Actually a lot of people are complaining,patreons as well as i saw in some comments (patreons that they lost) and if you would have taken the time to read my comment and not quote just a part of it you would have realised that i said a good dev finds balance between story and lewd content.
that's a pretty healthy attitude,its good to see devs still know how to respond to constructive criticism
Over all the ''supposed supporter of the game'' that said they would drop their support because we havent done what they hope we do in this release, only 2 patrons drop it since release! So overall, whatever it is said, is sometimes crap trying to shake things up.
We have those that encourage the crowd that is not helping at all, Satoshi, just move on man it is really starting to get ridiculous at this point!
Guys its a first release, we are really happy about it, its an installement release, like a brand new game, we show sexy stuff, sex stuff, we develop storyline for future actions, we cannot just trow in fuckfest because thats what you want to see now, we have to establish the base of it first. Nika WILL come back no worry on it, we have a plan for her, she is a main characters so she wont be forget later!
Thanks for those that understand where we are going, it,s probably those that really read the dialogues and follow the game instead of clicking until the fuck scene