I really loved the concept behind this game and the UI is pretty good as well... The story is good, and the visuals are good, but the grind is intense... You first have to figure out what works and what doesn't work when interacting with each NPC, and there are a lot of NPCS... Then it's the very-slow grind of getting your skills and social attributes with each NPC to where you can actually do anything meaningful with them... Which takes a very long time of repeating the same choices over and over again... The combat in the beginning is terrible, takes so much real time to go through a combat sequence when you have few abilities... I just ended up spamming the attack key for around 5 minutes just disregarding any other choices in order to get it over with... Imagine if I had made further choices, the battle woulda lasted a LOT longer...
If it were not for the intense grind for so much of this game, I would applaud the authors, but it is such a bad grind that I feel it is a complete waste of real time to get anywhere with anything... Perhaps if there had been random events, or more story to interact with while grinding, perhaps I would not of been bothered by it so much...
I think this game/vn has promise. but the whole grind mess needs a revisit... I spent hours feeling like I was getting nowhere to be able to do one interaction that put me behind again with NPC's, that I basically had to micro-manage the NPC's stats over and over again...
Best of luck to the authors on this project, I have hopes for this one, but it needs a lot of work to shine...