You are right, the variables are a complete and utter mess. I wrote myself into a lose/lose situation and with the intent of moving forward I just had to ignore certain variables that I had planned for earlier. I am planning on simplifying what variables are used in the future and trying not to branch out too far.Your variables in and before the club are a bit of a mess.
- snip for clarity -
Chapter 1 and all the choices I allowed at the time set me up for failure. I wanted a realistic portrayal of a couple entering the lifestyle and those are all things that should be discussed beforehand. I just don't have the skill and organization to pull it all together (yet!)
I have never seen that tool and oh man, I think it could have made my life so much better. I am going to look at using it in the future to just double check things before release.
This is probably the best compliment possible to have received. Thank you.I downloaded this game intending to just skip through everything but the sex scenes and instead I found myself actually playing through it and reading everything.