about it another way, the problem is you have 10 people who are sick but only 8 doses of medicine. Do you let 2 people die or do you try to acquire 2 more doses of medicine

While unethical in action, HERO seems to at least be attempting some form of the latter
Me, I'm trying to acquire 2 more doses of medicine. Could it risk the other 8's lives? Yes. Is it possible I won't acquire that medicine in time? Very possible. But it's also possible I could get that medicine in time. It heavily depends on what those folks are sick with as well.

Plenty of people I assume would go the other route, the majority being who they save over the minority. But that's not how I roll. I want the outcome where everyone can make it. Yes I'm aware there will be times where that is simply impossible and in such case...well I guess they are all dying for my equal future on some Zamusu type fuckery.

I suppose for anyone here who played the Zero Escape series it's kinda like that. The people in that game want to save everyone but in most futures (timelines) it simply doesn't happen but there does exist one where it does (now only if the last game didn't end on a fucking cliffhanger).

Perhaps Deus and Zach saw a future where that could 'happen' but it's the path along the way required too much and they just decided on another path idk. That's just my take. Now I'm done with this, finna eat my raisins and watch zombie porn.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Me, I'm trying to acquire 2 more doses of medicine. Could it risk the other 8's lives? Yes. Is it possible I won't acquire that medicine in time? Very possible. But it's also possible I could get that medicine in time. It heavily depends on what those folks are sick with as well.

Plenty of people I assume would go the other route, the majority being who they save over the minority. But that's not how I roll. I want the outcome where everyone can make it. Yes I'm aware there will be times where that is simply impossible and in such case...well I guess they are all dying for my equal future on some Zamusu type fuckery.

I suppose for anyone here who played the Zero Escape series it's kinda like that. The people in that game want to save everyone but in most futures (timelines) it simply doesn't happen but there does exist one where it does (now only if the last game didn't end on a fucking cliffhanger).

Perhaps Deus and Zach saw a future where that could 'happen' but it's the path along the way required too much and they just decided on another path idk. That's just my take. Now I'm done with this, finna eat my raisins and watch zombie porn.
You heretic how can you enjoy something so ugly and aberrant how can you eat raisins XD (i just don't like them yeah yeah i am a grow Man i should take care of what i eat; still not those they taste weird )


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
You heretic how can you enjoy something so ugly and aberrant how can you eat raisins XD (i just don't like them yeah yeah i am a grow Man i should take care of what i eat; still not those they taste weird )
Raisins go hard tbh but I'll admit when I was younger I hated them with a passion. If you want that unhealthy but better tastin shiz u can try chocolate covered raisins (I used to eat em a lot mahself).


Jan 19, 2021
OK, I know reviews are supposed to go under "Reviews" but I'm not smart enough to figure out how to post there, so...

I like monster girls and superpowers, so I figured I'd give this a try.
Art is a bit wonky for my taste, but it grew on me quickly enough.
I'm not a fan of massive, beach-ball-sized oppai, some of these girls frankly turn me off.
This game is awesome! Lots of fun, very engaging, and full of big-ass goth GFs, which is my kryptonite (I'm in love with both Ella and Emily). Even if some of their cup sizes are medical issues.
I recommend to anyone who likes monsters, superpowers, big-ass goth GFs, or just really engrossing games. The story in this game is well thought out, and there's lots of smaller pieces that are also fun to deal with.
My biggest issue... I usually try to play a pretty polite guy in games (yes, even h-games), and the MC is, not necessarily rude, but definitely abrupt. His backstory is a factor in this, but there were times when I wish I could've had dialog options to smooth down some of his rougher edges.
Still an awesome game. Can't wait for more. WeirdWorld, you keep it up!


Dec 6, 2020
What are we thinking, is dear old dad, and/or Jeff working for S.I.N?
If S.I.N is kidnapping twins, it would make sense for them to call and warn us if they were.
Either way, I'm hoping for some lore behind our secretive father in the next update.
As for the faerie, I didn't think we'd be seeing more of it, let alone it hanging around our dad.
I suppose Alice will want to meet it, and possibly to devour it.
I'm hoping we'll get to give our input. I ain't about to lose Alice to her "grandfathers" corruption.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
What are we thinking, is dear old dad, and/or Jeff working for S.I.N?
If S.I.N is kidnapping twins, it would make sense for them to call and warn us if they were.
Either way, I'm hoping for some lore behind our secretive father in the next update.
I'm sick and tired of this fucking Dad conspiracy bullshit. Jeff and Dad are old farts who knows a lot of street stuff, but not NEARLY as much as people give them credit for.

1."The Dad is gone for months on end with no word?"
-MUST know about monsters
2. "Dexter knows our Dad?"
-MUST work with monsters
3. "Jeff and Dad are shady?"

Fuck even Xanthe doesn't even know as much as Ella does (not trying to meat ride) about monsters, how the fuck does Dad not only just know everything but also work with them and the Superhuman community. I mean fuck, even Alice's Dad; head honcho of the biggest Mafia on the PLANET only got a GLIMPSE of a monster corpse, and had to hire an outside expert to create a serum, he didn't know WHAT THE FUCK he was looking at.

But suddenly are bummed ass, broken into house owning, spying on detective "Jeff the know it all" (I say that way because Jeff barely was on Klaus's payroll; which was more so in correlation with his Mafia status rather than Superhuman one, and he sure as SHIT didn't know about Xanthe), no word ass Dad just knows everything cause he's gone for long periods of time? This guy snuck into a FUCKING STRIP CLUB for info, CLEARLY the fish he's frying aren't THAT big.

I'm gonna have to re-read the cliffhanger from this update, because I swear to god if I don't see a big obvious text that says; "I KNOW EVERYTHING" like he's some god damn omniscient being from the shadows; I'm gonna loose my fucking mind with how you people come up with these seemingly random conclusions.

On the second part of that note; I don't think S.I.N is kidnapping twins, I think it's highly likely to be a monster either looking to spread it's gene or has a thing for twins. What strikes me as odd is the Shopkeeper; if it really WAS S.I.N, why would the Shopkeeper actively work against Charlie, as she is responsible for the kids who rely on the new building funded by S.I.N (Jared's Dad). I don't think it's H.E.R.O either as I don't BELIEVE they'd have a reason to (as untrustworthy as they are). Shopkeeper seems to be a monster, so his reaction to immediately defend the twins by giving them rings strikes me as he knows EXACTLY who's targeting the twins, and what does a hyper intelligent monster have history with? Other hyper intelligent monster, we know that they like to pick sides and have a deep destain for certain groups of others, so if the Shopkeeper ISN'T the oh so neutral Rebis, then he has no reason NOT to squash personal beef indirectly.

It should be noted that murders aren't new, as monsters have been doing it all the time, even when H.E.R.O was active (some done by then), but we've never seen SPECIFIC targets let alone twins, this is VERY new. My guess? Ella's area collapsing as a monster gathering hotspot spread amongst the monster news, and perhaps some factions either didn't like that, didn't like that there was a gathering in the first place, or what have you. So know they are trying to either seek revenge or prepare themselves with a loyal spawn, who knows. What's odd is that they are murders, whether that be FROM a monster HUNTING them, or if it's a failed evolution is unclear, but my gut says it's monsters, and sure as SHIT not S.I.N or H.E.R.O.

Edit: So I double checked the cliffhanger to see if I missed SOMETHING, and yeah there's obviously more than meets the eye. That said, he is NOT PART OF S.I.N what in the flying fuck are you on about? I'm like 90% sure S.I.N stands for SUPERHUMAN Independence Nation or some stupid shit like that, so why would washed up powerless Dad and Jeff the "I can't detect a fly" be members? I think what really happened is Dad and Jeff teamed up and we're investigating Landong or whatever the fuck his name is, and they happen to stumble on something MAJOR.

Dad seemed like he was in a rush when he called, it was urgent, there wasn't any room for small talk, and Jeff was telling Alice's monster to hush like they were hiding or on the run. I'm betting that fairy overheard that Landong was trying to transform a pair of twins for a specific monster criteria, in order to gain influence to a specific power. Much like how Ella did with Jake, it's not under heard of. I still wager the murders are failed evolutions, and that our twins are up next and probably have the right gene for the job. Even if it's not THAT specifically, it's surely not JUST S.I.N killing twins to kill twins.

I'll say it again, Dad is not in-the-know like everyone seems to think for some reason. I think he just got into Landong's office and stumbled on something big.
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Oct 14, 2019
I'm sick and tired of this fucking Dad conspiracy bullshit. Jeff and Dad are old farts who knows a lot of street stuff, but not NEARLY as much as people give them credit for.

1."The Dad is gone for months on end with no word?"
-MUST know about monsters
2. "Dexter knows our Dad?"
-MUST work with monsters
3. "Jeff and Dad are shady?"

Fuck even Xanthe doesn't even know as much as Ella does (not trying to meat ride) about monsters, how the fuck does Dad not only just know everything but also work with them and the Superhuman community. I mean fuck, even Alice's Dad; head honcho of the biggest Mafia on the PLANET only got a GLIMPSE of a monster corpse, and had to hire an outside expert to create a serum, he didn't know WHAT THE FUCK he was looking at.

But suddenly are bummed ass, broken into house owning, spying on detective "Jeff the know it all" (I say that way because Jeff barely was on Klaus's payroll; which was more so in correlation with his Mafia status rather than Superhuman one, and he sure as SHIT didn't know about Xanthe), no word ass Dad just knows everything cause he's gone for long periods of time? This guy snuck into a FUCKING STRIP CLUB for info, CLEARLY the fish he's frying aren't THAT big.

I'm gonna have to re-read the cliffhanger from this update, because I swear to god if I don't see a big obvious text that says; "I KNOW EVERYTHING" like he's some god damn omniscient being from the shadows; I'm gonna loose my fucking mind with how you people come up with these seemingly random conclusions.

On the second part of that note; I don't think S.I.N is kidnapping twins, I think it's highly likely to be a monster either looking to spread it's gene or has a thing for twins. What strikes me as odd is the Shopkeeper; if it really WAS S.I.N, why would the Shopkeeper actively work against Charlie, as she is responsible for the kids who rely on the new building funded by S.I.N (Jared's Dad). I don't think it's H.E.R.O either as I don't BELIEVE they'd have a reason to (as untrustworthy as they are). Shopkeeper seems to be a monster, so his reaction to immediately defend the twins by giving them rings strikes me as he knows EXACTLY who's targeting the twins, and what does a hyper intelligent monster have history with? Other hyper intelligent monster, we know that they like to pick sides and have a deep destain for certain groups of others, so if the Shopkeeper ISN'T the oh so neutral Rebis, then he has no reason NOT to squash personal beef indirectly.

It should be noted that murders aren't new, as monsters have been doing it all the time, even when H.E.R.O was active (some done by then), but we've never seen SPECIFIC targets let alone twins, this is VERY new. My guess? Ella's area collapsing as a monster gathering hotspot spread amongst the monster news, and perhaps some factions either didn't like that, didn't like that there was a gathering in the first place, or what have you. So know they are trying to either seek revenge or prepare themselves with a loyal spawn, who knows. What's odd is that they are murders, whether that be FROM a monster HUNTING them, or if it's a failed evolution is unclear, but my gut says it's monsters, and sure as SHIT not S.I.N or H.E.R.O.

Edit: So I double checked the cliffhanger to see if I missed SOMETHING, and yeah there's obviously more than meets the eye. That said, he is NOT PART OF S.I.N what in the flying fuck are you on about? I'm like 90% sure S.I.N stands for SUPERHUMAN Independence Nation or some stupid shit like that, so why would washed up powerless Dad and Jeff the "I can't detect a fly" be members? I think what really happened is Dad and Jeff teamed up and we're investigating Landong or whatever the fuck his name is, and they happen to stumble on something MAJOR.

Dad seemed like he was in a rush when he called, it was urgent, there wasn't any room for small talk, and Jeff was telling Alice's monster to hush like they were hiding or on the run. I'm betting that fairy overheard that Landong was trying to transform a pair of twins for a specific monster criteria, in order to gain influence to a specific power. Much like how Ella did with Jake, it's not under heard of. I still wager the murders are failed evolutions, and that our twins are up next and probably have the right gene for the job. Even if it's not THAT specifically, it's surely not JUST S.I.N killing twins to kill twins.

I'll say it again, Dad is not in-the-know like everyone seems to think for some reason. I think he just got into Landong's office and stumbled on something big.
Now I kinda want see our dad as some top ran away secret conspiracy scientist, working behind the shadow to create the perfect fusion on man and monster and that our mc mom was either a researcher on this super secret project creating the perfect fusion of man and monster that would involve Ella and a bunch of other kids and with us as their latest creation and that our “mom” was one of it lead researcher where she was acting as the mom of the group of children to keep them from becoming monsters but would so how later become the monster that give the scar to our mc and killing the other test kids leaving only two alive being the mc and Ella hint the fondness that Ella has for our mc To which the event was so traumatizing for our mc that his mind blocked it out to save what little remains of his mind. Where it would leave for us to be found by our “dad”. Feeling guilty of what had happened he would adopt us and try to let us live a normal life without our memories of the event hunting us and it was that horrible event that would lead to Jeff the detective in founding out about monster using that information to gain leverage over our dear “dad” and how he started working with the “government” and why he would always avoid talking about how our “mom” die. All so that he could spare us of our horrible past and that of the guilt he felt that had befall us all those year ago. But hey that just a theory, a GAME THEORY. Thank for reading


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Ok, let's think about this:

Let's assume that neither Jeff or dad have any knowledge of monsters.

Jeff is an investigator that likes to play the long game.
He is a good friend of dad's and knows the MC, or at least knows of him.
He is aware of the Montero's price, even if he doesn't know what it is.
Jeff is in the casino the night of the poker game.

From these, we can theorize the following.
Jeff is a good cop. He wants to bring down organized crime and he goes undercover as a corrupt cop to gain access to Klaus' operation. At that point he may not know if Klaus or Markus is the big fish, but he probably goes where his leads take him.

Klaus is very chatty about the Montero's price, claiming that is pivotal to his success. Naturally Jeff gets interested in that so he decides to attent the casino the night of poker game.

The Alderman group wins the price, which throws a wrench in Klaus' plans.

-- This is the turning point. Jeff has an option. He either follows the prize, or he goes home. If he goes home, he learns nothing. If he follows the prize he learns EVERYTHING.

1) He sees his friend's son turn into a tentacle horror.
2) He sees Klaus throw lazers.
3) He sees a tiny thing coming out of the cannister summoning a wormhole/blackhole whatever that was.

At this point, everything becomes small fish compared to that revelation. I think past that point, Jeff vanishes for an extended period. Going after the fairy is a good explanation. Also knowing about MC makes it extremely likely that any contact with MC's dad will mean that he will know too.

This is one explanation of how Jeff is familiar enough with the fairy to tell it to "keep quiet you tiny fuck". So at the very least, both Jeff and Dad know about the monsters by the time Alice gets her powers.

Valravn is quite familiar with the fairy. He has to say this about it:
"A gutless craven too soft to take part in the cruelty of his kin, yet trembleth at the thought of the sacrifices required to correct them."

It's almost impossible to decypher whatever Valravn means, but it's quite obvious that Fairy knows things that have to do with the gods. otherwise Valravn wouldn't care about it. Considering that Fairy can communicate with humans and sounds like a good guy, it's quite possible that he is ready to make whatever these sacrifices are, and leads Jeff and Dad to whatever entity is kidnapping the twins.

We also know that the twins are symbolical and are linked to the arbiters. At this point both Dad and Jeff should be very involved with the monster world, quite possibly even more involved than HERO and MC, considering who their inside source is. Two high caliber investigators and a monster that obviously has a lot of knowledge.

It's also possible that Jeff knew about the Klaus' nature and was investigating him as a connection to the supernatural, so when he got another connection through the fairy for whatever he wants to find out, he quit searching for breadcrumbs and went after the real thing. But this opens a new can of worms and we don't have enough evidence to formulate a theory.

The only connection I can think of is the monster corpse Markus keeps in his basement. Assuming that Jeff is an old investigator and he was after the mafia, it's quite possible he found out about the supernatural about the time Markus got his hands on that monster.

Still, absolutely no evidence about it, but at least we can create a timeline about possible periods where either Jeff or dad could be exposed to supernatural.

I'm not sure about the timeline here, but if that's the case, I think Jeff would know about them before MC's accident.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Ok, let's think about this:

Let's assume that neither Jeff or dad have any knowledge of monsters.

Jeff is an investigator that likes to play the long game.
He is a good friend of dad's and knows the MC, or at least knows of him.
He is aware of the Montero's price, even if he doesn't know what it is.
Jeff is in the casino the night of the poker game.

From these, we can theorize the following.
Jeff is a good cop. He wants to bring down organized crime and he goes undercover as a corrupt cop to gain access to Klaus' operation. At that point he may not know if Klaus or Markus is the big fish, but he probably goes where his leads take him.

Klaus is very chatty about the Montero's price, claiming that is pivotal to his success. Naturally Jeff gets interested in that so he decides to attent the casino the night of poker game.

The Alderman group wins the price, which throws a wrench in Klaus' plans.

-- This is the turning point. Jeff has an option. He either follows the prize, or he goes home. If he goes home, he learns nothing. If he follows the prize he learns EVERYTHING.

1) He sees his friend's son turn into a tentacle horror.
2) He sees Klaus throw lazers.
3) He sees a tiny thing coming out of the cannister summoning a wormhole/blackhole whatever that was.

At this point, everything becomes small fish compared to that revelation. I think past that point, Jeff vanishes for an extended period. Going after the fairy is a good explanation. Also knowing about MC makes it extremely likely that any contact with MC's dad will mean that he will know too.

This is one explanation of how Jeff is familiar enough with the fairy to tell it to "keep quiet you tiny fuck". So at the very least, both Jeff and Dad know about the monsters by the time Alice gets her powers.

Valravn is quite familiar with the fairy. He has to say this about it:
"A gutless craven too soft to take part in the cruelty of his kin, yet trembleth at the thought of the sacrifices required to correct them."

It's almost impossible to decypher whatever Valravn means, but it's quite obvious that Fairy knows things that have to do with the gods. otherwise Valravn wouldn't care about it. Considering that Fairy can communicate with humans and sounds like a good guy, it's quite possible that he is ready to make whatever these sacrifices are, and leads Jeff and Dad to whatever entity is kidnapping the twins.

We also know that the twins are symbolical and are linked to the arbiters. At this point both Dad and Jeff should be very involved with the monster world, quite possibly even more involved than HERO and MC, considering who their inside source is. Two high caliber investigators and a monster that obviously has a lot of knowledge.

It's also possible that Jeff knew about the Klaus' nature and was investigating him as a connection to the supernatural, so when he got another connection through the fairy for whatever he wants to find out, he quit searching for breadcrumbs and went after the real thing. But this opens a new can of worms and we don't have enough evidence to formulate a theory.

The only connection I can think of is the monster corpse Markus keeps in his basement. Assuming that Jeff is an old investigator and he was after the mafia, it's quite possible he found out about the supernatural about the time Markus got his hands on that monster.

Still, absolutely no evidence about it, but at least we can create a timeline about possible periods where either Jeff or dad could be exposed to supernatural.

I'm not sure about the timeline here, but if that's the case, I think Jeff would know about them before MC's accident.
Okay that's a BIT better than most Dad theories I've seen, you got your facts straight. I doubt they know a lot though, I still wager that they may have had glimpses or heard whispers of the Supernatural world, and dug a bit too deep into the shady shenanigans of Landong, and HAPPENED to stumbled onto the fairy, who has his own agenda of stopping whatever monster is targeting the twins. Making the Dad and Jeff more or less completely clueless and more so just MESSENGERS rather than this know it all all seeing eye.

You really think this fairy just, spilt ALL the beans to 2 fucking bozos that met it probably in captivity? H.E.R.O and crazy ass Xanthe couldn't even get anything out of their intelligent monsters, I doubt the guy who calls it "a tiny fuck" is going to get anything OTHER than what it WANTS them to know.

I also highly doubt the Dad knew about the MC before the leak, just strikes me as the kind who wouldn't, and I also don't think Jeff knew about us OR the fairy either. As he never approaches us out of curiosity but rather just arrests us under orders of Jake. Struck me as a guy who knew nothing about anything at the time. BUT your theory on knowing about the monster corpse DOES tickle my fancy. It's HIGHLY unlikely but plausible he would fall into that area, as he was always investigating corruption. But with how hard it was JUST for Prime Alice Dad to find the monster corpse at the time, I doubt omniscient Jeff was in the know of that deep dark place not even Alice herself knew about.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Okay that's a BIT better than most Dad theories I've seen, you got your facts straight. I doubt they know a lot though, I still wager that they may have had glimpses or heard whispers of the Supernatural world, and dug a bit too deep into the shady shenanigans of Landong, and HAPPENED to stumbled onto the fairy, who has his own agenda of stopping whatever monster is targeting the twins. Making the Dad and Jeff more or less completely clueless and more so just MESSENGERS rather than this know it all all seeing eye.

You really think this fairy just, spilt ALL the beans to 2 fucking bozos that met it probably in captivity? H.E.R.O and crazy ass Xanthe couldn't even get anything out of their intelligent monsters, I doubt the guy who calls it "a tiny fuck" is going to get anything OTHER than what it WANTS them to know.

I also highly doubt the Dad knew about the MC before the leak, just strikes me as the kind who wouldn't, and I also don't think Jeff knew about us OR the fairy either. As he never approaches us out of curiosity but rather just arrests us under orders of Jake. Struck me as a guy who knew nothing about anything at the time. BUT your theory on knowing about the monster corpse DOES tickle my fancy. It's HIGHLY unlikely but plausible he would fall into that area, as he was always investigating corruption. But with how hard it was JUST for Prime Alice Dad to find the monster corpse at the time, I doubt omniscient Jeff was in the know of that deep dark place not even Alice herself knew about.
I wouldn't really call them bozos. I think they are both very competent but it's vn's style to make people seem a bit comedic. Alexis and Brianna are some obvious examples of characters that seem comedic one time but they are actually competent and have their reasons for being this way. Alexis with her terrible attempts at psychology and Brianna acting like a caricature but still being one of the few people that managed to get to the truth. I think the same applies to dad and Jeff.

The fairy gives me happy-go-lucky vibes and the fact that it allows some human to speak to it that way exposes a part of it's character. Taking in account what Valranv says about it, I think it's circumstances are actually dire and it's hunted by agents of the Dark Lord, who are responsible for it's mangled state.

As for dad knowing about his son before the leak, and disregarding the theory about Markus' monster corpse, I too don't think that he had any idea about his son and unless Jeff told him, he probably learned about it from the news.
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