VN Ren'Py The Mason Gambit [Ch.10] [CorForce Productions]

3.20 star(s) 50 Votes


Game Developer
May 11, 2017
Just a couple things to note.

In my own life my wife and I were each others' first and only. She was well into her twenties and still a virgin and her views are expressed a lot in Nicole. It's what we wanted; a relationship with no complications from past relationships. We firmly stand in the love-before-intimacy camp. The main character seeks out people of similar views and those are the people he's surrounded himself with. So, the whole incel shit is something my wife and I find hilarious. Something that never came up in our life until I found out about this place. Meh, whatever.

The characters in the story reflect those views. My friends and family all share those views and we've never had issues finding others that feel the same way. Ooh, shocking.

I am former military with twenty years experience. I know the ranks. I know the hierarchies. I've worked with some of the world's elite. So, whoever mentioned the bit about a Commodore in the story...Haha! I have no such person in it. There is a Navy Lt. Commander (Major equivalent in the army), and the MC is an Army Captain (unlike Navy Captains that are both roles on ships and a rank, the equivalent of which is an Army Colonel. I know, confusing). I certainly didn't write anything that constituted insubordination of any kind. Not sure where that shit came from. Show's how observant some people are.

So, if none of what I mentioned here appeals to you. That's a you problem. Not a me problem. So comments complaining about those views get ignored. I have no time for animals like that. I have a happy and successful life. And a happy and successful wife. I write this stuff for my own entertainment and really couldn't care less about what the shitsuckers say. Oh, my wife is former military herself. It's where we met. She's tough as nails and someone you don't piss off since she's a qualified sharpshooter.

And, yeah, I don't normally hang around here since my story isn't a porn story. I know exactly what people here want, and I knew this would only appeal to a smaller percentage from these forums. Best bet if you really wanted to talk to me is to message me directly, though I know that wouldn't get the worldwide distribution some are looking for.

That's all.


Cory F

Deleted member 2553135

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
Friday Update 17 Feb 2023
Hey All!

Here we are on the infamous home stretch. I have 10 more scenes to render out so, it will be cutting it close. I hope to have it all done by next weekend. That way I can begin rollout before month's end.

As you can see by the numbers, I have already gone beyond my standard chapter size. This may be the biggest to date. This being a story in the interim timing of the main story, it required much more than the usual to tie it up in a neat little bow, so to speak.

I am excited for you folks to see it. I'm happy with where I took it (or rather where the characters took it). Funny thing when writing this stuff, the characters tend to come alive in my mind and begin using their own voice and ideas. Much of it was a pleasant surprise to myself as well. I am quite hopeful for this chapter. I don't want to hype it too much. I still want realistic expectations after all.

Cheers and thank you for your support!

Cory F


Game Developer
May 11, 2017
i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the dev is a military jockey with no actual clue as to how things are outside of hollywood, especially when it comes to ranks and behavior. like, say, an LT making fun of a Commodore while on duty, to his face no less, especially one that's a covert operations captain, or former captain in this case, in front of an audience. that doesn't just get you dishonorably discharged, it gets you court martialed for insubordination, locked up and blacklisted. and that's actually the best case scenario. 3 things you should remember, when dealing with the military: 1. hierarchy exists and it's there for a reason. it doesn't get bypassed, it doesn't get broken. 2. sexism exists. deal with it! you don't like it? get out of the military! also, women tend to give as good as they get when it comes to jokes... if not better! 3. they're called wraiths, not ghosts. and under no circumstance will a wraith get to return to official duty or civilian life. EVER! they also don't get recruited if they have any sort of family left behind for this very same reason.
the story itself isn't bad but seeing a woman that's 120lbs soaking wet antagonize an ape with 5 years in the field that looks like he bench-presses 220kg for fun is like watching a chihuahua trying to fight a shepherd. yea, good luck with that! he'll either laugh at you in your face, ignore your existence and consider you crazy or snap your neck like a twig because you said something that triggered him. military life makes you rough but it also makes you not take any bs. you don't forget your manners, sure, but there's a difference between being polite and respectful and being whatever the hell this MC is supposed to be. this is one story i'll never return to.
20 years military service bub and my wife can kick ass.

I'm surprised you have enough brain power for involuntary bodily functions.

They must have to sit you in a corner and water you once a week just to keep you alive.

Wraiths? Holy fuck! You really are delusional.

Folks, this guy couldn't find his ass with both hands in his back pockets.

And you're fuckin right military life makes you rough. My wife can attest to that. She'd snap your neck like a twig...easily.

I'd slow down on eating those paint chips if I were you.
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 24, 2021
In my own life my wife and I were each others' first and only. She was well into her twenties and still a virgin and her views are expressed a lot in Nicole. It's what we wanted; a relationship with no complications from past relationships. We firmly stand in the love-before-intimacy camp. The main character seeks out people of similar views and those are the people he's surrounded himself with. So, the whole incel shit is something my wife and I find hilarious. Something that never came up in our life until I found out about this place. Meh, whatever.

The characters in the story reflect those views. My friends and family all share those views and we've never had issues finding others that feel the same way. Ooh, shocking.
Personally, I don't have much of a problem with that. However, one of the few things I dislike about Mason Gambit, is how hard you're pushing that view of only being each others' first and only. More or less, you're saying "if you're not each others' first and only, you're a slut/whore, and don't deserve love" (it's one of the takeaways I was left with while playing the story), which I find a bit extreme. Love, or what you thought was love, doesn't always turn out the way you wanted or imagined it to. I believe you, your friends, and your family (and others who share your views on love/sex) pretty much lucked out in that area. I've yet to experience reciprocated love first hand, so I don't have personal experience with it, but those around me have.

Just to tell something about my own family:

My oldest little sister thought she had her major first love back when she was 18-ish. Unfortunately, the guy she loved (and shared intimacy with) turned out to be a cheating bastard. Her second major love was partially long distance (while he served as a helicopter mechanic in our country's Air Force, if I remember correctly), but his idea of intimacy was heavily influenced by his very conservative family, and he never took my sister's side on anything - even on minor things - instead, favoring his parents' views, even if they mismatched with what he had initially indicated to be his own opinions. My sister's third major love (as far as I know, that is) stayed - they've now been together for about 13-14 years at this point, and have two children. He gets very much along with our family (and our quirks), and we all get a sense this relationship is indeed meant to last.

My mother had her first major love with my father (as far as I/we know), first meeting while my mother was 15 or 16 (my memory is a little hazy on this, though). They got married when my father was 22, and my mother was 20, and I was their first child one year after they got married. Three years later, my oldest little sister was born, but their marriage had its ups and downs, mostly downs, mainly due to my father's major personal issues (I won't go into details). In essence, according to my mother, my father was impossible to be around most of the time. They divorced after 11-12 years of marriage, and they were sensible enough to make sure us kids were shielded from most issues between our parents (making this a major point in their divorce settlement, as we found out only after we were adults). A couple of years later, my mother found her second major love, who is now my stepfather, and they've been married for 27 years at this point, beating out her marriage with my father by over twice as long. Even after my mother's second marriage, my father and my stepfather actually got along well, and were even squash partners for a period of time.

After my parents' divorce, my father never really settled properly down, but one of his relationships managed to give me and my oldest little sister another sibling: my youngest little sister, who's roughly 18 years younger than me (this sister also has another brother from her mother's previous relationship, and we consider him to be our almost-step brother). My father and her mother didn't stay together long after her birth, sadly, and since then, my father had a few relationships after that, some where he moved in with them, but only lasting a couple of years before breaking up and moving on. All of those relationships ended pretty much for the same reason as my mother told me: My father's a good friend, but he's impossible to live with. My father passed away shortly before Christmas due to health issues, and he never found someone to finally settle down with, as far as we know.

My main point by telling all of this, is: Love is often a tricky thing. CoryF, you were lucky enough to be part of a family where first loves stuck, and you managed to surround yourself with friends and other family who had the same kind of luck in love.

As I mentioned, I just think you might be pushing too hard on the "sex not done with your first-and-only love can only be a sign of promiscuity, and that makes you a slut/whore" point of view, and I find that somewhat distracting from the rest of the main story. Especially when the story's MC keeps repeating this point of view every time the topic of sex/intimacy comes up. Or when another character repeats this point of view. If you're not careful, it can quickly come off as preachy.

I rather feel that we can agree to disagree on the topic of intimacy, and move along.

A better way of handling it, might be for the MC to tell the other character "I'm sorry, but I'm just not interested in you" (or something along those lines), and get on with it.

Other than that, I love story around The Mason Gambit so far, and I'm looking forward to where the story will take us next.

And, yeah, I don't normally hang around here since my story isn't a porn story. I know exactly what people here want, and I knew this would only appeal to a smaller percentage from these forums. [...]
Many of the VNs/games around these forums aren't primarily porn stories, but they are also adult stories featuring sexual/porn elements. When it comes to intimacy, a great deal of VNs here also focus on love before sex, some deal with sex before love, and some deal with just sex (as the only element of intimacy). There's something for everyone.


Game Developer
May 11, 2017
Personally, I don't have much of a problem with that. However, one of the few things I dislike about Mason Gambit, is how hard you're pushing that view of only being each others' first and only. More or less, you're saying "if you're not each others' first and only, you're a slut/whore, and don't deserve love" (it's one of the takeaways I was left with while playing the story), which I find a bit extreme. Love, or what you thought was love, doesn't always turn out the way you wanted or imagined it to. I believe you, your friends, and your family (and others who share your views on love/sex) pretty much lucked out in that area. I've yet to experience reciprocated love first hand, so I don't have personal experience with it, but those around me have.

Just to tell something about my own family:

My oldest little sister thought she had her major first love back when she was 18-ish. Unfortunately, the guy she loved (and shared intimacy with) turned out to be a cheating bastard. Her second major love was partially long distance (while he served as a helicopter mechanic in our country's Air Force, if I remember correctly), but his idea of intimacy was heavily influenced by his very conservative family, and he never took my sister's side on anything - even on minor things - instead, favoring his parents' views, even if they mismatched with what he had initially indicated to be his own opinions. My sister's third major love (as far as I know, that is) stayed - they've now been together for about 13-14 years at this point, and have two children. He gets very much along with our family (and our quirks), and we all get a sense this relationship is indeed meant to last.

My mother had her first major love with my father (as far as I/we know), first meeting while my mother was 15 or 16 (my memory is a little hazy on this, though). They got married when my father was 22, and my mother was 20, and I was their first child one year after they got married. Three years later, my oldest little sister was born, but their marriage had its ups and downs, mostly downs, mainly due to my father's major personal issues (I won't go into details). In essence, according to my mother, my father was impossible to be around most of the time. They divorced after 11-12 years of marriage, and they were sensible enough to make sure us kids were shielded from most issues between our parents (making this a major point in their divorce settlement, as we found out only after we were adults). A couple of years later, my mother found her second major love, who is now my stepfather, and they've been married for 27 years at this point, beating out her marriage with my father by over twice as long. Even after my mother's second marriage, my father and my stepfather actually got along well, and were even squash partners for a period of time.

After my parents' divorce, my father never really settled properly down, but one of his relationships managed to give me and my oldest little sister another sibling: my youngest little sister, who's roughly 18 years younger than me (this sister also has another brother from her mother's previous relationship, and we consider him to be our almost-step brother). My father and her mother didn't stay together long after her birth, sadly, and since then, my father had a few relationships after that, some where he moved in with them, but only lasting a couple of years before breaking up and moving on. All of those relationships ended pretty much for the same reason as my mother told me: My father's a good friend, but he's impossible to live with. My father passed away shortly before Christmas due to health issues, and he never found someone to finally settle down with, as far as we know.

My main point by telling all of this, is: Love is often a tricky thing. CoryF, you were lucky enough to be part of a family where first loves stuck, and you managed to surround yourself with friends and other family who had the same kind of luck in love.

As I mentioned, I just think you might be pushing too hard on the "sex not done with your first-and-only love can only be a sign of promiscuity, and that makes you a slut/whore" point of view, and I find that somewhat distracting from the rest of the main story. Especially when the story's MC keeps repeating this point of view every time the topic of sex/intimacy comes up. Or when another character repeats this point of view. If you're not careful, it can quickly come off as preachy.

I rather feel that we can agree to disagree on the topic of intimacy, and move along.

A better way of handling it, might be for the MC to tell the other character "I'm sorry, but I'm just not interested in you" (or something along those lines), and get on with it.

Other than that, I love story around The Mason Gambit so far, and I'm looking forward to where the story will take us next.

Many of the VNs/games around these forums aren't primarily porn stories, but they are also adult stories featuring sexual/porn elements. When it comes to intimacy, a great deal of VNs here also focus on love before sex, some deal with sex before love, and some deal with just sex (as the only element of intimacy). There's something for everyone.
I had to make it VERY clear how these people are. They are like my friends and family, and that's it. They WILL share their opinions on the matter. If that's not you, so be it. Just be prepared for it.

I also just got sick and tired of the alternative point of view being pushed CONSTANTLY. It was time to go against the flow. People lived loose in ancient history and they have the nerve to say WE are outdated. That's the single dumbest arguement imaginable. I will keep writing the characters as they are because I REALLY don't care who likes or dislikes it. The idea of multiple partners in our lives is abhorrent to my wife. Partly because it's unhygenic (medical science backs that up). It's one of the reasons we have a slowly devolving immune system as a society. It's one of the things that attracted me to her.


Active Member
Feb 24, 2021
I had to make it VERY clear how these people are. They are like my friends and family, and that's it. They WILL share their opinions on the matter. If that's not you, so be it. Just be prepared for it.

I also just got sick and tired of the alternative point of view being pushed CONSTANTLY. It was time to go against the flow. People lived loose in ancient history and they have the nerve to say WE are outdated. That's the single dumbest arguement imaginable. I will keep writing the characters as they are because I REALLY don't care who likes or dislikes it. The idea of multiple partners in our lives is abhorrent to my wife. Partly because it's unhygenic (medical science backs that up). It's one of the reasons we have a slowly devolving immune system as a society. It's one of the things that attracted me to her.
Not to worry, how you choose to view intimacy and love is all a matter of personal preference.

Just to shorten my point, the only thing I had an issue with, was more the way it was presented to us, the viewer/reader. There's a big difference between mentioning their personal opinion as an aside (saying the reason for their choice), and lecturing people on what's right or wrong (on this particular issue, there's no absolute/ultimate right or wrong, it's only what's right or wrong for you).

What's right or wrong to you and your wife might not be right or wrong for someone else.

Also, the idea of multiple partners can work out, but only if there's complete honesty and consent between all parties involved, and safety in health is strictly observed (mainly, condoms or similar barriers are used if all parties are not being exclusive to each other). That said, although I like the idea of a MC having multiple exclusive partners (harem-like) when playing adult VNs and games, I'm quite uncomfortable with something like that in real life. The same goes for incest. I like the idea of it as a fantasy, but not in my real life.


Game Developer
May 11, 2017
Not to worry, how you choose to view intimacy and love is all a matter of personal preference.

Just to shorten my point, the only thing I had an issue with, was more the way it was presented to us, the viewer/reader. There's a big difference between mentioning their personal opinion as an aside (saying the reason for their choice), and lecturing people on what's right or wrong (on this particular issue, there's no absolute/ultimate right or wrong, it's only what's right or wrong for you).

What's right or wrong to you and your wife might not be right or wrong for someone else.

Also, the idea of multiple partners can work out, but only if there's complete honesty and consent between all parties involved, and safety in health is strictly observed (mainly, condoms or similar barriers are used if all parties are not being exclusive to each other). That said, although I like the idea of a MC having multiple exclusive partners (harem-like) when playing adult VNs and games, I'm quite uncomfortable with something like that in real life. The same goes for incest. I like the idea of it as a fantasy, but not in my real life.
I understand and I will say, going forward, it's going to feel less "preachy" because they've said what they wanted in order to clear the air. It WAS part in parcel to narrow my reading audience. I admit that so, I don't apologize for it. When Nikki and the MC meet for the first time after his return, she is afraid and is desparate to indicate she is still his. It's why she rants and rambles. As for anything else, well, you've heard it said in later chapters by the MC that what other people do is their own business, but it's not for him and his circle at all.

I am also with you wholeheartedly regarding the Harem and Incest concepts. What works in fiction is not something I'd be comfortable with in reality. So we certainly have common ground there.



Active Member
Mar 21, 2020
Latest from Patreon.

Hey Everyone!

Rather than show the graph (there's no point since I have surpassed all the target numbers), here's a teaser image, to hold you over, from the upcoming chapter for everyone.

I have two and a half scenes left to render out. I hope to have it done before the weekend is up. Rollout should begin on Sunday, barring any issues.

Take care and thank you for your support!


Cory F


Active Member
Mar 21, 2020
Nice, it's out now.

The anticipated Chapter 9 is now available to the public.

** WARNING!! Some old saves will not work due to restructuring. After testing, I have discovered the saves that do not work are the ones at the END of a scene. Saves made at the start or anywhere in the middle of a scene work fine. In short, if your save won’t load, try a different one or restart and ctrl skip. **

Chapter 9 has arrived!

Here is what it adds:

18104 new words of dialogue.

731 new renders.

3 new animations.

Added a lengthy opening disclaimer before the first scene to lay out what newcomers can expect within. Irrelevant if you’ve been with me this far.

Here are the links.

Mega download for PC .

Mega download for Mac .

Google Drive download for PC .

Googe Drive download for Mac .

As always, thank you for your support and patience. You are appreciated.


Cory F

Feb 23, 2023
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Sep 3, 2017
I played this, I removed this, I apparently felt the need to share this.


Edit: Does Cory F come here and still post? I've been reading his last post and been enjoying them more than the game, the dude is a riot and a certified badass.
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3.20 star(s) 50 Votes