When treated like a writing tool, it can be VERY useful indeed. I'd say I'm mostly NTR neutral, but there's some parts of me that are pro NTR, some that are anti NTR, but they both are all for the same reasons. Kinks are like seasoning. They should be used in the right way & in the right amounts to enhance the story, not become a substitute for it. For example, I like my steak with carmalized onions, garlic & some seasoning salt while it's cooking, & it's perfect as is. If it's cooked as just a slab of meat on a grill, then I'd need some steak sauce just to make it palatable. Now, does that mean I'd want to eat a pile of onions, garlic & salt with some meat shavings on it? or a bowl full of steak sauce with a chunk of meat floating around? No, who would? That's gross & inedible. In much the same way, many NTR creators like to churn out the same boring old "Hot wife & microdick beta husband are deeply in love & happy. Suddenly, big dick alpha male enters picture, (usually black because raceplay is a big part of that scene), Wife resists the boorish antag but finds herself ultimately unable to resist & she gives in, rapidly losing her identity & moral compass as she now lives only to fuck antag to her beloved husband's dismay & husband is just sad". wash, rinse repeat, YAWN. Thanks for the plate of onions & salt, but I'll pass. I'd like real food, thanks. I hate to say it, but part of why Lessons of Passion remain popular is because they actually use NTR rather effectively as a compelling story mechanism. In Living with Temptation 2, Living with Serena, (I think that's what it was), Divided heart, etc... based on choices you make & how yoou play the game, NTR might or might not happen, & how you play it when it does happen can have wildly different outcomes ranging from MC is crushed & his life falls apart bad endings to the cheating partner getting their ass handed to them. Like in LWT2 alone, when the wife cheats, depending on the MC's choices, that can end in the MC being crushed, or it could end in him owning her in a divorce, where he get's the hot redhead as a replacement, keeps the house & his kid, etc... while she ends up completely washed up. & it's that variety of whether it will or won't happen, what the outcome will be, all based on the MC's choices that makes it interesting. If more creators took that approach, I think NTR wouldn't have such a bad rep.
In short, when used right, it CAN be an enhancement to the story. When used as a substitute for the story, it's just shit.