yeah i am aware of existing options, i was just thinking about more
blatant approaches (like skipping a day without visiting sleeping room ...and having always-named locations related to
walk to area_name when navigating)
at this point i completed most things, 12followers but
(!) abby and
zoe are not listed in 'quests' ... and i totally missed
zoe ..."Enter the main academic building until Zoe randomly appears." didnot help as i didnot get to tutor some
charlotte who should send me some msg...
k, some thoughts
the game looks comparatively fresh and short. yet mantains required level of playability (has tips, apparently bug-free).
interestingly i wanted a game like that to play a "datesim" sbox analogue of
a spell for all with gifs.
unavoidable comparison, im not a fan of aSfA because it feels more complex than needed, more quest-based: as if rags-game was redone in twine/sugarcube
had BawdyBaron asked me what i need for a great gaming experience id say
- more content ofc
- gifs only scenes. or well, as much gifs as possible (that is what aSfA doesnt have afaik )
- different navigation system (current sys also reminds me aSfA one, including having the map i dont find comfy to use. i forget everything after i close it)
there is plenty of space on a screen so id opt for ether interactive map and-or full list of all unlocked locations. (
u see hotel -> u click hotel -> u go hotel; with current system i can click dozen of times ;} that street, no this street, does it go to the street which is near the street i need, misclicked somewhere, starting again)
- quite common qol things like +1h buttons, insta home tp. (on the left side)
- improved hint system. the existance of .pdf is a plus. but if i had occasionally to rely on it also means that ingame system is not perfect. indeed, it serves its purpose, however i found it uneven sometimes . (plus see the prev post)
- no cooldowns. for example, with nuns i had a feeling that im being artifically slowed down. i could not interact with them the next day and thus i had to wait for a week. (i dont like to do much reading but it didnot feel like that delay was justified by the narrative) i dont have such feeling when instead of such cooldowns im given a 'grind' tasks (like interact each day, gain +7 corruption/attraction/etc - which would be a more common datesim and lifesim sb approach)