I wanted to say that the use of AI by weirdworld is EXTREMELY good and is the prim-example of how it should be used. Look at the cgs alone. You can see the passion but also the crazy amount. The new sprites looks all great, far cleaner but still hot and the monster designs looks way better in the 2d/3d mixture style. I think what's really important about this is that AI is basically useless and looks retardedly bad for people that can't draw, but for those who are creative and can draw, it's a massive plus. Especially if they want to produce new content.
The amount of scenes and art we get is insane, in one battle scene you have like 300 different cgs, in which the people move around and shape-shift like 100s of times, interact with the environment and cause massive changes to it. In many scenes we're people just TALK we get unique cgs, not just sprite + background. Meanwhile in basically EVERY other game this would be 1 CG and like 5 sprites (which would be the entire update for the next 3 months lol). For me no other game comes close to the atmosphere and feel of the game itself. It's really a great implementation of AI + skill + love for the work, I hope he continues to deliver at that speed and quality. (Only critique would be lack of Fmc content but I guess we'll get more in the future.)