This game feels very conflicted. Every time you think you see what it's trying to do, it introduces some new element that contradicts that goal.
I'm not even all that far in, and I have multiple examples.
The sleeping drug is related to several of these conflicts. First of all, is the dev going for some kind of well-thought through world? If so, the drug potentially makes sense. You've basically got this weird masquerade thing going on on top of what appears to be a society constantly on the verge of massive orgies. You also have this whole extreme isolation thing going on. It's not all that out there to think maybe the society simply doesn't have the same views on personal freedoms and autonomy that we have. A minor unwilling imposition on somebody for the sake of more orgy might just be accepted as a totally okay thing. However... the story immediately contradicts this with the response you get from the MC and "landlady." The MC is upset, and the landlady feels like crap. So... apparently we're actually operating more my modern standards.
In that case, why is the drug even a thing? Apparently this whole nighttime orgy thing has happened a grand total of twice - and the second time they got caught. So you only need to explain the MC missing a single nighttime orgy. That's... easy enough to do. It's one time. Not a big deal. Hell, I doubt that one orgy is even important, so they could even just go and say this is the first time they tried to have a secret orgy and clearly they underestimated the difficulty. So many options that don't involve a random sleeping drug. So... just why? What does it add? Unless this becomes some kind of major plot point later? But sleeping drugs are real easy to understand, so I don't see the need to introduce them like this.
Then you have the whole, well, constant orgy thing. Sure, why not. But then we have the tattoos which are clearly aimed at being a blatant manifestation of close emotional bonds. So are we going for like... everybody fucks everybody all the time but also we have tight loving relationships? I mean maybe the tattoos are the only way to really show those bonds while also just making it all a constant everybodXeverybody fuck fest? I'm sure not everybody would see that as being an inherent contradiction, so maybe that's it? It seems like a hell of an ambitious goal to actually pull off, and I haven't seen anything that would make me so confident it would end up working.
On a somewhat different note, probably worth... some kind of extra tags or warnings or something. I dread even mentioning the damn term, but the not so infrequent talk and visual flashbacks to past affairs with men are certainly not going to be for everybody.