But was there a story reason for making a female Doctor?
In the reboot the Doctor went from Christopher Eccleston to David Tennant (best since Tom Baker) to Matt Smith then it seems the show became strongly more about promoting a social/political ideology than entertainment.
i have to say my favourite doctors were tom baker (who i grew up watching), and then i'd pick matt smith to be honest because he seemed the most ALIEN of them. he just looked and acted totally alien.
also, i have to say one thing i loved was watching capaldi when he was doing an almost impersonation of previous doctors. like, sometimes he'd talk with baker's cadence. i could see moments where he was definitely using previous doctors' little habits or mannerisms and that, to me, was genius. it's a shame a lot of his scripts were terrible.
but i think doctor who as a whole has suffered from being a bit unsure of what it is and where it fits in both the age of its targeted audience and the overall tone of the show.
i personally feel they need to slow down and go back a little to some longer stories overall, and lose the soap opera. for me, that's why i haven't watched the new doctor. it looks like a soap opera now.
and that's my doctor who rant.