Nov 7, 2020
Time for me to move on, this is the definition of “doing too much”. The five main girls was enough for me, but then there was side characters and now I’m at the part of the game where I go to another world/dimension and there even more side characters lol. I’m gonna pass, less is more in this case.
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Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
My first thoughts (whatever the heck they are worth)
Serra and Gracie have great skin textures, Serra is still totes adorb!
I still like the style/aesthetic of Lillian
But Lil and Celeste and Alex need something for their skin. They look a bit like mannequins particularly alongside Gracie and Serra

Otherwise I wouldn't call it far off other than hair coloring/styling
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Deleted member 331233

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Dec 14, 2017
Time for me to move on, this is the definition of “doing too much”. The five main girls was enough for me, but then there was side characters and now I’m at the part of the game where I go to another world/dimension and there even more side characters lol. I’m gonna pass, less is more in this case.
You're in luck. I just announced I added to much and am toning it back.
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Game Lord

Apr 17, 2021
Gets the Patreons necessary to obtain a new rig capable of speeding up the process of developing the game that much faster than before but instead decides to throw it all away because he didn't like the way the original models looked after the fact.


Might be time to just create a new wrestling game all together at this point and promote it as:

Old Sylphine Character Models vs. New and Improved Sylphine Character Models

Then once the winners are determined you might have enough fundage to develop both an old and a new character models games. :sneaky:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2020
Hi Glacerose.

First, thank you for your honesty.

Secondly, it was always better before. ALWAYS. It's the other biggest secret of life, along with 42. :)

More seriously, I don't know if merging the 2 worlds will easier the task. I understand that it's more work to have two worlds. But in another hand, depending on your inspiration, you can switch from one to the other. You are a bit bored about the real world ? Focus on the fantasy one. Lack of inspiration for the magic world ? You can work on the real world until some idea pop-up for the magic one. In an update you can focus on one of this world, and alternate with the other in the next, or move the story a bit in each world in the same update. It's seems to me that this give you more freedom.
Also, I think that by merging the two world, you add some difficulty to keep the whole coherent.
Maybe you should trim in the NPCs, to reduce the load of work (but keep, Sophia, Lexi and Vivian ;-)). And you can always reintroduce some later, once the main story is complete.

About the revamping of the girls, I don't know if it's really a priority. It's something you may have done later.
And everybody will have a different opinion of what they like and dislike, in the previous and new version of each character.
But, if it's what it's take for you to keep your motivation, go for it.

At the end of the day, it's your game, with your vision. So do as you wish.
I just hope you won't fall in a cycle of remaking all again and again.

It's just that this not cool for Nine of Swords Studios, who will have to redo some renders of Mythos...
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Dec 1, 2019
Oh no the girls are being redone. That was the appeal of the game for me how each girl had their own colors now they'll just be normal models. Looks like I'll be backing out of this game. I read why everything's changing and I get it so I won't complain but since the game will be completely different from how it started I'm just gonna go peacefully off into the sunset.

I hope eventually the game stops being reworked and everyone who sticks around enjoys the game. To the dev good luck and I wish you success


Jan 5, 2019
For starters, I have read the message you posted over on Patreon. Being able to openly admit the difficulties you were having is hard, but ultimately, this project will be better off for it. You are going to have naysayers, as well as having some people bitch and moan, but at the end of the day, you need to make sure that this is a project you can get behind, or it will break your spirit. It is ALWAYS better to acknowledge when you have bitten off more than you can chew, and doing so in an open and honest way like you have done shows integrity.

On to the girls. Overall, I am liking the redesigns, but I have a comment or two. First, since you are talking about having a world where magic is more openly integrated, I would like to make a case for alternate hair colors. You are crafting a world with magical beings in it, so things like pink, purple, or green hair would not necessarily be odd. That might just be me trying to justify why I think Celeste should still have pink hair, but I also honestly think it was a better color for her. The blonde hair is, well, boring, while that pink hair made her feel distinct. I also really liked that render you did where Gracie had the twin braids. I know you are going for a redesign, but there is something about those braids that just seemed to fit her bubbly personality. The new Alex is looking good, especially now that she has a slight curl in her hair. Serra definitely has the "lazy gamer" aesthetic, but given that she also liked to sunbathe at the beach, I don't know if she would actually be quite that pale. I also kind of miss the "natural purple" hair, although as I type this I can see how this hair color fits the personality.

(Also how did you somehow manage to make Serra even MORE adorable looking?! I didn't think that was going to be possible.)

Last thoughts. I know you are looking to trim things down, but I hope you do not take it too far. Some of the side characters you made were really great (that couple that ran the coffee shop and Serra's boss at the library stand out as having been particularly well done and interesting) so I hope you do not drop them all. I do not know if that was your intention or not, but I wanted to put that out there.

I am looking forward to the next update, and seeing how your redesign goes.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
On to the girls. Overall, I am liking the redesigns, but I have a comment or two. First, since you are talking about having a world where magic is more openly integrated, I would like to make a case for alternate hair colors. You are crafting a world with magical beings in it, so things like pink, purple, or green hair would not necessarily be odd. That might just be me trying to justify why I think Celeste should still have pink hair, but I also honestly think it was a better color for her. The blonde hair is, well, boring, while that pink hair made her feel distinct. I also really liked that render you did where Gracie had the twin braids. I know you are going for a redesign, but there is something about those braids that just seemed to fit her bubbly personality. The new Alex is looking good, especially now that she has a slight curl in her hair. Serra definitely has the "lazy gamer" aesthetic, but given that she also liked to sunbathe at the beach, I don't know if she would actually be quite that pale. I also kind of miss the "natural purple" hair, although as I type this I can see how this hair color fits the personality.
I, too, am a big fan of their hair colors. Considering I've been dying my own hair purple for over 3 years, brightly colored hair is something I enjoy in others as well.


Oct 3, 2017
I loved every design before, now only Serra, and Celeste if she had her pink hair back. Lillian looks ok, and i can barely look at Alex and Gracie, they're absolutely unattractive for me.
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Engaged Member
Jun 8, 2020
It's like going over to your beautiful girlfriends house only to find out she moved and her plain (or downright homely) cousin moved in to her house and wants to take her place. I said I wasn't going to ask for my yearly pledge back, but I wasn't renewing. From the sounds of it from a lot of other posts so far this could be could be financially quite impactful to Glaceerose, but then that is what happens when you run a "business" and change the product. I wish nothing bad for Glacerose, I'm just very, very sad that one of my top 3 games just got basically yanked out from under me. I don't support many games and I supported Sylphine at a higher level than any but one other at the same level. No more "yearly" subscriptions for me, second time burned.


May 2, 2020
I read the ENTIRETY of your two recent posts on Patreon. I won't get too deep into the character changes because in the end I will get used to them even though some I like and some I am not thrilled with but can easily live with. I don't dislike any of them though. Several games have gone through revamps so you are not alone by any means. Alright, one comment about Serra. At first I couldn't figure out who the girl with the Harry Potter type glasses was. After reading your posts on Patreon they make total sense since she is quite the bookworm.

I was glad to read that these game(s) are therapeutic for you and your health is the number one priority.
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Nine of Swords

Keeping the Legends Alive
Game Developer
Dec 17, 2017
It's just that this not cool for Nine of Swords Studios, who will have to redo some renders of Mythos...

View attachment 1291695
Haha! For what it's worth, Mythos takes place in 2020, so I won't have to change this bit.

If anything, these renders are from the future! :O I don't think these renders existed in June of last year.

Anyway, Glacerose -- I know how tough this must be. Let me know if I can help at all.


MP-40's Lover
Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
Aight lads, sharing with you the latest Patreon's post from Glacerose, including the pictures of the "new" cast.
Enjoy I guess and don't forget to share your thoughts.

The big follow-up to the big follow-up! (Character Designs)

Hello all.

First, I want to say thank you for the massive amount of kind words I've received. I can't thank you all enough for the support, truly.

Second, I want to reiterate again, if you feel that you don't wish to join in the redesign and wish a refund for your last month's pledge, please message me either on Patreon, Discord, or and I will happily refund you!

Now, onto what you're all here for!

Over yesterday and part of today, I've been working with some fans in discord to touch up the character designs, and I want to present them to you, along with some thoughts of why I did what I did.

So, here is a portrait of all 5 girls! Below I'll post a picture of each one individually and go into a short explanation of why they look how they do.

So first, we have Alex.

Alex was a bit of a tough one to redesign, I wanted to get away from her "Mommy" like qualities, and focus more on her savvy and business side. She'll be a bit less overbearing with her sweetness and calling you "Honey" or "Sweetie" all the time. It just didn't sit well with me. She'll be acting more as a sharp and intelligent businesswoman, who of course still has a lot of love in her heart for you and all the girls.

Next, we have Celeste.

Celeste to be honest was fairly easy as she isn't getting a ton of changes. I wanted her to look really girly and fairly bitchy, and think it was achieved fairly well. She's going to be a lot less wishy-washy in her Tsundere behaviour, and will have more distinct sides. Meaning her bitchiness will be a lot more bitchy, but when she breaks, she will really really break.

Next is Gracie.

With Gracie, I wanted to accentuate her girl next door outdoorsy-ness. Pushing more on her love of nature and being outside and making her a lot more homely. I think the denim suspenders fit her pretty well, and her messy braids match a lot more for a girl that just likes to go outside and have fun.

Now we have Lillian.

For Lillian, I really wanted to push on the "No fucks given about appearance" lazy side of her. She plays games all not, crashes on the bed, and wakes up to play games. She wears baggy clothes for the comfortable feeling, and her hair is messy because she doesn't really care to brush it. I plan for her to be just as "chill", but I wanted her exterior appearance to match her interior laze.

Lastly, and maybe most controversially, we have Serra.

For Serra I wanted to really capture the look of a girl you'd see in the library, giggling as she reads her favorite novel, lounged out on a beanbag chair.
I plan to change her personality a tad, getting less away from the bit overdone quirkiness and moving more to the more book and nerdy centric side of her.

Soooo yeah, that's what we have! I know this is rather controversial, and many people are now gonna hate their previous favorite girl. But I hope maybe now you can have a *new* favorite girl, or maybe you will like your old favorite, who knows. But this matches my vision of them, something I'm proud of, made fresh and not just copying my old design from when I was in a much darker place.

Anyway, I wanted to share these designs ASAP so you all could really get a feel from what I was going for.

I'm designing the MC and interiors now, and have the Kitchen/Living Room, and about 60% of the house done. I'll share those as soon as I can in the next couple days. And not too be too biased, but they're looking pretty great.

Thank you all again for the kind words, the support I woke up to after my last post honestly overwhelmed me, pushed to tears but instead of anxiety and sadness ridden tears, they were happy. I hope you'll all decide to join me on this journey and give the girls a chance.

I guess I should say goodbye now before I really start rambling, so, goodbye for now! Remember to join the discord if you want up to date news, conversation, and want to voice your opinion in some design decisions, I post actively there for instantaneous feedback.

Thanks again!


MP-40's Lover
Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
Much better for Lillian, slightly worse for Gracie, Serra and Alex I'd say.

EDIT: A little better again for Gracie with the new braids. Still liked the first ones better, but they all look quite good now.
Imo I believe they are all more or less fine now except for Serra which I believe is still a massive failure.

Lilian is thankfully back from looking like a corpse to something closer to the OG design we are used to but Alex is looking a tad more masculine than the previous redesign and a complete departure from the OG one, but I can still accept it I guess since I never was that interested in her.

However, I can't stretch enough that Serra lost all her charm from a cute quircky asian looking LI with short hair to a fugly looking bland nerd.
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