
Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
The update will finally come out after he says he was diagnosed with Zika Virus Disease and needs a few more weeks off to recover. After that he'll have no illnesses left from his book.
he will reuse some old or broken arm/fingers.
  • Haha
Reactions: SHREDDER1976
May 15, 2022
The update will finally come out after he says he was diagnosed with Zika Virus Disease and needs a few more weeks off to recover. After that he'll have no illnesses left from his book.
No no, he is only on the Common Diseases book. Once he finishes the Z's he'll move to the A's in the book of Uncommon Diseases. Once he finishes the Uncommon he'll start on Rare Diseases, then onto the Ultra Rare.

26 letters in the alphabet. 26 months worth of excuses. At least 3 books worth of diseases. The update will be released in 78 months after he runs through all the diseases. Unless he wants to go for bonus points and use the Legendary Diseases book where 1 person in 8 billion has that disease and he just happens to be the one.
  • Angry
Reactions: SHREDDER1976
May 15, 2022
Is the current android version worth playing?
I don't play android so can't tell you anything on that.

Is it worth playing? That is 100% up to you. Everyone has different tastes. Try it and find out if you like it. Remember, only you can prevent forest fir- Only you can tell if you like something or not.
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Aug 27, 2018
I don't play android so can't tell you anything on that.

Is it worth playing? That is 100% up to you. Everyone has different tastes. Try it and find out if you like it. Remember, only you can prevent forest fir- Only you can tell if you like something or not.
I didn't ask because of specific tastes, but rather about general content.
I read a bit of the last few comments and don't hold any hope for future updates, so...


Engaged Member
May 18, 2019
I didn't ask because of specific tastes, but rather about general content.
I read a bit of the last few comments and don't hold any hope for future updates, so...
The current version of the game is the best one, before he started destroying all the characters with remakes after remakes after remakes and no update progress.
So if you want to play it (despite being unfinished (no surprise given the devs track record)) It's probably the only good version you're going to see of it.
This didn't even make it to 0.3 like the last variant of the game that got abandoned, so if the plethora of remakes ever turns in to an actual release, I suspect it will last until 0.1 something before that too gets abandoned and remade again.


Feb 25, 2021
so..... seeing i hold hope that maybe this game will get completed one day and because i point out you school yard bullies should shut or trap.
you clamed.

1. I must be the Developer of this game ?

lol thanks for the Compliment ROTFLMAO

2. I must be his wife ??
Um I am male dumb ass's,
I have never met or chatted with the maker of this game.
i have help to fix game's and made walkthrough guides, but never made a game.

3. That i must be a fool for hoping a great game may get completed one day.
???? personally I find it sad when a game does't get completed and prefer to always hold out hope.
Same as if a book series fails to get completed.

P.S. thank's for letting me know he also made Sylphia Island, I didn't know this and look forward to playing it.


Jan 12, 2020
so..... seeing i hold hope that maybe this game will get completed one day and because i point out you school yard bullies should shut or trap.
you clamed.

1. I must be the Developer of this game ?

lol thanks for the Compliment ROTFLMAO
Would just like to point out, this is the opposite of a compliment. Glacerose is by all current accounts somewhere between a completely incompetent dev and an outright scammer. Unless you consider that a good thing, of course. Then it might be a compliment. That aside, the game isn't getting made. It's been three or so years with no progress being made on it except a remake from scratch, then another remake, then another, and even assuming it does actually end up in the game, the few teasers Glacerose has posted of the remakes so he doesn't get blocked on Star or Patreon already look massively worse than the version of the game available here. During this entire proceeding, the dude is continuously pulling several k a month from patreon while not progressing the game past what roughly seems to be 20% completion.
  • Angry
Reactions: SHREDDER1976
May 15, 2022
3. That i must be a fool for hoping a great game may get completed one day.
???? personally I find it sad when a game does't get completed and prefer to always hold out hope.
Same as if a book series fails to get completed.
You can hope. Hope all you want to, but there is a difference between hope and delusion.

If you were married and your wife cheated on you all the damn time and no matter what you did she would not stop. Would you still hold out hope that she would? If so that is called delusion because you are telling yourself, with all points saying that she won't, that she will stop.

Its the same thing here. Glacerose has proven without a doubt that this game will be stuck in rework hell or outright abandoned. 1 rework is ok. 2 is pushing it. 3? Now its not ok. 4? The developer has run out of ideas on how to continue the story and is now milking people.

You defending him like a cuckold defends his cumdump of a wife is not helping him. All you are accomplishing by coming here and defending is making people laugh at you and him.

Hey man, its great to have hope, but at some point that hope turns into delusion and when that happens you need to let it go.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
so..... seeing i hold hope that maybe this game will get completed one day and because i point out you school yard bullies should shut or trap.
you clamed.

1. I must be the Developer of this game ?

lol thanks for the Compliment ROTFLMAO

2. I must be his wife ??
Um I am male dumb ass's,
I have never met or chatted with the maker of this game.
i have help to fix game's and made walkthrough guides, but never made a game.

3. That i must be a fool for hoping a great game may get completed one day.
???? personally I find it sad when a game does't get completed and prefer to always hold out hope.
Same as if a book series fails to get completed.

P.S. thank's for letting me know he also made Sylphia Island, I didn't know this and look forward to playing it.
Is this your wife shredder?



Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
all you do is bitch and complain about this game non stop like a whiny little baby.

but your constant bitching and complaining plus all the degrading shit you say is on so many levels of pathetic people would be wondering if you work at a sewage treatment plant.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. YOU'VE done nothing but bitch about people here. You aren't in charge of this post, we can laugh at glacerose if we want.
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
Honestly don't know how anyone can even remotely support the dev. It's easy enough to find out what has happened with anything he's made and it doesn't look good - like at all. It's pretty scammy feeling, especially with how often he gets "sick" right as a promised date gets closer or the end date of w/e his last excuse was.

Not to mention that it has been 2 or 3 times now that they've posted about updating discord and patreon saying "changes are coming. Don't be afraid". The first time nothing happened, weeks went by and nothing was ever updated or changed. I think it was coming up on 5 months since that post when the dev posted on twitter saying pretty much the exact same thing "changes are coming. dont be afraid, changes are good" Then of course 4 days went by and it was past the date he said the changes would happen and... nothing. Then a day later they even went so far as to delete the tweet entirely.

The dev is pretty scummy and deserves every bit of criticism they've gotten lately. It's just one thing after another with excuses and broken promises. Quite shocking that while they've dropped below the 400ish supporters they once had, they still for some reason have 250 people giving them money. People need to stop paying this guys rent while he does absolutely nothing other than say "don't worry, change is coming!"


Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
Honestly don't know how anyone can even remotely support the dev. It's easy enough to find out what has happened with anything he's made and it doesn't look good - like at all. It's pretty scammy feeling, especially with how often he gets "sick" right as a promised date gets closer or the end date of w/e his last excuse was.

Not to mention that it has been 2 or 3 times now that they've posted about updating discord and patreon saying "changes are coming. Don't be afraid". The first time nothing happened, weeks went by and nothing was ever updated or changed. I think it was coming up on 5 months since that post when the dev posted on twitter saying pretty much the exact same thing "changes are coming. dont be afraid, changes are good" Then of course 4 days went by and it was past the date he said the changes would happen and... nothing. Then a day later they even went so far as to delete the tweet entirely.

The dev is pretty scummy and deserves every bit of criticism they've gotten lately. It's just one thing after another with excuses and broken promises. Quite shocking that while they've dropped below the 400ish supporters they once had, they still for some reason have 250 people giving them money. People need to stop paying this guys rent while he does absolutely nothing other than say "don't worry, change is coming!"
It's even worse for these simps. He's okay with throwing away money but wants people who bitch about the dev to go 'jump off a skyscraper'. He thinks he can come in, bitch and moan (while accusing others of the same fucking thing mind you), and control the conversation.
May 15, 2022
all you do is bitch and complain about this game non stop like a whiny little baby.
What would you like us to talk about? The monthly content updates? The montly patreon posts detailing all the work thats being done? The Discord posts showing how much has been done? Maybe the Alpha or Beta that was released? Oh. . .we can't.

In 2 years what has been shown? Hmm, please, answer that question. You are a supporter. You should have all the information, all the renders, all the patreon posts, all the posts on Discord talking about the rework, and all the Alphas, Betas, and releases that have been done in 2 years. Please tell us all that has been done so we can talk about that instead of whining.

even i have said many times that if people loose faith in him or others they should cut there funding back to the smallest amount.
Wait wait wait. Pffft ha ha ha! You are telling me, with a straight face, that if people lose faith in him they should NOT stop supporting him, they should lower their pledge and KEEP supporting him?!!! Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh my fucking god. That is pure gold right there.

ie like i said, i am only donating $1 a month.
I have to ask. You didn't answer the first question but you did answer the second. How long have you been a supporter?

but your constant bitching and complaining plus all the degrading shit you say is on so many levels of pathetic people would be wondering if you work at a sewage treatment plant.
Now I have to ask a serious question. What degrading shit did I say exactly? I mockingly joked about the developer having books on common diseases. Why? Because each and every month he says he has another health problem.

If the excuses were real I would not be mocking but when its each and every month than its just lies. Don't believe me? Read his essay length post. There is one sentence in it that you should remember. Here, I'll post it so you don't have to look for it: (This has also developed into clinical Hypochondria, where I get panic attacks triggered by small health issues.)

Know what that word means? In simple terms, it means that ANY small health problem and he thinks its something much bigger. He sneezes and its a brain tumor. He farts and its bowel cancer. He coughs and its bubonic plague. So what happens when he coughs, sneezes, or farts? He hides under his blanket fort for months while taking your and others money.

If you choose to believe the lies, more power to you, but the people on this thread have seen through the bullshit. You can stay and raise your flag, don your white armor, and defend your god against the horde of toxic assholes that don't bow down to Glacerose, or you can click ignore thread and click ignore to all of us. Whichever you prefer.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
I accept the game may never get completed.
but i don't bitch and moan about it like a cheating wife that is loosing her look's and there for loosing men that want to share her bed.
all you do is bitch and complain about this game non stop like a whiny little baby.
yes sure it may never get completed.
it is peoples choice if they want to still support him or not.
even i have said many times that if people loose faith in him or others they should cut there funding back to the smallest amount.
ie like i said, i am only donating $1 a month.
if they want to completely unsubscribe from him on patreon then that is there choice.

but your constant bitching and complaining plus all the degrading shit you say is on so many levels of pathetic people would be wondering if you work at a sewage treatment plant.
Where does your money come from Shredder? Does mommy pay glacie? Because if it's your hard earned money you wouldn't be as casual about supporting scammers.
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