
Jul 26, 2017
Think you are reading the situation wrong. Saying an average user is brain dead…really sitting on the perch of entitlement. Blanket statements make the person making them seem like a horses A
Eh, mayhaps. I do have more faith and expect more out of my cats than the average user. If that makes me an ass then I guess it must be so, not up for me to debate that ;)
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Dec 22, 2019
You are right, I am not that good at PR, we are a small team and my main language is french, maybe some lines may came out wrongly but I try to be as transparent as I can. I am not the most verbal person like some dev have it more easy, I do not, it is hard to find the right word to say!

Why compare our delays with some AAA game, we are 2 persons doing this as a side job while its often huge company doing AAA games. o_O

It's been a year soon, since the last regular release, but keep in mind we took more than a full quarter redoing the Chapter 1 Special edition for Steam (we offers keys to some Patreon tiers and any former platinum patrons that asked for it to get access), yes we are late delivering the R11 but it's false to say we are working on this for a year! It is our longest delays in between any release and we were always pretty steady in our previous releases for more than 5 years now.

Just to be clear, because some informations are incorrect, We are still working on R11, it SHOULD BE released any time soon, while waiting for it to be release, I'm working on R12 that will be release as the conclusion of Timestamps including a rework on some scenes and additional contents. We all hope the conclusion R12 will be before the end of 2023, it's the objective and early 2024 will be the Steam release, then next a new game!

Some people seem to have a fixation over the Abandon tags, It will not be abandon, like we said multiple times. please do not take it from here and please instead we are there EVERY DAY! This is a pirate forum, not an official place to get the game or accurate informations!

Some people like bashing over some dev for whatever reasons here. They do not support and keep the negative talk in devs thread, then they ask why some abandon their projects... Money from support is a good incentive you are right and I can express all my gratitude for the support we have every month from amazing Patron and from the Steam platform, but getting the interaction with the players after a release and the feedback is the best motivation of all.

Alright, I will keep my interaction around here to very low level from now on, it is not a fun place to visit and be around for too long now, thanks for those great people I met here over the years, you know who you guys are, hope to see you on our discord for a chat!

Thank you for the reply, many people dont get it that its a small team not a blockbuster AAA. Even that takes 3-6 years to make a blockbuster game. Most the people dont read posts or look for them they just complain. As a small team of 2-4 people it should be expected that you will take 6-12 months for a release. On top of that i would expect you to be working on future updates as render time takes time to just put them on the burner to start if you have an idea of what you want already. Do your thing people are people you will always get trolls.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
You are right, I am not that good at PR, we are a small team and my main language is french, maybe some lines may came out wrongly but I try to be as transparent as I can. I am not the most verbal person like some dev have it more easy, I do not, it is hard to find the right word to say!

Why compare our delays with some AAA game, we are 2 persons doing this as a side job while its often huge company doing AAA games. o_O

It's been a year soon, since the last regular release, but keep in mind we took more than a full quarter redoing the Chapter 1 Special edition for Steam (we offers keys to some Patreon tiers and any former platinum patrons that asked for it to get access), yes we are late delivering the R11 but it's false to say we are working on this for a year! It is our longest delays in between any release and we were always pretty steady in our previous releases for more than 5 years now.

Just to be clear, because some informations are incorrect, We are still working on R11, it SHOULD BE released any time soon, while waiting for it to be release, I'm working on R12 that will be release as the conclusion of Timestamps including a rework on some scenes and additional contents. We all hope the conclusion R12 will be before the end of 2023, it's the objective and early 2024 will be the Steam release, then next a new game!

Some people seem to have a fixation over the Abandon tags, It will not be abandon, like we said multiple times. please do not take it from here and please instead we are there EVERY DAY! This is a pirate forum, not an official place to get the game or accurate informations!

Some people like bashing over some dev for whatever reasons here. They do not support and keep the negative talk in devs thread, then they ask why some abandon their projects... Money from support is a good incentive you are right and I can express all my gratitude for the support we have every month from amazing Patron and from the Steam platform, but getting the interaction with the players after a release and the feedback is the best motivation of all.

Alright, I will keep my interaction around here to very low level from now on, it is not a fun place to visit and be around for too long now, thanks for those great people I met here over the years, you know who you guys are, hope to see you on our discord for a chat!
So to break this down, you started visiting this site less often and giving less updates. People seeing that combined with the long update cycle started preparing for the game being abandoned. You seemingly annoyed at that, instead of coming here now and then to update people now commit to visiting even less and trying to corral them to your discord, thus propagating the issue.

~The circle of life

Jokes aside, obviously no one is entitled to you giving them updates here. But you also should not then be surprised when people are not fully up to date, and drawing their own conclusions on the game. You can knock it off as the thread being toxic or whatever, and if its for your mental health then it is what it is, but its probably whats gonna happen.

To be more direct, I think your one own the few devs whos reputation on this site is so good, that if you were to just show up a little more most to almost all of the doomsdaying would be gone.
Last edited:


Aug 18, 2018
Masz rację, nie jestem zbyt dobry w PR, jesteśmy małym zespołem i moim głównym językiem jest francuski, może niektóre kwestie mogą wyjść błędnie, ale staram się być tak przejrzysty, jak tylko mogę. Nie jestem osobą tak werbalną, jak niektórzy deweloperzy, ma to łatwiej, nie, trudno jest znaleźć odpowiednie słowo!

Po co porównywać nasze opóźnienia z jakąś grą AAA, jesteśmy dwiema osobami, które robią to jako dodatkową pracę, podczas gdy często jest to ogromna firma zajmująca się grami AAA.o_O

Niedługo minie rok, od ostatniej regularnej wersji, ale pamiętajcie, że przerabianie edycji specjalnej Rozdziału 1 na Steam zajęło nam ponad cały kwartał (oferujemy klucze do niektórych poziomów Patreona i wszystkim byłym patronom platynowym, którzy o to poprosili dostęp), tak, spóźniamy się z dostawą R11, ale nieprawdą jest twierdzenie, że pracujemy nad tym przez rok! To nasze najdłuższe opóźnienia pomiędzy jakimikolwiek wydaniami, a nasze poprzednie wydawnictwa zawsze utrzymywały się na stałym poziomie przez ponad 5 lat.

Żeby było jasne, ponieważ niektóre informacje są nieprawidłowe, nadal pracujemy nad R11, POWINNA ona zostać wydana w najbliższym czasie, w oczekiwaniu na jej wydanie, pracuję nad R12, która zostanie wydana jako zakończenie Timestamps, w tym przeróbka niektórych scen i dodatkowej zawartości. Wszyscy mamy nadzieję, że R12 zostanie wydany przed końcem 2023 r., taki jest cel, a na początku 2024 r. będzie premiera na Steamie, a następnie nowa gra!

Wydaje się, że niektórzy ludzie mają obsesję na punkcie tagów Porzuć. Nie zostaną one porzucone, jak mówiliśmy wiele razy. nie zabieraj ich stąd i zamiast tego jesteśmy tam KAŻDEGO DNIA! To jest forum piratów, a nie oficjalne miejsce, w którym można uzyskać grę lub dokładne informacje!

Niektórzy ludzie lubią krytykować niektórych deweloperów z jakichkolwiek powodów. Nie wspierają i podtrzymują negatywne dyskusje w wątku deweloperów, a potem pytają, dlaczego niektórzy porzucają swoje projekty... Pieniądze ze wsparcia to dobra zachęta. Masz rację i mogę wyrazić całą moją wdzięczność za wsparcie, jakie otrzymujemy co miesiąc od niesamowitego Patron i z platformy Steam, ale interakcja z graczami po wydaniu i opinie są najlepszą motywacją ze wszystkich.

W porządku, odtąd moje interakcje będą tutaj utrzymywane na bardzo niskim poziomie, nie jest to przyjemne miejsce do odwiedzania i przebywania w nim zbyt długo, dziękuję za tych wspaniałych ludzi, których poznałem tu przez te lata, wiecie kim jesteście są, mam nadzieję, że spotkamy się na naszym discordzie, żeby porozmawiać!
Witam, panie Motkeyz.
Jeśli chodzi o mnie, to chciałbym to opisać tylko w ten sposób. Przeczytałem ten komentarz i o ile zrozumiałem, ten rozdział 12 będzie ostatnim i zakończy dobrą grę, na którą natknąłem się po ukończeniu pierwszej wersji Timestamps, a także postaci, od Julii po Heather, Gaz czy Candice i wreszcie Weronika. To moja trójka najlepszych gier, ma kilka dobrych przerywników filmowych i fabuł. Wiem, że mimo że gra z rozdziału 2 dobiega końca, jeśli nowa będzie miała podobną fabułę i postacie, to na pewno będę skłonny pobrać Timestamps pomimo tej strony F95 i będę szczęśliwy i godny jej odkrycia, tak jak z grą Timestamps.
Chciałbym też napisać i zapytać, czy te gry na Steamie jako Rozdział 2 będą miały dostępne także inne języki, czy tylko angielski. Wiem, że pisząc, używasz francuskiego. Odkąd zacząłem grać w drugi rozdział gry Timestamps, zacząłem też tłumaczyć na swój język (jestem Polakiem), więc jeśli byłoby coś do przetłumaczenia dialogów, mógłbym takie tłumaczenia przesłać, jeśli oczywiście byłoby to możliwe inne języki, łącznie z moim. Rozumiem, że wydawanie kolejnych aktualizacji w roli 2 do 4 osób jest męczące i trudne. Jedyne, co mogę powiedzieć, to dziękuję za podjęcie decyzji o dokończeniu tej gry. Nie wiem, czy od początku byliście „wy” i czy byli inni, ale to wielki szacunek, że ta gra, po pierwszej części, dostałem drugi rozdział i zakończenie wątków i uniesienia z przeniesieniami w grze do czasów młodości itp. Na koniec chciałbym się dowiedzieć, czy wersja Steam będzie miała różne języki, czy tylko angielski. Jeśli tylko angielski, to jest trudny. Warto zagrać i przejść od początku do końca. Pozdrawiam, Gracz z Polski.


Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2017
You are right, I am not that good at PR, we are a small team and my main language is french, maybe some lines may came out wrongly but I try to be as transparent as I can. I am not the most verbal person like some dev have it more easy, I do not, it is hard to find the right word to say!

Why compare our delays with some AAA game, we are 2 persons doing this as a side job while its often huge company doing AAA games. o_O

It's been a year soon, since the last regular release, but keep in mind we took more than a full quarter redoing the Chapter 1 Special edition for Steam (we offers keys to some Patreon tiers and any former platinum patrons that asked for it to get access), yes we are late delivering the R11 but it's false to say we are working on this for a year! It is our longest delays in between any release and we were always pretty steady in our previous releases for more than 5 years now.

Just to be clear, because some informations are incorrect, We are still working on R11, it SHOULD BE released any time soon, while waiting for it to be release, I'm working on R12 that will be release as the conclusion of Timestamps including a rework on some scenes and additional contents. We all hope the conclusion R12 will be before the end of 2023, it's the objective and early 2024 will be the Steam release, then next a new game!

Some people seem to have a fixation over the Abandon tags, It will not be abandon, like we said multiple times. please do not take it from here and please instead we are there EVERY DAY! This is a pirate forum, not an official place to get the game or accurate informations!

Some people like bashing over some dev for whatever reasons here. They do not support and keep the negative talk in devs thread, then they ask why some abandon their projects... Money from support is a good incentive you are right and I can express all my gratitude for the support we have every month from amazing Patron and from the Steam platform, but getting the interaction with the players after a release and the feedback is the best motivation of all.

Alright, I will keep my interaction around here to very low level from now on, it is not a fun place to visit and be around for too long now, thanks for those great people I met here over the years, you know who you guys are, hope to see you on our discord for a chat!
I think you lose a lot of credibility when you give multiple "updates" where you say it is almost done. Post progress bars with 95% done etc and then no update for months (which was usually the time to make a whole update before).

People will draw conclusions and I think it is fair. Also seeing many games go into abandoned status here, these are exactly the same signs they show before being abandoned.

1) update always being almost out the door (for months, which was usually the time it took a whole new update to come out)
2) less and less communication
3) remakes of old content (frankly seems to be a game killer here)
4) starting to focus on a different project
5) enclosing yourself into your circlejerk on discord

Imo it is valid criticism. You dont agree? Then speak up and clear things out. Your silence on the matter just makes people think it is true (because why wouldnt you clear things up? It takes 5 minutes to write a message).


Dec 26, 2018
I think you lose a lot of credibility when you give multiple "updates" where you say it is almost done. Post progress bars with 95% done etc and then no update for months (which was usually the time to make a whole update before).

People will draw conclusions and I think it is fair. Also seeing many games go into abandoned status here, these are exactly the same signs they show before being abandoned.

1) update always being almost out the door (for months, which was usually the time it took a whole new update to come out)
2) less and less communication
3) remakes of old content (frankly seems to be a game killer here)
4) starting to focus on a different project
5) enclosing yourself into your circlejerk on discord

Imo it is valid criticism. You dont agree? Then speak up and clear things out. Your silence on the matter just makes people think it is true (because why wouldnt you clear things up? It takes 5 minutes to write a message).
bingo, we’ll said!
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
If tests show a error in the last minute, that one has to be fixed and then tests have to be done again. That's normal.
One programmers rule is that fixing one thing has a 50% chance to break something else.
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