
Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
1."The Dad is gone for months on end with no word?"
-MUST know about monsters
2. "Dexter knows our Dad?"
-MUST work with monsters
3. "Jeff and Dad are shady?"
We know Jeff hands Klaus material from (monster) victims, we know Jeff's been looking into the serial killer (the one that takes uteri) and you (your heroname) and we know Klaus tells him about Montero's price, (the container with the pixie)
And whatever else he does to keep the police away from Klaus' dealings... All for a spot on the council and some bucks..

You really think he's just a crook police officer and totally oblivious to the possibility of monsters when there's iron swords appearing around town during a monster attack on campus? Why is that spot on the council important then?
Jeff been doing favors to Klaus for a longer time...

You really believe your father knows a prime minister, Dexter, and the supreme minister, Alistair, being a handyman for the government, being away from home for months and last time almost 2 years? Just because he's very convenient to have around when you forget your keys? And conveniently moving you to a private clinic after killing Kenny, the same clinic you were in for your eyes, short before you first meet Deryl...

And when you're following Jeff and get pulled into a car by your father, you really believe he is following him to get some blackmail leverage? Or could he have been protecting Jeff perhaps?

These guys are professionals... If they didn't know from the start, they've been investigating it with a plan...
But it's highly unlikely these guys knew absolutely nothing and just happen to pop up at convenient times...
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Sep 1, 2017
I'll say it again, Dad is not in-the-know like everyone seems to think for some reason. I think he just got into Landong's office and stumbled on something big.
Perhaps not about monsters, but for Dexter Miliken to personally know of both the MC and referencing how good the dad is at keeping secrets means that he's pretty well connected for someone who at first glance is just some rube. There is zero reason to believe that he's just some random schmuck or Dexter wouldn't be familiar with both him and the rest of his family.

Spoilers for lategame ahead.

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12/10 GOTY lmao
The venerable Ma Deuce. Couldn't have chosen a better weapon to use imo.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Some points to think about:

1) The Supreme Minister got blindsided so hard with the whole M-Division/HERO business that he looked like a fool. If the SM doesn't know shit, it's unlikely that some contractor outside of the organization would know anything substantial.

2) A small organization is better at keeping secrets. A small organization with Malik and Bernhardt is even easier to keep secrets, because the moment they get word of a leak, they can just purge the whole building. It's quite unlikely that a few scientists and a few low level newbie superhumans would leak anything about it.

3) The easiest way for something to leak is if someone who isn't equipped to handle something, stumbles upon it. It's quite likely that Markus, despite shoving the monster corpse in the lowest basement under lock, key and tons of steel, made a mistake with logistics and someone got wind of it. Same thing could happen with Klaus although he was more integrated to the whole thing than Markus.

4) Of course, is someone witnessed an attack by a monster, or at least by something that didn't look familiar/natural, he would probably want to investigate. A former spy is probably best suited to such a thing. We know that something happened to MC and his mother. While we don't know what, it's quite likely that it has to do with the Eye, because it looks like his scarred eye. Even if we assume that dad knows absolutely nothing, there was nothing extraordinary going on with his wife, and the attack wasn't enough to give him the whole picture, it gives him many reasons to investigate all the freak accidents and whatever urban legends he hears. Something like a mysterious school massacre for example, or deaths that leave victims in a very particular state.

I personally think that dad has been a dog with a bone for a while and everything clicks when he meets the Fairy. He probably didn't know his son was a superhuman, even if he took him to the private clinic, as Deryl claims it's hard to find out if you aren't looking for it.


Sep 1, 2017
Some points to think about:

1) The Supreme Minister got blindsided so hard with the whole M-Division/HERO business that he looked like a fool. If the SM doesn't know shit, it's unlikely that some contractor outside of the organization would know anything substantial.

2) A small organization is better at keeping secrets. A small organization with Malik and Bernhardt is even easier to keep secrets, because the moment they get word of a leak, they can just purge the whole building. It's quite unlikely that a few scientists and a few low level newbie superhumans would leak anything about it.

3) The easiest way for something to leak is if someone who isn't equipped to handle something, stumbles upon it. It's quite likely that Markus, despite shoving the monster corpse in the lowest basement under lock, key and tons of steel, made a mistake with logistics and someone got wind of it. Same thing could happen with Klaus although he was more integrated to the whole thing than Markus.

4) Of course, is someone witnessed an attack by a monster, or at least by something that didn't look familiar/natural, he would probably want to investigate. A former spy is probably best suited to such a thing. We know that something happened to MC and his mother. While we don't know what, it's quite likely that it has to do with the Eye, because it looks like his scarred eye. Even if we assume that dad knows absolutely nothing, there was nothing extraordinary going on with his wife, and the attack wasn't enough to give him the whole picture, it gives him many reasons to investigate all the freak accidents and whatever urban legends he hears. Something like a mysterious school massacre for example, or deaths that leave victims in a very particular state.

I personally think that dad has been a dog with a bone for a while and everything clicks when he meets the Fairy. He probably didn't know his son was a superhuman, even if he took him to the private clinic, as Deryl claims it's hard to find out if you aren't looking for it.
This falls in line with most of my thinking as well, a lone guy, who is very adept at being a spy could fly under peoples radars as long as he's extremely careful and doesn't take risks so as to not stir the pot.


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
I personally think that dad has been a dog with a bone for a while and everything clicks when he meets the Fairy. He probably didn't know his son was a superhuman, even if he took him to the private clinic, as Deryl claims it's hard to find out if you aren't looking for it.
Personally i think that clinic might be the place where Ella met MC, the place where this group of people was and only 2 left... It's speculation of course, but it makes sense on how Ella knew MC used to wear bandages on his eyes...
The father being a government agent might mean that clinic is government funded or related...

It makes sense MC's father has been investigating or at the least has read reports over the years with mysterious deaths, even if just to see if there's similarities to the event involved with his wife's death... The events around town could have alerted him to look around, perhaps he consulted Jeff, perhaps he just stumbled upon him while following his own leads...

Jeff must have been investigating the rise of the Aldain, with the sickly no-use son suddenly appearing as a major player in the war between the Aldains and the Aldermans... Jeff has actively helped Klaus on several occasions to get a seat on the council.
But no doubt he has had reports on Danica, Klaus and Oscar and realised this was no ordinary war... Jeff knows there's more at stake then just some unrest in the world of crime... And even if he wasn't at the start, he had enough reports to suspect supernatural circumstances at a certain point of the investigations.

But that is just the bare minimum, MC's father may have been suspecting X&R for connections to possible supernatural deaths. MC being placed there could be just a convenient move, you never know when you need an insider on that campus...
If the private clinic actually was the place where Ella met MC there is enough reason to assume MC's father has been monitoring Ella too, something that fits being away for almost 2 years, while Ella has been very active these years.
Her name must have come up with the St. Arturius massacre, her name could have linked to the private clinic... And only 2 alive from that time, one being Ella, the other your son? That's alarm bells ringing... Who knows what MC's father learned over the years?

So at what point did MC's father start finding proof of monster involvement? Recently when stumbling upon his old friend Jeff? Around the St. Arturius Massacre? When bringing his son to that clinic? Or even from before the time his wife died?

Was Jeff following up on a lead at the casino? Or perhaps he was there to switch the dead monster with the fairy?

Shady fuckers..... Don't assume they just happen to be there, when you are there for a reason.... ;)


Sep 1, 2017
Personally i think that clinic might be the place where Ella met MC, the place where this group of people was and only 2 left... It's speculation of course, but it makes sense on how Ella knew MC used to wear bandages on his eyes...
The father being a government agent might mean that clinic is government funded or related...

It makes sense MC's father has been investigating or at the least has read reports over the years with mysterious deaths, even if just to see if there's similarities to the event involved with his wife's death... The events around town could have alerted him to look around, perhaps he consulted Jeff, perhaps he just stumbled upon him while following his own leads...

Jeff must have been investigating the rise of the Aldain, with the sickly no-use son suddenly appearing as a major player in the war between the Aldains and the Aldermans... Jeff has actively helped Klaus on several occasions to get a seat on the council.
But no doubt he has had reports on Danica, Klaus and Oscar and realised this was no ordinary war... Jeff knows there's more at stake then just some unrest in the world of crime... And even if he wasn't at the start, he had enough reports to suspect supernatural circumstances at a certain point of the investigations.

But that is just the bare minimum, MC's father may have been suspecting X&R for connections to possible supernatural deaths. MC being placed there could be just a convenient move, you never know when you need an insider on that campus...
If the private clinic actually was the place where Ella met MC there is enough reason to assume MC's father has been monitoring Ella too, something that fits being away for almost 2 years, while Ella has been very active these years.
Her name must have come up with the St. Arturius massacre, her name could have linked to the private clinic... And only 2 alive from that time, one being Ella, the other your son? That's alarm bells ringing... Who knows what MC's father learned over the years?

So at what point did MC's father start finding proof of monster involvement? Recently when stumbling upon his old friend Jeff? Around the St. Arturius Massacre? When bringing his son to that clinic? Or even from before the time his wife died?

Was Jeff following up on a lead at the casino? Or perhaps he was there to switch the dead monster with the fairy?

Shady fuckers..... Don't assume they just happen to be there, when you are there for a reason.... ;)
The clinic especially strikes me as fishy, there's no reason necessarily to believe that the dad knew 100% what it's about, but through contacts he might've known that if something unexplainable happens where a normal hospital might not be enough, that's the place to be. So through what happened to his family he saw glimpses of a world he didn't really know existed before. Wouldn't surprise me if that clinic was owned by Xanthe/Dexter either.

Seeing as how his scars look almost exactly like how a completely separate entity to ourselves looks when it shows up in our mind, it's fair to say that whatever branded us with these scars was not just a simple accident. In our head it even shares the colors of the third and fourth apostle.

Edit: Another point about the MCs dad sometimes appearing like a bumbling fool, it's always the ones who are incompetent and gullible/naive that you suspect the least. Look up some Louis Theroux interviews and see how easily he can get people to admit to vehement views/actions just by acting like a gullible/naive fool. Take the Westboro Baptist Church interviews he did as an example, being seen as less than by other people lowers their guard. Another example is this:
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Jun 18, 2018
I wouldn't really call them bozos. I think they are both very competent but it's vn's style to make people seem a bit comedic. Alexis and Brianna are some obvious examples of characters that seem comedic one time but they are actually competent and have their reasons for being this way. Alexis with her terrible attempts at psychology and Brianna acting like a caricature but still being one of the few people that managed to get to the truth. I think the same applies to dad and Jeff.

The fairy gives me happy-go-lucky vibes and the fact that it allows some human to speak to it that way exposes a part of it's character. Taking in account what Valranv says about it, I think it's circumstances are actually dire and it's hunted by agents of the Dark Lord, who are responsible for it's mangled state.

As for dad knowing about his son before the leak, and disregarding the theory about Markus' monster corpse, I too don't think that he had any idea about his son and unless Jeff told him, he probably learned about it from the news.
I doubt it's dark lord aligned monsters. Far more likely its their own kind. Valravn says the fairy hates their kind and the Ether clearly doesn't like it either. The way its shaping up, monster lineages seem to have their own personalities to a certain degree. Valravn mentions that descendants of the 6th are sadistic/cruel. Certainly fits with what we know of Alice's personality too.


Sep 1, 2017
I doubt it's dark lord aligned monsters. Far more likely its their own kind. Valravn says the fairy hates their kind and the Ether clearly doesn't like it either. The way its shaping up, monster lineages seem to have their own personalities to a certain degree. Valravn mentions that descendants of the 6th are sadistic/cruel. Certainly fits with what we know of Alice's personality too.
Valravns statement about the fairy does make it seem like it's not as sadistic/cruel as the rest of them, but that it's also not disciplined/strongwilled enough to change them to be less cruel/sadistic like itself. So basically ideological differences, which is interesting lore just on its own.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Shady fuckers..... Don't assume they just happen to be there, when you are there for a reason.... ;)
This is a great point. Almost everyone in the game has an agenda and it shows so while it's a good practice to keep our theories close to the ground and follow the evidence, we need to take into account that characters have a reason for the things they do and the devil is in the details.

Edit: Another point about the MCs dad sometimes appearing like a bumbling fool, it's always the ones who are incompetent and gullible/naive that you suspect the least.
This is my read on the situation too. Not only it makes a lot of sense for a competent spy to hide his true nature, but it's also something that WW likes to do, portraying competent people in a negative light.

I doubt it's dark lord aligned monsters. Far more likely its their own kind. Valravn says the fairy hates their kind and the Ether clearly doesn't like it either. The way its shaping up, monster lineages seem to have their own personalities to a certain degree. Valravn mentions that descendants of the 6th are sadistic/cruel. Certainly fits with what we know of Alice's personality too.
You may be on to something here. Perhaps the Fairy's kin is hunting it, which makes sense since the Ether commands Alice to kill it.

On the other hand, I think that Valravn's idea of "correction" is to kill all the "gods". I get the sense that there was an alignment between the Fairy's goals and the agents of the Dark Lord, but Fairy decided that it wasn't worth the trouble and that's why Valravn has personal issues with him.


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
I doubt it's dark lord aligned monsters. Far more likely its their own kind. Valravn says the fairy hates their kind and the Ether clearly doesn't like it either. The way its shaping up, monster lineages seem to have their own personalities to a certain degree. Valravn mentions that descendants of the 6th are sadistic/cruel. Certainly fits with what we know of Alice's personality too.
Valravn "A gutless craven too soft to take part in the cruelty of his kin, yet trembleth at the thought of the sacrifices required to correct them."

Seems to me he doesn't want to kill? But gets excited about his kin being corrected even though they die?
Maybe the fairy wants the Apostles dead? Aglaecwif but also Valravn and his Lord of Dark want the Gods dead...
Ella seems to want superhumans with the powers of both Apostles/twins... She has been chosen so by whom?
It's all just one big struggle for power and it seems the next battlefield for that is Earth...

Edit : It seems the ones that chosen Ella could be the Body and the Memory, and the fairy seems to be friendly with them....
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Sep 1, 2017
Edit : It seems the ones that chosen Ella could be the Body and the Memory, and the fairy seems to be friendly with them....
Personally I think anyone who's got an apostle parent is a chosen one, I seem to recall Jake being referred to as a chosen at one point as well. It stands to reason that being the direct progeny of one/two of the "leaders" of the race would come with some form of reverence/respect by the later generation monsters.


Jun 22, 2017
Personally I think anyone who's got an apostle parent is a chosen one, I seem to recall Jake being referred to as a chosen at one point as well. It stands to reason that being the direct progeny of one/two of the "leaders" of the race would come with some form of reverence/respect by the later generation monsters.
Alice during her evolution has a talk with her monster grandad and it mentions that she could become a good heir if she ate her sire (the fairy) so maybe they are seen as their "chosen" by other monsters exactly because this is how the numbered see them and not just because of their lineage but instead for their potential.

Aglaecwif says that Jake had the potential but he seemed like a failure, Alice is one step away from her numbered and yet it seems to consider her a possible heir.

I guess some monsters think they should NOT mess with numbered spawns because if the numbered decided to directly transform them they had a good reason and might be "upset" to see another monster mess up with their plans.


Sep 1, 2017
Alice during her evolution has a talk with her monster grandad and it mentions that she could become a good heir if she ate her sire (the fairy) so maybe they are seen as their "chosen" by other monsters exactly because this is how the numbered see them and not just because of their lineage but instead for their potential.

Aglaecwif says that Jake had the potential but he seemed like a failure, Alice is one step away from her numbered and yet it seems to consider her a possible heir.

I guess some monsters think they should NOT mess with numbered spawns because if the numbered decided to directly transform them they had a good reason and might be "upset" to see another monster mess up with their plans.
Yeah, my reasoning is basically that you are chosen by virtue of being turned by a numbered, because they're discerning and won't turn just anyone, just like how Michael likely would've just been eradicated by the second had he not offered up the sacrifice. At the same time I do think if you have high enough potential you can rise to a spot where you are indeed a chosen and if the numbered had gotten the chance, they would've turned you themselves. Mostly it's all semantics and we're basically in agreement.


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
Seems chosen and heir are somewhat the same....

Aglaecwif about the strongest power : (Jake is called a potential inheritor)

You "Order? What is that?"
Female "The power to command all things. To structure all things. To write the laws that govern the universe and to have both the Power and the Authority to enforce them."
Female "I've never personally met a being, human or monster that has acquired it since the origin, although..."
Female "I did, not long ago, hear talk of a potential inheritor, one your Ella had high hopes for. Though it seems to have ended in a failure. A weak mind can ruin even the greatest potential."
Female "Still, if it were possible to completely inherit the traits of both the First and the Second, to claim one of the original powers... A spawn that could fully realize that strength would be unfathomably powerful."
Female "Of course inheriting both traits from any of the twin Apostles would make a spawn quite exceptional."

The eye when you select "power" : (Jake is called chosen here)

Unknown "The son and granddaughter of Oil. The crossed assassin. The failed chosen of Authority.

Alice's Grandpa during her evolution : (heir again..)

Unknown "Awaken, Descendent of the Sixth, Granddaughter of the Ether, heir to Space."

Who are the son and granddaughter of Oil??? Dexter and Tiffany??

Is the fairy an Apostle : "Space"? or is the Ether one of the Apostles descending from Space?

Unknown "Usher in our return..." That seems to imply it's another origin....
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Nov 23, 2020
Seems chosen and heir are somewhat the same....

Aglaecwif about the strongest power : (Jake is called a potential inheritor)

You "Order? What is that?"
Female "The power to command all things. To structure all things. To write the laws that govern the universe and to have both the Power and the Authority to enforce them."
Female "I've never personally met a being, human or monster that has acquired it since the origin, although..."
Female "I did, not long ago, hear talk of a potential inheritor, one your Ella had high hopes for. Though it seems to have ended in a failure. A weak mind can ruin even the greatest potential."
Female "Still, if it were possible to completely inherit the traits of both the First and the Second, to claim one of the original powers... A spawn that could fully realize that strength would be unfathomably powerful."
Female "Of course inheriting both traits from any of the twin Apostles would make a spawn quite exceptional."

The eye when you select "power" : (Jake is called chosen here)

Unknown "The son and granddaughter of Oil. The crossed assassin. The failed chosen of Authority.

Alice's Grandpa during her evolution : (heir again..)

Unknown "Awaken, Descendent of the Sixth, Granddaughter of the Ether, heir to Space."

Who are the son and granddaughter of Oil??? Dexter and Tiffany??

Is the fairy an Apostle : "Space"? or is the Ether one of the Apostles descending from Space?
The son and granddaughter of oil are Kenny and Bailey. It's telling you you need to consume Kenny, Bailey, Danika and Jake so far in the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Man this shit is wild now we are gonna play spygames fucking game; you are a porn game why are you so good in everything else shit went real so fast first we are just perving the girls on the shower to fuck the dickhead now we are on a warpath to kill the same dickhead and most likely his dad.


Sep 1, 2017
Is the fairy an Apostle : "Space"? or is the Ether one of the Apostles descending from Space?

Unknown "Usher in our return..." That seems to imply it's another origin....
Ether is most likely the origin of the twin pair of the fifth and sixth apostles yeah. Will be interesting to see if Michael and Tiffany get the same kind of attention from their apostles origin. Will also be interesting to see if our origin will urge us to eat the apostles above us like Alices origin urged her to.


Nov 23, 2020
Ah, that makes sense... And that list isn't really bad.... But i'm afraid Michael and Alice will be added later... :(
The Origin told us that was all so far but there may be more later, which matches with those 4 as being the only ones we've had the opportunity so far. We could also consume Alpha Breaker and Eric, but they aren't monsters or superhumans so likely weren't of any concern to the Origin.
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