I probably used it in the past but no clue where it is or what it used to do
I'm looking into the code right now. There's a reason why the mods for kegani games are always so basic. It's a mess. I'm triying to do stuff but just figuring out how the hell this code work is... It's not atrocious code, it's even somewhat skillfull i guess but it's just so convoluted. It's clearly a used and reused codebase they've been tweaking and tweaking but it has no meaningful code structure
Like I'll try doing something and then just give up because I'm like "what the hell am I supposed to do here" The way arrays work to call upon events and shit is so opaque because a good part of the code is somewhat systematized (like it's designed to be reused and to add some more assets into it easily, but... this makes it very unclear how it all works.) I tried to identify event triggers so i could look into more customized stats when specific diary events are triggered so that I could do similar thigns to what I did on the cuckold events, but the cuckold events were easy to do since they have their own little custom code (since it's the only event that is player triggered AND has a clear student associated to it) ...but for the rest of the events I don't have the slightest clue how it works.
As for the curtains I don't have any idea what they are even supposed to do in the first place so tweaking them might be harder. It never really bothered me tho. I think its just meant to be curtains when she is having sex with someone while either low exib or cheating on you ? I checked it, it is definetly very opaque code but if I know what one has ways (i might i might not)
Hmmm oh right for the time part you mean the more depraved kotoha is (not just exibitionism but simply the consequence of several pregnancy her having higher consciousness she's in a timeloop ? + as a player the experience of now having much less mistery in your playthrough and just looping into her being overt about it would make sense and give a better sense of loop progression ?) ...it would be nice to have a psychological stability mechanic for the main player lol (it might be doable im not too sure because this code always reveals new layers of opaqueness each time, but things like erectyle disfunction could be nice like a roulette than means failed sex and a risk to lose favor points for every successive terrible sex with kotoha) If I can ever understand how event arrays work (not the most likely thing that would be amazing, adding new events would be neat, obviously this is me being too ambitious aha but if I could just figure it out i might add one or two of those)