- May 2, 2021
- 3,090
- 4,850
I also had initial problems with this game, especially the original. I have made several comments about that.Heya,
... Heya, heya, heya.... pff, I really don't know.
I played for the first time just here, so I'm not aware of a previous version of the game.
I would like to tell what I think, but it's not easy. It's obvious that the Dev makes efforts for the story, so... For once, I will try to be " nice ".
First, most of my point of view is the one of a pure NTR-hater.
Before you starting to yell " there is no NTR in this game ", well... it's true, and it's not true at the same time.
First, I really didn't like the fact that the MC is getting over all of it so "easily".
- He discovered his whole family drugged him just to have sex, like a bunch of sluts, just for not to be bothered.
- His own mother, his own family agreed to drugged him.
- As he didn't eat the drugged cake, his own sister knocked him out.
- After KO the MC, the whole family just went to have a group sex and didn't gave a dam about the fact they hurted the MC to the point to make him unconscious.
- Tomorrow, they were just two women smilling at the MC like nothing happened.
My NTR point of view is because it was the same feeling. Not " jealousy ", because the dev made the women said that they can't wait to tell the MC about it, so, they wanted to tell him. But it was " betrayal ", " unfairness", " injustice" that I felt, because :
1) The MC didn't really do something about that.
2) How they dared to do that to him ? How horrible his family is ?
But I will explain my points more in details :
- He discovered his whole family drugged him just to have sex, like a bunch of sluts, just for not be bothered.
I want to say that if he didn't discovered it, how many times again his family would have drugged him after this one ?
The Dev made them said it was only " two time" (I don't know if the failure is counted as one of them), but you can feel that the Dev didn't want to make them too " sluts ". Unfortunately, it didn't work, because... well must I say it ? They drugged him, they did it. They admit it themselves that it was just to be " not bothered " by him. Not bothered ? Seriously ? It's your own son/brother/nephew/cousin! Come on!
There is absolutely no excuse for that.
Why they need this drug ? Why they don't go at the hotel or whatever ?
In a society where you can have sex with the first stranger you accros in the streets, the hotels are not something "important"?
- His own mother, his own family agreed to drug him.
That's just awful ! How can the dev decided to go with that story ?
The " remorses " they show after that is not convincing at all ! It remembers me " My new Family " when the mother said she was soooo saaad for abandoning her own son. But I didn't feel anything. I didn't feel any remorse, I didn't feel any one of these traitors feeling like shit. The empathy for the MC is just non-existent.
Nowhere in the game I read " Yeah, in fact, we didn't have a lot of sex because we weren't in the mood because we felt bad about you...". No, nothing like that. ZERO. They didn't give a dam about it.
That " drug " part is really toxic for the story. It clearly didn't need it. It make it soooo much worse.
- As he didn't eat the drugged cake, his own sister knocked him out.
Worst. Sister. Ever.
How can the MC even think about forgiving her ? Just that scene should have made the MC choose to go in exile. Just because of that.
What if she actually hurted him really bad ? Or maybe kill him by accident ? How even she dared to think about just doing it ?
And again, no remorse.
No, no... it doesn't work. At all. That part needs to be removed.
- After KO the MC, the whole family just went to have a group sex and didn't gave a dam about the fact they hurted the MC to the point to make him unconscious.
That's why I said they are a bunch of sluts. Nobody cares about the MC, and all of them went into a lesbian orgy.
WORSE OF THAT, the mother just admit it with a fucking smile on her face!
" Oh yeah the night you found about us, we all went in the room to have sex together ". Just die already, you fake mom!
DEV ! How is that even possible ? How can you valid that story in your mind ?
Honestly, why the MC didn't destroyed everything around him ? How can he feels okay after he heard that shoking truth ?
The family should have been devasted ! The only person they have to hide the secret from has discovered them! How will he react after seeing his family having sex together ? What consequences it would have for them for not telling him earlier ? How betrayed he would feel ? So much important questions that should have passed trough their head. Their " calm " an " cool " sex-world just blow up to their face in an instant. How can even they in the mood to having sex like nothing happened ?
MC's only reaction should have been " So, if I understand it clearly, you whore, after KO me, you just put me in my bed and went into an orgy and forgot about me ? "
The mom : "... eh.... well... you know... "
First, you slap the mother's face. And not lighty please. After that : " You, my mother, and them, my sister, my aunt, my cousin, you are the worst family ever. I will choose the exile and nobody will be able to stop me ". END.
- Tomorrow, they were just two women smilling at the MC like nothing happened.
No sadness (make the mom looks the ground is clearly not enough), no "real" excuses, no fucking "good" explanation, no... nothing. The MC even wondered if it wasn't a dream.
I say it again, the family should have been devasted.
Devasted for the betrayal, devasted for hurting him (a very important person, as a rare male in this society), devasted by everything he discovered. The aunt and the cousin weren't even here to support! What the hell is that?! Seriously!
That's all fror theses point.
Now, I would like to explain something again, with the NTR-point of view :
The women of this game are reaaaally a bunch of sluts. You can't just reveal the truth of the biggest secret of the society and just after that, saying that you fucked your son's principal, coach, family, etc...
If you want to said that, you must have a " family reunion ", something who gave the player a feeling of " something important will be said, so stay focused !" And there is nothing like that in the game.
We understand, as players, that if the sex is " so free " (to the point to accepting incest), well, they will have sex ! No shit, Sherlock !
What didn't make me yell like a giant grizzly was the fact that the dev tried to minimize the dammages. That was something "good". It was not enough, but I felt the intention.
Exemple : the mother said she only met five men in her life (or something like that), it was " good"
she said she had sex with all of them, it was " bad" (and speaking of that, they were all the five with her ? It was a gangbang ? I hope not, or the mother's image will be completely destroyed for me...)
Another exemple : The sister only have " one " real boyfriend. And now she hates him. Good.
She says a little too much how much she carred about him (bad)( I felt most love for her boyfriend than for the MC who was drugged and KO)
Another thing is : they are speaking too much about their past sex-life. Too much. I know it's just for showing some lesbian scenes (always appreciated, and again, I applaud the dev for no showing scene with another man than the MC), but take the place of the MC just one second :
You think your family is normal, and tomorrow, you hear that they are having sex with half of the city, behind your back. Your mother at her work (the excuse of "I have needs" doesn't work, it failed), and with your teachers, principal, etc...
And your whole family is like that.
Honestly, you really don't think that your family is just trying to make you jealous and they are not a bunch of sluts ? What family is happy to tell you how much of used good they are and you will never be able to experiment something new with them ?
That's the NTR-vibe of the game : your family has " too much " experience and show it off, and it's unfair for you who have " nothing". More of that, your first experience is with your family, and not with someone who have " nothing" either. The sex in this society is " too free" and not well " managed " to prevent the player from feeling this unfairness.
Of course, and again, good job dev for making the mother saying : " I won't try to make you jealous " (or something like that), but again, it failed. What's important is how the player (who hate NTR of course) is feeling, so you have to choose the best words when you give an explanation and not letting any "hole" in it.
And now, something that I really didn't understand is : why the incest subject is not asked ?
Well, I know, for the patreon rules, they are landlady, roommate, and shit, but seriously... we all know there are family, so...
I mean, it can work if you made the MC asking something like " : But how... Samantha is your "tenant"/"daughter" how can you have sex with her " etc.
That is, in my opinion, the very first question the MC should have asked. But again, nothing about that. How the new society introduced the " legal incest " ? How the family felt when they understood that they can have sex with each other ? And most importantly, how could they have sex with each other ?
It not because the society is telling you that you can fuck your family that it's means you will be able to do it. How they passed through the moral barrier ? I had the feeling that the women had been "convinced" too easily.
That's the thing that should have been discussed in the story, in priority.
Well, I guess we will know about that in the next update, " the ceremony " where all the secrets will be revealed. But it's when the mom and sister agreed to help the MC that it was the moment to explain it. It a very important subject.
So yeah, there are things who are inconsistant in the family's behavior, about the society and how it works.
And finaly : the MC.
Too " beta ", too " forviging " while it's pretty obvious that it's should be so much better for him to leave this shitty family forever.
I really have a hard time to follow that MC because he is too " unreal ".
The first time he sees his mother and sister making out and more, the first reaction is almost : " Ohhhh. I didn't expect that. But my tv show is about to start, so... I have no time to think about the biggest secret of this family and how I should suddently feel uneasy".
He was like : " I wonder what they will show me next ". Just that ?! Dam, dude, are you sure you are not in a cancer's terminal stage ?
It's really hard. And inconsistant. It's not good. He doesn't ask the right questions, he " adapts " too easily. And when he has the sense to ask a good question, the others are just telling " we can't answer you ". Why ? It's just talk. Are you not here to help him ? Just explain to him already ! Proove to the player that your are a little usefull, you slut.
And what about the drug ? Seriously, you will make the MC uses it ? For what ? Some " sleep sex " ? You want to make him a rapist ? Please, no...
Of course, I get the idea of the dev : jump as soon as possible at sex scenes. It's normal, everyone does that. But... sigh
So, in the end, what about the game ?
I don't like to said it when you see the efforts of the dev, but that rewrite was not enough. I don't know how was the game before but, it has to be redone again.
I really don't want to demotivate the dev, but the story is already collapsing. Clearly, he didn't think enough about it.
The new society that legalize incest and let people have sex freely when and where they want is the key point of the game. It has to be solid as a rock and it can"t left the player " unsatisfied " with its managment. After all, they are number of people who thought and adjust that system as things progressed.
About the story, if the dev want to keep it like that, there is only the exile for the MC. It's his last chance to show us that his family doesn't deserve him, in any case.
When the ceremony his over and when his family is watching him and waiting for some sentense like " I accept the society's rules ", let the MC said " No, that's sucks like hell, I choose to join Dawn in exile !!" and when he is going, make him do a middle finger to his family members and said " Now you don't need the drugs anymore, you filthy traitors. I hope you will die soon."
Let the MC go in exile. Blow up everyone expectations, and make the family live hell and feel real remorse. Make them feel so bad that they would start to think that it would be better for all of them to commit suicide. Make them really realise how shity they were with the MC and make them cry for months. Make them lift mountains, do the impossible just for having a chance to talk with the MC. Make them feeling so bad that they can't have sex anymore ! They deserve nothing else than that !
Maybe the mother will start thinking about how it was not that necessary to have sex with all mc's acquintances. (Sorry but I can't pass the principal and coach and all...)
Maybe the sister will realise that KO the MC was the biggest mistake of her life.
Maybe the whole family will fiiiiinaly start to think how unworthy of the MC they are.
I really want to like the game. I'm not even joking, I really want it.
For now it's impossible, it's too scattered. The whole family is dispicable, and the free sex thing is just making things worse, that's ironic.
We all realize that society can't exist, even with all the good will, because it has too many holes int it.
TGO Entertainment
Do you need any help with your story ? I'm seriously asking. If it's the case, feel free to ask me in PM. Because I want to see this game working.
You are creating a new " world " with a new society and all, I like that, count me in anytime ! I will be glad to help.
And for others who will quote my post to give their opinion, I won't answer to " big debate ", because it takes all my energy to make this comment, and I don't have the heart to answer (and because it's already 5:15 AM in my country)
Good night to you all. Love you.
One 'rational' explanation I can see is that the women have been genetically modified. As for the drugging, I can accept that their post-apocalyptic morality is not what we have today. The fact that they showed some regret (even though after the fact) shows that there is still some internal conflict. We'll see where the Dev takes it from here.
I do love the concept and I do look forward to seeing where it goes from here.