
May 9, 2020
Sorry Real Kreten I disagree with what you just said because BadWarThunder was simply stating their opinion and explaining that position. I get the feeling that he/she likes the game apart from about maybe 2 mins of it. For that reason I gave a like to what they said although I disagree with that position.
It's not that I dislike it...I think it's masterfully done. But too much of something can be a bad thing....


Active Member
Dec 23, 2018
It's not that I dislike it...I think it's masterfully done. But too much of something can be a bad thing....
So what's your endgame? You didn't like that passage of the game. OK we understand, you've laid out your reasons why. What are your expectations from now on? Do you expect Hopes to re-write that section? If not then what? You've given him your feedback and it's up to him what he does with it.
Why do you feel the need to reply to absolutely everyone telling them the same thing? How often can you say "I don't agree with the way this thing went down" and "it's just, like, my critique man" before you come across as just wanting to passive-agressive argue with everyone who doesn't agree with you?
You've said your piece, move on from it.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
The dev needs to change the "Luna's kidnapping" scene. At least "reverse" so to speak Sofia's fate. I get that the kidnappers are beyond cruel, but as presented in the same scene, Sofia is a bright, hopeful and angelic child whose death by starvation is just too much, especially the hallucination part and the night before she dies. It's just too much.
It's one thing to say that you didn't like that event, but wow, talk about disrespect to Hopes (the Dev) & serious entitlement attitude with the whole "needs to change" & "reverse."

It is HopesGaming's vision & his story. Hopes is a pretty open and a cool down to earth guy, so he listens when people would sometimes make suggestions (which adds [not take away] to his already existing vision or gameplay), but noone (not you, me, or anyone else) has the right to demand to him what "needs" to be done.
To do so can only be seen as self entitlement & arrogance.

And it doesn't follow the rest of the game either. It's a game filled with humor and this part no only is in stark contrast, its brutality is unnecessary.
"My name is Luna" (or Sofia's fate, if you really wish to get technical) is more darker than usual, but myself and many others don't think it's out from the left field because Hopes left several breadcrumbs (scenes) which already gives players idea of how dark, cruel & unforgiving the DeLuca world can be such as following:

- MC as child poisoned when his mom tries to commit suicide with him
- MC gets poisoned during the dinner with the DeLucas.
- Trino is shot on the head in Cordia's office
- Pops Kaskar tortures the "mole" by cutting off limbs one by one
- Luna shoots one of Straffan's soldier's multiple times (to the point she gets blood splattered all over her face) even though he's already dead.

There's already a lot of events like above which foreshadow the tone of this DeLuca universe, so I just find your description of the game incorrect. There's humor yes, but there's definitely brutality & quite dark moments too.

This game reminds me of one quote by a Japanese writer named Haruki Murakami:

“Where there is light, there must be shadow, where there is shadow there must be light. There is no shadow without light and no light without shadow."

To add further, myself and many others quite like the "My name is Luna" event (and in Hopes' words, it's one of his most well received events in his game). That is not to say we're cruel and twisted people who delight in what happens to Sofia & everthing Luna went through. Far from it. We cry and feel sadness along with Luna & her tragedy.

Yet we still love the event because we find out the source of Luna's trauma, what pushed her over the edge, peeling back the layers of her psyche with the event (in short, it was a monumental moment for Luna with her character depth & development).

This is just my opinion, but I consider "My name is Luna" event (and her trauma) to be the shadow that looms over her, yet her time spending with MC & her journey to healing that MC takes her along is her light.

Because afterall, everything has got to balance out (can't be sunshine and rainbows all the time, or doom and gloom all the time).


New Member
Jan 7, 2020
Are you being obstinate on purpose? Genuine question. This isn't about building a world..." I think the person who wrote the characters and built this world in his imagination has a better idea of what his game is actually about " even though this one doesn't know what critics do. This is about critiquing a certain scene, just as people did that to the first Prequel because Jar Jar. If you aren't capable of comprehending that, it's not my problem.

So nobody accuses me I'm talking out of my a**:
Hate to break it to you, but if authors listened to every critic out there, there would be no good stories in the world. An author has a very specific vision for a story in their mind, and put it out there knowing that some will like it, and some will not. Some critics are fully capable of breaking a story down and seeing what works and what doesn't, but they don't know the world or story better than it's author, period. Using your Jar Jar reference, for example. Guess what Lucas thinks of those who don't like the character: he doesn't care. I'm not a huge fan of the character either, and could go into great detail why it was a bad choice, but I also freely acknowledge that I do not know the world of Star Wars better than George Lucas does, no matter how many times I see the movies or read the books and comics. Same goes here for The DeLuca Family. Critiquing a scene is fine; believing that you know what should happen better than the author is narcissism.
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Apr 29, 2017
just finished this one... Have to say I absolutely love it. (only missing a 'back' option so many games do have)
Let me introduce you to the wonderful invention that's called "the right mouse button". It's the thing your right middle finger or your left index finger usually rests on when one of your hands is on your mouse.

All jokes aside, and I meant no disrespect, right clicking works as the back button in this game iirc.


May 2, 2020
I think it's time we put this puppy to rest. I mean that ALL of us and not just BadWarThunder as was suggested above. Some of the responses I felt were well written and appropriate but some were direct attacks and although I tend to ignore those types of responses to what I say I can see why BadWarThunder felt he needed to respond to them. Therefore I am moving on and will no longer respond to this.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
I think it's time we put this puppy to rest. I mean that ALL of us and not just BadWarThunder as was suggested above. Some of the responses I felt were well written and appropriate but some were direct attacks and although I tend to ignore those types of responses to what I say I can see why BadWarThunder felt he needed to respond to them. Therefore I am moving on and will no longer respond to this.
Same. I just said what I thought was needed to be said (or was it a rant? :LOL::ROFLMAO:). Got nothing else to say anyway.

  • Haha
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Active Member
Oct 7, 2017
Can we get more of a hint instead of quest name... I dont like the requirement of a guide* I like a quest list with a mini (information) button that says... morning - bedroom or something similar just solves all the hubbub.


Jan 31, 2020
I have no problem with his opinion. I myself would have preferred if all the girls from Luna's past were alive.
I have a problem with the way he enforce his opinion: Everyone else does not understand it (including the developer), only he sees it correctly.
I kind of hope all of them are dead. Ever since seeing Luna's BG I've been slightly afraid that the Mysterious Six turned at least one of them into a mind controlled super soldier or something similar that we will have to deal with on a mission. Those poor girls have all suffered enough.
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The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
About the current discussion;

The 'issue' as I see is that BadWarThunder reply seemed a bit demanding and people took a bit of issue with that statement.
Which is understandable (and as the dev I appreciate that!)
With that said, it's clear for me that badWarThunder did not mean it as demanding and 'you have to do this' but rather just an opinion, and I always welcome those. So, no harm done.

To give a quick answer on it;

I can certainly see why it would seem like it and it can of course be argued that it can be removed.
But from the point of me when I wrote it, it is essential. All the deaths and 'dark' points are not just some accumulated darkness points where it'd be fine to remove some parts here and there as the accumulated darkness point is enough.
Rather, all the deaths and moments have different reasons and impacts.

Birthday wishes that lead to the death of a close friend. Luna believes that this was her fault because she wanted the birthday so much. Gaia part - she feels like it was her weak state of mind (being sad of Sofia's dead) that lead to Gaia breaking, but also a mean to give the feeling of betrayal and trust issue (Viola seemed scary at first where Gaia 'saved' her. But in the end, Viola saves Luna from Gaia. This twist her whole world of who is right and wrong and who can be trusted and not)

And I can go on for each dark points. But as a reader it is more fun to try to read into these things yourself than having me go on and on, heh.
But, I can't just say "Well, that means Sofia's part just have to be there" because, of course, it could be removed. But I do not wish for it due to the things mentioned above.

About the comedy part. That is the only part I would actually say you are wrong on. My game is not meant to be comedy. It just contain comedy elements.

Hope this answers some of your questions and just show you a bit from my point of view.
And remember to respect each other guys! :)

Holy cow, this was a great surprise to wake up to. Gotta say, it's a wonderful time to be a DeLuca fan!

So HopesGaming here's some questions:

1) Is the blue highlighted spot (#18. Luna's hideout) meaning that's MC's current location? Or is that the objective/goal where MC needs to head to?

2) Where are the following locations on the map? (my guesses in brackets)

- The jewelery shop that MC & the elites accompanied Isabel, Luna, Gracie to (part of the market place?)
- The place where MC talks & fully reconciles with Isabel after the Filius event (not sure where this place is, to be honest)
- "The Cave" restaurant where MC takes Luna on their date (outside Lucania's zone, since LaGamma, where MC & Luna had their little competition in the end of that event sits on the most left edge of the map)

3) Wilfred does not live in the mansion with the family, so where on the map are his quarters? Is his quarters still considered part of the "estate" or is it a separate area on the map (secret?)?

4) So how likely is it for us to see these characters in new gameplay of the Contracts section in the main story? Any cameos or appearances of them with one or two lines possible (something like for example MC with Luna and Gracie visits Gina's Tavern & Gina says to Hi to MC)?
Like you said, not expecting them to have big (or even moderate) roles even if they cross over to the main story.

5) This question is sort of related to question 4. (Not sure whether you can answer this without it being spoilers, but) will we be seeing the retired Capo Vincent (who appeared in the main game's Isabel & Gracie reconciliation event), in any of these revamped contracts?

6) I remember asking you before whether you were interested in doing a full Lucania map, and I think your reply then was it's something that might be too much work, but you'd still be interested in implementing in the future saying it could be fun (if possible).
Map like this, while not exact, still is very close to what I imagined, so I must say, I'm really happy for you with this new gameplay, & grateful as well.

7) Any chance we can get a map like this, but for the DeLuca estate? Would love to know where each of these places (and more, such as Cordia's bedroom, etc) are located in the mansion and get the feel how expansive the estate is:

- MC's room
- Dining area
- Living room
- Luna's room
- Gracie's room
- Antonio & Isabel's room
- Bathroom which Luna & Gracie blew up with the pink paint bomb
- Don's Office
- Wilfred's quarters (if considered part of "estate" as in previous question)

8) Wilfred says to MC in the introduction event:

"You are free to upgrade the bathroom and your room as you desire, as long as it doesn't cause disturbance with rest of the house."

Any thoughts on giving players some options to customize/decorate their bedroom & bathroom (as Wilfred says)? e.g. placing of collected objects, such as weapons, trophies, books etc or even something substantial (don't know what exactly, just change that is much more tangible than placing of objects).

I'm thinking something similar to player's Geralt customizing the Corvo Bianco estate in The Witcher 3 Blood & Wine expansion, but in much smaller scale.

9) If it's not much of a spoiler, please sum in one sentence each, of how Battista feels about the following subjects :ROFLMAO::LOL: :

"Old Testament"

"New Testament"

10) Not a question, but here's hoping after Eiza's sister arc is done (and you get your well earned break), you can give us a bit of taste/tease of future Cordia content soon!

It is simply a secret location that requires a high stat to be able to access (makes more sense once you play the new gameplay). But also, it is for the future.

The Jewelry shop is outside town. To be honest, haven't a specific location on that part as that was more a transition area. But maybe added to a known town/area in the future.

The Isa white bird area - also an area that is not from a specific part. Meant as a story releated point rather lore containing. Tho, again, may be added to a known location in the future (during a game play etc)

The cave is outside the map area of Lucania (but still very close) the La Gamma is actually a bit far from the cave but with some game logic, we skipped a long transition between the places, heh.

Wilfred's hibernation location is a secret!
Tho do note, on the map where it says DeLuca Estate. it is just showcasing where their house is. But that does not only mean it is their house in that area. Also other, more wealthy, houses at that location.
Same with the marketplace. Contains a lot of different shops etc.

Many of the important people from the gameplay will have renders and will also appear during normal side events or main storyline (less chance on this).
The nuns got created during the gameplay creation. They are mostly at the gameplay section but are now going to appear during the save eizas sister event and will not just be BG characters.


Glad ya like it!

Could actually be fun with a map like that for the house. Maybe even be used as a contract.
But low priority for now.

8. I added the line because I actually planned for that.
But now, I am not sure as it would break the immersion a bit. Especially if the changes end up drastically change the look.
Why? Because when I make a render in that room I have to make several versions of the room. So a very small event with like 20-30 renders will now have to be several hundred (depending of the amount of customization ofc)
The second option is just to have customization show up during the free-roaming part. But any renders will remove it. But again, would ruin immersion.

"The DeLuca Testament"

Maybe :) !

Can we get more of a hint instead of quest name... I dont like the requirement of a guide* I like a quest list with a mini (information) button that says... morning - bedroom or something similar just solves all the hubbub.
Hm? Like what?
Right now there is-
Required quests, time of day, and room location.
(Not all have time of day and/or room location but that just mean it's in the location where they usually are at)

Another part is that all the girls only have like 3 locations there are during the day. It is not randomized and they are at the same place every day (done to make it easier)
5 times. Morning, noon (Luna her room), afternoon (Gracie her room), evening (Isabel her room), night.

So, if a quest is white and says it req a quest to be done. The player only have to read what the name of the quest is and then have to go to the room they usually are in (it says if it is in another room)

As a dev, I am not sure how much more I can do to help without it goes to the extreme.

Tho, there are some parts that need to be ironed out (a lot of the 'wait x days' style of events need improvement on the guide)


Jul 13, 2020
I kind of hope all of them are dead. Ever since seeing Luna's BG I've been slightly afraid that the Mysterious Six turned at least one of them into a mind controlled super soldier or something similar that we will have to deal with on a mission. Those poor girls have all suffered enough.
Agreed. Luna showed exceptional mental strength surviving the ordeal. She may 'not be broken' but you gotta think most other survivors would be.
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Active Member
Apr 17, 2020
About the current discussion;

The 'issue' as I see is that BadWarThunder reply seemed a bit demanding and people took a bit of issue with that statement.
Which is understandable (and as the dev I appreciate that!)
With that said, it's clear for me that badWarThunder did not mean it as demanding and 'you have to do this' but rather just an opinion, and I always welcome those. So, no harm done.
Thank you Godfather for stopping by and your calming words.
Also for your other comments and of course the game.

Luna ftw!

Zirael Q

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2017
I had posted this message originally but some moderator removed it because I was overly aggressive for telling someone to learn English because I could not understand his reply. Anyway, this is to everybody that thought Sofia's death was cute and everything:

I did not mean the entire thing, just that death. It's too much. This isn't a drama. Yes it has some elements of a drama such as the death of that arrogant Fazio dude because of the impact it has on his father but overall this is more like a comedy, it has an enormous amount of funny moments. And Sofia's death kind of ruins the tone since the game is a collection of comedy stuff interrupted by somber apex moments. Sofia's death isn't a somber moment, it's a downright ocean of sadness, misery, pain and despair, too much. Don't forget Luna's staying in the small cage and the abuse and suffering she endured there is what actually scarred her mentally.

You were affected by the Filius part, now I see. Cool
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Aug 26, 2019
Is there a soft lock in this? I guess I missed something cause I cannot progress to ch 10 due to not fulfilling "my name is luna", to be quite frank I'm lost on what to do since I've ben persuing her without a guide, do I have to start a new game now? Help because nothing I've tried works, it's literally "You didn't do something important but I won't tell you what or why or how to progress. I will only say you didn't do the thing! Please someone help me.


Jun 15, 2020
Let me introduce you to the wonderful invention that's called "the right mouse button". It's the thing your right middle finger or your left index finger usually rests on when one of your hands is on your mouse.

All jokes aside, and I meant no disrespect, right clicking works as the back button in this game iirc.
So.. you couldn't have said that a couple of days earlier?

all joking aside, I did not know that. kinda feel like an ass now.
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