Or it works the other way around and they refer to women that way since that is the only way they got some love from them.

Remember male/female relations are a twoway street and if men behave badly that have been raised for 90% of time by females and had mainly female teachers, then who is at fault about teaching the morals in the first place and did the actions always confirm to the uttered words?
Can you please not include me into your imaginary hategroup? Never referred to a woman like that, never met ANYONE who was into that shit, so chances are I never will refer to one that way either.
This topic comes up quite often when guys get together (at least in my circle of acquaintances), and turns out, the vast majority of us had the very same experience:
When we got hurt, we were told to "man up". When we were sick, we got to hear that joke again about how men always act like they're dying, even though it's just a common cold. Or a situation every man seems to know:
I get home, sit on the couch. My girl sits next to me and plunges her feet into my lap. Why? Because she was standing the whole day, her feet hurt, and she wants me to rub them. And I do it without having to be asked, because that's how my Mom raised me and I want her to be comfortable.
But now let's be honest here for a second...
Guys. When was the last time you got home, sat down, your girl came up behind you and just started rubbing your shoulders? Maybe hug you from behind, give you one of those sweet little kisses on the neck? Without having to ask for it?
...and if that EVER happened to you, how long did she wait, before asking you that favour you immediately knew she needed from you? Because women are kind of assholes that way. They don't do that shit. Men very rarely get to be little spoon (sounds stupid, but you get what I mean). We get to have the numb arm she uses as a pillow. A buddy of mine once told me the story of how his girlfriend broke up with him, after she saw him cry because he had to take his cat to the vet to be put down.
So it's really no surprise men passionately dislike stories in which the MC is treated the way this MC is in this game.
I honestly believe way less people would have a problem with the whole drugging thing, if the dev just wrote in some HONEST and VISIBLE remorse on those women's part.
We get that partially from Susan, when she goes into MC's room after the kitchen-table discussion, but it's way too short and only used to gather some cheap sympathy-points before she asks us to make Samantha happy! The one who DROPPED US ON THE STAIRS! And everyone else is just like "...meh. Get over it you wimp. You just don't appreciate ME enough".
Instead of making us choose between Susan and Samantha for the first lesson... maybe give us the option for immediate exile, causing them to think about their behavior, realize how it affected MC and then FINALLY try to redeem themselves, so he won't leave.