
Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Thinking about it, are the Apostles still all siblings? This has been on my mind since the big twin theory came true. They each have an Arbiter that they inherited half of a completed trait from but does that really make them the parent of only a single set? They are numbered in order of their birth. There's also nothing to say that the 6 Arbiters didn't design them all together. So while I do think they have a single Arbiter "daddy", the others helped each other in designing them all and they are all "parents" of the Apostles.

I might be a little too into the sibling stuff but I'm just going to assume they're all 6 sets of twin siblings. Instead of them being cousins across each set. Makes it more hilarious when Uncle 2nd told 4th nephew to get out of his son. Though, maybe 1st - 6th are all siblings while 7th - 12th are their cousins. We'll have to see. Then again, 7th eating his elder sister, the 4th, sounds kinky.

All I know is, 4th Spawn stay winning. Our Mommy gave us some sloppy toppy and we got both traits. Even our elder "sister" can be bred by us. No other line can say that. When you're a turd spawn with Ella, you just gain a shitty sister. Papa 3rd with Auntie 4th is cool and all but Uncle 3rd is better. Mommy 4th supremacy at work!
I'm actually of the mind that there was a GOD Monster that split itself be it willingly or otherwise into the Arbiters, who then parted a piece of themselves into the Apostles, which is why they share BOTH traits rather than a Super Trait that the Apostles branched off of.

There's clearly strife, but the only REAL source we have about a majority of the Monster Lore is Valravn; a monster who ACTIVELY DESPISES/cares VERY little about anything other than his Lord the 7th; who ALSO actively kills the Apostles (given his nickname). So are we to take what he says as 100% true when he claims Twins rarely work together? Maybe, but Aglaecwif may say something different, I doubt either has all the information. What I do know is that the pair we know the MOST about is doing the OPPOSITE of what Valravn says they normally do.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
I'm pretty sure that Fairy is just a high monster (raised) like Val and Monster Mommy not an Apostle.

I mean if I remember right he is referred to as the Wayward son and Alice even refers to the numbered that raised fairy as "Grandfather" so I doubt he's a apostle.

View attachment 2907566
Yes, Fairy Thing is 6th Spawn while Alice is 6th Spawn Spawn.

Ether = The 6th = Grandfather Thing
Fairy = The 6th's Son = Fairy Thing
Alice = The 6th's Granddaughter = Fairy's Daughter Thing

Not sure how Hex and Nico fit in with the 6th. All we know is it's Fairy Thing's Kin and by extension related to The 6th. It could be Fairy Thing's Brother. We do know Hex is an S-Rank Aberration of his kind and much more powerful than the A-Rank's of his species. Nico also has more advanced teleportation than Hex and likely his species but she can't create dimensions like him. So I'm guessing Hex is a high generation. Likely 1st or even 2nd at worse. Which makes Nico 2nd Gen or 3rd Gen of the 6th. Nico is already stronger than Hex too, beating it in their fight.

Aglaecwif is a wild card. She's definitely powerful, being a S-Rank and enemy to Valravn. Is she our sister or The 4th's granddaughter aka 2nd Gen? If she's the 4th's Daughter Thing, she should really be a huge deal. We know her Memory Trait is potent and possibly extremely powerful if my theories are true. So I can't see her being below the 3rd generation. Especially when even the MC couldn't tell she was using her memory trait on him. But she implied that she could possibly have a mixture with the 7th. If she does, that would also explain why Val hates her since she would be a heretic for not being loyal to their Dark Lord.

Anyway, I got sidetracked from the 6th and his kin. The incest in this game is off the charts when you think about it. Though, it's likely not as literal as I'm making it out to be. But it's fun to play around with the thought.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
So Alice vs Tiffany eh? The girl who can do anything vs the Girl who is always the 1%. The hothead vs the cold bitch.

Alice's Abilities:

1) Orbs: She can summon condensed Dark Energy around her hands which acts as a strong repulsive force on contact, and it can act as a barrier for pretty much every tangible attack, melee, projectile or energy based. The orbs can also be used to propel her and augment her mobility.
2) Graviton Impact: She can smash her fist orbs together and launch a repulsive wave in a radius around her. The effective radius is fairly short, 5-10 meters and it loses potency the further the target is from her.
3) Graviton Bomb: She can create an ball of Dark Energy and throw it. It explodes on impact and deals devastating damage. The force of the explosion depends on how much power she poured into the ball.
4) Gravitational Pull: Alice can make a target "fall" into her. Seems to be especially effective against flying targets.
5) True Graviton - Minute Collapse: The opposite of Graviton Bomb. It throws a ball that creates a strong attractive force and the affected target collapses under it's weight.

Tactical summary:
Alice after her evolution is a well rounded combatant. She has a strong passive defense, her orbs are pretty much indestructible and can shield her from any physical and energy based attacks. She has ranged attacks, a personal aoe attack that can deal heavy damage around her without needing to target something, and a way to pull ranged or fleeing enemies to her.

Her main problem is that all her attacks are telegraphed and she doesn't seem to be able to mix and match her abilities. For example she can't maintain her fist orbs while preparing a Graviton Bomb, her new attack requires both hands, etc.

Tiffany's Abilities:

1) Light Radiance: Tiffany can increase her luminance. The effects at low levels heal and rejuvenate the affected, but at higher levels she can cause blindness and damage through light beams.
2) Light Form: Tiffany can turn into light and move at it's speed. She can use this speed to create momentum for her physical attacks.
3) Exceptional Mobility: Tiffany can hover and she can move at light speed in a straight line.

Tactical summary:

Naturally, the combination of light speed and ranged attacks should make Tiffany one of the most powerful combatants. Light speed is so effective that at least at level 2, the only way to observe her is by tanking her attacks enough to understand her "rythm" which puts her opponent in an unfavorable position.

However her ranged attacks seem to limit her mobility and she is very weak physically. Perhaps it was Michael's power and resistance to energy based attacks that made her seem weak, but both in her fight against MC and Michael, they could just take her melee hits without any problem.


Tiffany has the initiative thanks to her better mobility and speed. She moves so fast that her opponent can't know where she is at any time. So even if she is visible at the start of the fight, the attack can come from anywhere.

Who I think wins:
If Tiffany's fight against Michael is of any indication, she is terrible at this. Not only she gave Michael the initiative when she could just start blasting him with her light beam, but her melee attacks are so weak that Michael wasn't even bothered by it. Alice has good passive defenses and a punch from her hurts a lot so it's plausible that the exact scenario will repeat.

If I was "controlling" Tiffany like an action videogame, the fight would look very different, although her lack of power is still a serious problem.

It's possible that Tiffany's ranged attacks mess with her mobility. This is really bad because Alice's Graviton Bombs are one of the most powerful attacks we've seen in the game and she is eerily accurate with them.

At this point, I can't see a way to victory for Tiffany. However she should have a relatively easy time beating her if she could just hit n run with ranged attacks. Alice's Gravitational Pull seems to be targeted but she would never see Tiffany so she would have to play full defense and hope that Tiffany becomes exhausted before trying to attack.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Thinking back on it. It might be better to just go off into the deep end instead of doing side stuff next update. I had to think about the MC vs Cole thing and my point would be much truer if the MC got too much time to grow. MC would probably kick Cole's ass brutally, just like Ella and Zara said.

While I would still like it, I feel like the MC would be too prepared for what's to come. If he's allowed to build himself up, he wouldn't feel as pressed by Cole and them. His growth rate is too high and HERO has the supplements to increase it even further. Even Shop Keep assistance makes it faster as well. The max amount of PP you can have this update is 363, I believe. That means, we potentially gained 50+ PP from this update alone. That's while the MC isn't training as hard as he did leading up to the Battle of Diamonds. If he really pushed himself, trained seriously and HERO backed him even more, MC could probably reach 500 PP in another week.

Plus, I really want a main love interest to die. No offense to Laurie but she wasn't that huge of a lost. MC felt it but it wasn't heart shattering. Only 3 women would make the MC spiral out of control and those are Amber, Liz and Alice. Maybe even Emily. But those three would definitely send him over the edge and go full murderhobo. With the way this Twin Arc is set up, I feel I'll get to see it happen. The main waifus have too much plot armor or should I say they can't be offed that easily but Amber and Liz might be the first ones up now. I was hoping Ella would play a role in it but she got saved from being mostly responsible for it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Thinking back on it. It might be better to just go off into the deep end instead of doing side stuff next update. I had to think about the MC vs Cole thing and my point would be much truer if the MC got too much time to grow. MC would probably kick Cole's ass brutally, just like Ella and Zara said.

While I would still like it, I feel like the MC would be too prepared for what's to come. If he's allowed to build himself up, he wouldn't feel as pressed by Cole and them. His growth rate is too high and HERO has the supplements to increase it even further. Even Shop Keep assistance makes it faster as well. The max amount of PP you can have this update is 363, I believe. That means, we potentially gained 50+ PP from this update alone. That's while the MC isn't training as hard as he did leading up to the Battle of Diamonds. If he really pushed himself, trained seriously and HERO backed him even more, MC could probably reach 500 PP in another week.

Plus, I really want a main love interest to die. No offense to Laurie but she wasn't that huge of a lost. MC felt it but it wasn't heart shattering. Only 3 women would make the MC spiral out of control and those are Amber, Liz and Alice. Maybe even Emily. But those three would definitely send him over the edge and go full murderhobo. With the way this Twin Arc is set up, I feel I'll get to see it happen. The main waifus have too much plot armor or should I say they can't be offed that easily but Amber and Liz might be the first ones up now. I was hoping Ella would play a role in it but she got saved from being mostly responsible for it.
Fucking shopkeep doesn't help water from the two but the two how? amber and liz or fused i think liz will be the one to go to much drama for her :confused:alice we are gonna have the godfather part II ( la súper nostra) XD and more likely markus will bite the dust
images (10).jpeg


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Fucking shopkeep doesn't help water from the two but the two how? amber and liz or fused i think liz will be the one to go to much drama for her :confused:alice we are gonna have the godfather part II ( la súper nostra) XD and more likely markus will bite the dust
View attachment 2907847
I lowkey think it's going to be Liz too. She's been building up a lot of flags recently. Now that she's finally interested in achieving a specific goal, she gets snuffed completely. I doubt Alice is coming anytime soon since it's the Twins Arc.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
So Alice vs Tiffany eh? The girl who can do anything vs the Girl who is always the 1%. The hothead vs the cold bitch.

Alice's Abilities:

1) Orbs: She can summon condensed Dark Energy around her hands which acts as a strong repulsive force on contact, and it can act as a barrier for pretty much every tangible attack, melee, projectile or energy based. The orbs can also be used to propel her and augment her mobility.
2) Graviton Impact: She can smash her fist orbs together and launch a repulsive wave in a radius around her. The effective radius is fairly short, 5-10 meters and it loses potency the further the target is from her.
3) Graviton Bomb: She can create an ball of Dark Energy and throw it. It explodes on impact and deals devastating damage. The force of the explosion depends on how much power she poured into the ball.
4) Gravitational Pull: Alice can make a target "fall" into her. Seems to be especially effective against flying targets.
5) True Graviton - Minute Collapse: The opposite of Graviton Bomb. It throws a ball that creates a strong attractive force and the affected target collapses under it's weight.

Tactical summary:
Alice after her evolution is a well rounded combatant. She has a strong passive defense, her orbs are pretty much indestructible and can shield her from any physical and energy based attacks. She has ranged attacks, a personal aoe attack that can deal heavy damage around her without needing to target something, and a way to pull ranged or fleeing enemies to her.

Her main problem is that all her attacks are telegraphed and she doesn't seem to be able to mix and match her abilities. For example she can't maintain her fist orbs while preparing a Graviton Bomb, her new attack requires both hands, etc.

Tiffany's Abilities:

1) Light Radiance: Tiffany can increase her luminance. The effects at low levels heal and rejuvenate the affected, but at higher levels she can cause blindness and damage through light beams.
2) Light Form: Tiffany can turn into light and move at it's speed. She can use this speed to create momentum for her physical attacks.
3) Exceptional Mobility: Tiffany can hover and she can move at light speed in a straight line.

Tactical summary:

Naturally, the combination of light speed and ranged attacks should make Tiffany one of the most powerful combatants. Light speed is so effective that at least at level 2, the only way to observe her is by tanking her attacks enough to understand her "rythm" which puts her opponent in an unfavorable position.

However her ranged attacks seem to limit her mobility and she is very weak physically. Perhaps it was Michael's power and resistance to energy based attacks that made her seem weak, but both in her fight against MC and Michael, they could just take her melee hits without any problem.


Tiffany has the initiative thanks to her better mobility and speed. She moves so fast that her opponent can't know where she is at any time. So even if she is visible at the start of the fight, the attack can come from anywhere.

Who I think wins:
If Tiffany's fight against Michael is of any indication, she is terrible at this. Not only she gave Michael the initiative when she could just start blasting him with her light beam, but her melee attacks are so weak that Michael wasn't even bothered by it. Alice has good passive defenses and a punch from her hurts a lot so it's plausible that the exact scenario will repeat.

If I was "controlling" Tiffany like an action videogame, the fight would look very different, although her lack of power is still a serious problem.

It's possible that Tiffany's ranged attacks mess with her mobility. This is really bad because Alice's Graviton Bombs are one of the most powerful attacks we've seen in the game and she is eerily accurate with them.

At this point, I can't see a way to victory for Tiffany. However she should have a relatively easy time beating her if she could just hit n run with ranged attacks. Alice's Gravitational Pull seems to be targeted but she would never see Tiffany so she would have to play full defense and hope that Tiffany becomes exhausted before trying to attack.
Just gotta say brother GT, I've always loved/admired your enthusiasm when it comes to laid out discussions. You've got the memory (and brain) I wish I had :LOL:
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I lowkey think it's going to be Liz too. She's been building up a lot of flags recently. Now that she's finally interested in achieving a specific goal, she gets snuffed completely. I doubt Alice is coming anytime soon since it's the Twins Arc.
This about potential death? Well it wouldn't be the 'Twin Arc' if they didn't share the same fate silly cunt :LUL:

I see your point with Liz but Amber has ALSO shown her signs of..."heart to heart favoritism?" Be it at the bonfire dance, always asking if we are okay or to be safe along with Liz of course, etc. etc.

But they BOTH also share a mortal weakness though very differently:
Liz cares too little about herself.
While Amber imo is too weak willed similarly to Emily. Yes she has more fire but I feel that's actually just for gags, you saw how fast she gave up until we helped her with the school transfer, getting a job, etc. If monsters were introduced into her world up CLOSE let alone ACTUAL danger (she's the one that had nightmares about her very BRIEF encounter with Kenny's Monsters), she'd lose it in a heartbeat compared to Liz.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
So Alice vs Tiffany eh? The girl who can do anything vs the Girl who is always the 1%. The hothead vs the cold bitch.

Alice's Abilities:

1) Orbs: She can summon condensed Dark Energy around her hands which acts as a strong repulsive force on contact, and it can act as a barrier for pretty much every tangible attack, melee, projectile or energy based. The orbs can also be used to propel her and augment her mobility.
2) Graviton Impact: She can smash her fist orbs together and launch a repulsive wave in a radius around her. The effective radius is fairly short, 5-10 meters and it loses potency the further the target is from her.
3) Graviton Bomb: She can create an ball of Dark Energy and throw it. It explodes on impact and deals devastating damage. The force of the explosion depends on how much power she poured into the ball.
4) Gravitational Pull: Alice can make a target "fall" into her. Seems to be especially effective against flying targets.
5) True Graviton - Minute Collapse: The opposite of Graviton Bomb. It throws a ball that creates a strong attractive force and the affected target collapses under it's weight.

Tactical summary:
Alice after her evolution is a well rounded combatant. She has a strong passive defense, her orbs are pretty much indestructible and can shield her from any physical and energy based attacks. She has ranged attacks, a personal aoe attack that can deal heavy damage around her without needing to target something, and a way to pull ranged or fleeing enemies to her.

Her main problem is that all her attacks are telegraphed and she doesn't seem to be able to mix and match her abilities. For example she can't maintain her fist orbs while preparing a Graviton Bomb, her new attack requires both hands, etc.

Tiffany's Abilities:

1) Light Radiance: Tiffany can increase her luminance. The effects at low levels heal and rejuvenate the affected, but at higher levels she can cause blindness and damage through light beams.
2) Light Form: Tiffany can turn into light and move at it's speed. She can use this speed to create momentum for her physical attacks.
3) Exceptional Mobility: Tiffany can hover and she can move at light speed in a straight line.

Tactical summary:

Naturally, the combination of light speed and ranged attacks should make Tiffany one of the most powerful combatants. Light speed is so effective that at least at level 2, the only way to observe her is by tanking her attacks enough to understand her "rythm" which puts her opponent in an unfavorable position.

However her ranged attacks seem to limit her mobility and she is very weak physically. Perhaps it was Michael's power and resistance to energy based attacks that made her seem weak, but both in her fight against MC and Michael, they could just take her melee hits without any problem.


Tiffany has the initiative thanks to her better mobility and speed. She moves so fast that her opponent can't know where she is at any time. So even if she is visible at the start of the fight, the attack can come from anywhere.

Who I think wins:
If Tiffany's fight against Michael is of any indication, she is terrible at this. Not only she gave Michael the initiative when she could just start blasting him with her light beam, but her melee attacks are so weak that Michael wasn't even bothered by it. Alice has good passive defenses and a punch from her hurts a lot so it's plausible that the exact scenario will repeat.

If I was "controlling" Tiffany like an action videogame, the fight would look very different, although her lack of power is still a serious problem.

It's possible that Tiffany's ranged attacks mess with her mobility. This is really bad because Alice's Graviton Bombs are one of the most powerful attacks we've seen in the game and she is eerily accurate with them.

At this point, I can't see a way to victory for Tiffany. However she should have a relatively easy time beating her if she could just hit n run with ranged attacks. Alice's Gravitational Pull seems to be targeted but she would never see Tiffany so she would have to play full defense and hope that Tiffany becomes exhausted before trying to attack.
Bitch slap that snake like a good pimp


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
This about potential death? Well it wouldn't be the 'Twin Arc' if they didn't share the same fate silly cunt :LUL:

I see your point with Liz but Amber has ALSO shown her signs of..."heart to heart favoritism?" Be it at the bonfire dance, always asking if we are okay or to be safe along with Liz of course, etc. etc.

But they BOTH also share a mortal weakness though very differently:
Liz cares too little about herself.
While Amber imo is too weak willed similarly to Emily. Yes she has more fire but I feel that's actually just for gags, you saw how fast she gave up until we helped her with the school transfer, getting a job, etc. If monsters were introduced into her world up CLOSE let alone ACTUAL danger (she's the one that had nightmares about her very BRIEF encounter with Kenny's Monsters), she'd lose it in a heartbeat compared to Liz.
That's Fix is coming in the twins 2.0 amliz (no that reminds me of sex note) lizber (rimes with timber better but still missing something) XD i suck at making names a little help ?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
This about potential death? Well it wouldn't be the 'Twin Arc' if they didn't share the same fate silly cunt :LUL:

I see your point with Liz but Amber has ALSO shown her signs of..."heart to heart favoritism?" Be it at the bonfire dance, always asking if we are okay or to be safe along with Liz of course, etc. etc.

But they BOTH also share a mortal weakness though very differently:
Liz cares too little about herself.
While Amber imo is too weak willed similarly to Emily. Yes she has more fire but I feel that's actually just for gags, you saw how fast she gave up until we helped her with the school transfer, getting a job, etc. If monsters were introduced into her world up CLOSE let alone ACTUAL danger (she's the one that had nightmares about her very BRIEF encounter with Kenny's Monsters), she'd lose it in a heartbeat compared to Liz.
is it fucked up to say I'm kinda hype to see one or both of em die? I feel like it'll push the MC even further beyond his current power on some Super Sayian type shit.
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