
Apr 27, 2018
I decided not to post the complaint until I thoroughly did some searching, and surprisingly this worked.
On an by Asphyx, he stated not to lower the quality at startup.
I set mine to Ultra and it fixed the neighbour crash.
Unfortunately not the shower.
Admins may want to note this in the Known Issues.

The game runs smoothly for me except certain scenes.
Knocks the neighbours door = crash.
Try to wait for mom in the shower = crash.

Does anyone have any solutions for this?
I've seen many posts on this subject but they're old versions or are just ignored.
I've checked the crash log folder and it's completely empty as the game crashes so bad it can't even create a log.
Another fellow member of this forum has the same problem with the bathroom scene.
After a long discussion with him we've come to the conclusion, that the problem is the outdated hardware.
Here is the solution found:
I tried the versions up to version 0.19 of the game and got the same problem again. I will try earlier versions. I will inform you of the latest situation. Thanks for everything.
The 0.18 version of The Twist game is running smoothly on my computer. As a result of my research, I learned that I was not the only person who took this game error. Due to the game engine developed in version 0.19 of the game, the old systems fail. For this reason I will play the 0.18 version and then play the 0.22 version using the save editor.
Thank you for your help.


Apr 27, 2018
Sorry, AngelOfDeath, I am so stupid that I tried 10 times to go in the bedroom at night but still cannot fuck Janice.
Every day I go straightly to sleep after school to try 352. Everytime I entered the bedroom (John is sleeping with Janice), come closer (hit the button when the sliding bar slides in the middle (eye's open)), eat her ass (also hit the button when the sliding bar in the middle), and finally stick tongue in her ass, then Janice wakes up everytime at this point (tongue). Did I miss anything to do? Please help. Sorry for my bad english.
Sorry for the late reply, but I have a lot of work this week.

You must put your dick in her ass, not your tongue! And since you can use only your tongue, this means that you need to progress your relation with Janice until you can fuck her in the ass. Then you can try step 352.


Sep 6, 2017
Shhh! ... Do not pull the Devil by the tail! ...
Unless you want two dozen posts, with stupid questions, ranging from:
"Please help! What is damn password for Julia's phone?"
"I can't fuck Julia, Janice, Emma, Rebecca, Danielle, Rachel, Adrianna and Kira all-together! Please help me!"
Best posting the last few days imho was the ask for an Android Port. XD

Pass is --Rick :)
I see what you did here! :p
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New Member
Jul 21, 2017
372. Go to the pharmacy store till the 17:00. Offer your help (If Kelly refuses, leave to the townmap and come back again, till she agrees:frown:). This time Kira will come.
I have! pls


Jun 16, 2018
372. Go to the pharmacy store till the 17:00. Offer your help (If Kelly refuses, leave to the townmap and come back again, till she agrees:frown:). This time Kira will come.
I have! pls
Buy --libe.. etc.. you need score


Apr 27, 2018
372. Go to the pharmacy store till the 17:00. Offer your help (If Kelly refuses, leave to the townmap and come back again, till she agrees:frown:). This time Kira will come.
I have! pls
If you have a problem, please man, be more specific - what have you already done and what are you trying to do?
BTW, did you do step 356 (Go to the pharmacy shop. Talk to Kelly. She will ask to replace her at work. After that she will give you sleeping pills.)?


Apr 27, 2018
I did everything ... maybe I miss score. thanks
If you are absolutely sure that you did everything in the walkthrough, then try the following:

1. Install and start the game.
2. Go to the pharmacy before 17:00 (game time of course ;)).
3. Press Show Cheats button on the upper left and check the state of johnq variable.
4. Do step 5 ONLY if johnq >= 6 !!! (You already talked to Kelly about the sleeping pills.)
5. Set variable localjob to False .

Try again! (The chance Kelly give you a job is 50% only if localjob == False)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
I decided not to post the complaint until I thoroughly did some searching, and surprisingly this worked.
On an by Asphyx, he stated not to lower the quality at startup.
I set mine to Ultra and it fixed the neighbour crash.
Unfortunately not the shower.
Admins may want to note this in the Known Issues.

The game runs smoothly for me except certain scenes.
Knocks the neighbours door = crash.
Try to wait for mom in the shower = crash.

Does anyone have any solutions for this?
I've seen many posts on this subject but they're old versions or are just ignored.
I've checked the crash log folder and it's completely empty as the game crashes so bad it can't even create a log.
There could be anomalies in certain scenes. Most are due to an imprecise collision system that is usually the result of a faulty renderer in the Display Adapter that crashes due to ram constraints or bad collision detection. When two renderers can't deal with each other they crash and as a result the game crashes too!

Just to clarify here....
There are many factors involved and so many variables!

  1. First - The quality setting really only affects the shader and polygon systems both in numbers and type used to render the game. A lower quality Display card usually has fewer shaders it can use than more expensive cards and some just can't handle a high number of polygons without choking. An Older card may have less sophisticated shaders and too little ram available which requires you to lower quality to use them instead of the more modern types that newer cards have.
  2. Second - Those quality settings mostly talk to (and actions are determined by) the driver installed for your video card. The Driver determines what Ultra quality is for your card as much as the game does. It also tells the system which version of DirectX is supported by the Video card. This is why older drivers sometimes need upgrading to reflect and work to make proper renders. And these drivers are written to support a very specific set of DirectX because their card can only support that version when they are released. Many GPU manf will update their drivers to allow DirectX to fallback to a lower version without breaking.
  3. Third - The version of DirectX (for Windows users) varies depending on the Operating system you are running. This is why when you install a AAA game title it almost always installs the latest version of DirectX (or at least checks that you have the latest without installing anything if you do) so they can insure the DirectX you have is compatible with their rendering engine. As of Windows 10 the current release of DirectX is DX12. Win7 and Win8 both supported DX11 and Vista and Below could support DX10 at best. Yes you could update the DirectX on those systems but the drivers for the Display adapters rarely were updated for these older outdated Operating systems to take advantage of any of it. And this is also why everyone had to check the compatibility of your hardware before installing Windows10 as some hardware just wasn't ever going to work if it was too old to support the latest system.
  4. And Finally - The video card you have is designed and engineered to support a particular version of DirectX. Buy a card today and you are almost guaranteed that it will be DirectX 12 compatible (unless you are buying an old remaining stock cheapo). There are really only three things you need to really look for when buying a Display adapter. What version of DirectX is supported, what slot you have available to stick it in (they come in both PCI-E and Mini PCI-E flavors) and what price range you are looking for. You can find DX12 cards for less than $100 and you can spend as much a $500 for a Monster GPU with tons of Ram and more shaders than 1000 versions of the Twist could ever use! The more you spend the longer it will be before you will have to upgrade it again. But I would rather upgrade to a $100-150 card two or three times to keep up with the DirectX support than spend $500 for a card that in 4 years could be incapable of DirectX 14 if and when it comes out.

So what does all that mean?

  1. First is to make sure you have the latest driver for your Display Adapter and are totally up to date. Usually a new driver will also have the DirectX update you need to solve problems.
  2. Second, make sure your operating system isn't 10 years old! No one should be running anything older than Win7 these days and if you have Win8 well you get a free update to Win10 and Win10 is 10000 times better than 8! DO IT!
  3. Third check to see which version of DirectX is installed and make sure you have the latest.
  4. Finally If your computer and hardware has been your friend for the last 7 years it really is time to start thinking about a new computer or at least upgrading that Display Adapter to give the unit more life. CPUs do what CPUs have done since the days of Pentium I. The Display adapter, Ram type used and Slots/Ports available is the only thing that has really changed over the years. You should have a minimum of 4GBs of System Ram available in your computer to help your Display Adapter work. A PCI-E video card has it's own ram but will borrow system ram when it needs it. If you have less than 4GBs of system ram there won't be enough left over for the video card to borrow. You can buy a card that has more so it never has to borrow but it will cost more.
The Twist is unlike all those other games you play that have pre-rendered scenes that require your computer to display nothing more than a JPG image or images in rapid succession. It works and renders it's scene in the same way Doom or Far Cry does, totally inside the GPU you have installed. This is why there is no CGs and Galleries to be had in this game. How it looks is largely dependent on how good your Video Card can render it's 3D world. It may be less sophisticated of a 3D world than Doom or Far Cry but if it was as sophisticated as those you would need to buy an even more advanced card just to play it. Twist uses fewer polygons and shaders so it can be played on a greater variety of systems. But it does expect that the system that tries to play it is newer than something from 2008 which is going on 10 years old technology.


May 6, 2017
372. Go to the pharmacy store till the 17:00. Offer your help (If Kelly refuses, leave to the townmap and come back again, till she agrees:frown:). This time Kira will come.
I have! pls
you need to advance the John story line to get it. johnq=6
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Oct 15, 2017
Is it possible to transfer the save that I have on the current computer onto a new one? Or do I have to start afresh again?
3.40 star(s) 168 Votes