Story wise ... well ... if stuff like this spans over too long a time period (e.g. Wombraid is 2015) I just have to admit it no longer matters much.
These things don't get in my head deep enough to have any kind of lore stick around for that long. After all, many of these games don't really last all that long, so you're not seeped into the lore all that long.
Heck, I've already lost the 'details' of what went on in Key of egg, which is less long ago. Even Seed of Evil, that's long enough to have mostly forgotten even the big picture, let alone stuff that goes back farther than that.
I guess sometimes, if there's something that leaves an impression, I might still remember the lore years later, but most of the times ... not really.
Obviously, if I were to literally replay that same game, a lot of it would feel very familiar and I'd start remembering again, but that doesn't really happen when playing another game. Though I guess, if it's just a small reference here or there, it might still ring a bell.
Unlike a TV show, let's take Bleach as an example, as they just rebooted it and I'm still peeved over it's slow ass release schedule ... even though it's been years since I've seen that show ... I could easily follow the new show and it's characters.
Heck, I could probably mostly recite the original show by memory, but still.