Hi guys, Developer of The Visit here.
I'll be putting up the release version of 0.5 later today on my patreon, I'm sure it will find it's way here quickly.
I didn't really find any game breaking bugs, I'm not sure how much any problems you guys are having are due to applying the patch for 0.4 (Best not to do this) or my coding skills (non existent).
I'm sure a 0.5 patch will find it's way onto lewd patcher also.
There will not be any additional content, I believe a few people have mistaken some of the 4K renders I have been posting for my patrons as renders from the game. They're just something I've been doing weekly for fun and as something for my patrons to enjoy. They just the characters on a HDRI backdrop so they render super fast. I'm surprised no one noticed, I mean my renders are ok, but they're not photo realistic
As for the update being short. It contains more images than any update so far, though I agree few things actually happen.
I think this is down to the scenes becoming more intimate and in-depth. I find it hard to not to want to render lots of images for a particular scene rather that doing the bare minimum just so I can push the story along faster.