Minor typos throughout the game. Game definitely needs to be gone over with a fine toothed comb.
Left of : is in game, right of : are fixes, anything in ( ) are questions, ideas, thoughts.
A few examples below
An helpless : A (An is used before another word that would start with a vowel, while A is before a consonant)
My friend Jenny need : needs
I didn't made myself : make
(if you click the girls in the hallway, then go to the room, the girls flash for a split second again)
(going into bathroom and then pressing the leave arrow after getting home from the limo ride puts you outside the house)
(Cleopatra scene seems weird after the Brigitte conversation, the scene makes it seem like he is going to work his way in and is only a seller as of now, yet he instantly influences her, even though we were told someone who is very confident and strong willed would be nigh impossible. These two scenes are at odds.)
(some of the animations have almost like a going back in time in their loop)
(not a fan of the bloop sound when hovering over things.)
(I hope MC learns to ask way more questions, like known damage to the brain for use/over use of power to MC or others, can members influence each other, why Brigitte's master wasn't the one MC met, time length things last for, how much of a person is leftover after a while, so many more)