Thanks for your kind words.
I have no idea if Gary will ever start a new game. He changed job, country, that could be a lot to process.
As for me working again with him, I don't think so. I was too disappointed about the guy's carelessness.
Here's a little gift for all the fans: I had the beta test version of the new chapter. It's not complete but playable. You need to start a new game, old saves won't work but as it starts with the coming of the new girl, that's not a problem.
You can find it here. ATTENTION IT'S A STAND ALONE, DON'T DELETE YOUR 0.10 VERSION (thanks
Ottoeight for pointing that out)
I leaked it to the upper tier of his patreon a few months ago (just before leaving his Discord) and it didn't came here. It was like that in CMA's time, old habits die hard. It was a treasure for Gary to have such a loyal fan base and we were all so proud of it. Once again, what a waste.
That being said, there are great games around here.
I translated Between Two World in French (D&D setting), and now I'm preparing a French version of Isabella (thriller/investigation). Totally different atmosphere from CMA and Patriarch but worth playing. Closer in atmosphere, I support Game of hearts and White Cube, that I recommend too.
And if you go to CHYOA for erotic stories, look for BreakTheBar stories. I sponsored/designed one of his stories: "Le Français".