Others Completed Teen Witches Academy [Final] [Drunk Robot]

1.70 star(s) 27 Votes


Jul 16, 2017
Thx... Just what I needed, but there is nothing about "Investigate about ancient black Duke" and how to unlock invisibility potion for "Patrol female dorm"... or am I missing something? :)
Yeah. I've never got that completed either. You can research it during the day, but nothing comes from it. I've tried many times. There is no use for the invisibility potion in the female dorm right now. Just for the garden and the sauna scenes I believe


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2018
seems like it will be a fuck fest with all those guys (and seeing 3rd picture), not my kind of game but good luck to the dev nonetheless ;)
Seems now the game says it is in its Final Phase. Does that mean it is completely or has the game been dropped?. Studying Heardly does not work and I can not get student to steal invisibility potion. I am confused.


Jun 9, 2017
A game that's both shit and steals your credit card information? How do they still have subscribers?

Is the potential credit card sweep on the publisher's other games?


New Member
Dec 25, 2020
that is something i do wonder my self mk i can i guess get them all and check them but means im gonna have to reel off another few vms with ida pro installs to check
Aug 13, 2017

First, they create a game that cannot easily be played, with bugs, grind out the ass (more grind than my 2nd least favorite game), then after people CONTINUOUSLY post about errors, bugs and other difficulties about even playing the game, no fixes (at least according to the majority of posts in this thread) are made to this game. THEN they claim to be starting "part 2", probably with the same lack of concern for playability and bugs that they left in the FIRST game. THEN, they have the nerve to mention "precious feedback" to which by all appearances - based on comments left not only in the reviews, but in this thread as well - they completely ignore! WHY the fuck ANYONE would support a developer who ignores his fan-base is beyond my understanding.

Yes, the concept behind the game IS actually interesting, and I would have been - at least - MAYBE inclined to support if not for my above comments and the fact that the MC actually has NO real interaction with any of the students except as a voyeur!

As such, I stropped even attempting to play, unless and until the developer actually makes this game relatively EASIER to play (less grind, quests that actually work and make sense, the ending of fucking freezes and crashes), and the MC is actually interacting with the students as a participant rather than a fucking waste of a voyeur.
He does boink one by changing into her brother
Aug 13, 2017
Yeah. I've never got that completed either. You can research it during the day, but nothing comes from it. I've tried many times. There is no use for the invisibility potion in the female dorm right now. Just for the garden and the sauna scenes I believe
you need to go to the front gate evening i think meet the earth witch and get the butterfly then upgrade the potion but you never use it in the dorm just to spy on earth witch and her fairy/whatever


Apr 24, 2018
Hey! I'm new to this game...
So, how exactly to I use the cheat code? Do I enter it instead of the name or...?

Nevermind, found it
Last edited:
May 26, 2018
A game that's both shit and steals your credit card information? How do they still have subscribers?

Is the potential credit card sweep on the publisher's other games?
Hmmm, So now he and his team are thieves as well? Stealing Credit Card Info? DEFINITLY going to do everything I can to put this thief out of business.

Deleted member 2755092

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2020
100% do not trust this developer or the pile of toot he has produced tyranoscript is dangerous as it looks like its a creditcard skimmer

if you open up C:\users\yourname\AppData\Local\Tyranoscript\Web Data file its like 40kb it contains a sqllite database creation and insertion of credit card info idk why a game would have that ....
I had a look, I think it's just a blank template. Considering how badly the game runs, I'm betting the dev just left a default "thing" on. The file did not contain anything per say, I think it's just bad coding to be honest ^_^


Jun 9, 2017
I had a look, I think it's just a blank template. Considering how badly the game runs, I'm betting the dev just left a default "thing" on. The file did not contain anything per say, I think it's just bad coding to be honest ^_^
That wouldn't surprise me. If it was a credit card swiper, it would be malware. Someone would've detected it by now.


Not so Well-known Member
Game Developer
Oct 23, 2020
Look at the color of the incoming attack and use corresponding color to block, it takes some practice.


Not so Well-known Member
Game Developer
Oct 23, 2020
Honestly there really isn't anything consistent in or with this one
1.70 star(s) 27 Votes