I remember playing the old version of this when it came out and I thought it was kind of an interesting premise, but it just kind of faded away after a while. This new version looks pretty nice, and once again the premise interests me, so I hope you keep going at it.
Some more detailed feedback: It did seem strange why skipping read text was disabled, but having forced it back on, I understand now. It doesn't play well with the way the game is made. I don't know much about programming, so I can't offer anything constructive, just a note. Also, I can only assume the Saturday 'event' is still a work in progress, as it isn't really indicated in any way, doesn't work after the first week (from what I saw), and Mei calls you 'Hyo' when you click on her door. On the note of indication, it might not be a bad idea to consider adding some kind of indicator as to the score a player needs to see certain scenes. For example, the shirtless Mei cosplay needs 6 affection, so it could say that in some way (just so players know exactly what they need to make it a little easier).
But yeah, I like this kind of stuff, so I hope things go well.