"Even though you was with her you was thinking about me"
"I must have thought you was him"
"You wasn't kidding"
wtf... Who's the creator of this? Some illiterate hood rat?
You do realize that not every person on this planet has English as L1, right?
There are other countries and languages out there. I do not know where Stiglet is from and what his mother tongue is but... you my friend need to learn to chill. It says a lot about you if your first reaction to a mistake consists of insults. Now don't get me wrong: Mistakes on a basic level like this should be avoided at all cost - but expressing criticism through insults like you did is a very clear sign of a person with a very limited level of tolerance, intelligence, and the general understanding of how to improve a situation. Try to be more productive if you please. (Example for what you could say if the spelling errors vex you so much: offer your services as a proof reader - to show the world that you are not among the 'illiterate hood rats'.)
PS: If you start a sentence you should capitalize the first letter: "Wtf[sic]..." is how your sentence should have started... you illiterate hood rat.
Other than that... Nice update