The purpose here is to put some mystery in the story, and to motivate the player about the new update. I am sorry that you feel this way about the game, but from my point of view, this didn't frustrate me, instead it made me wonder what the next update would be like and made me excited for the story.
I understand that this is a personal point of view of mine, and one on which I do have a strong opinion.
Mystic clearly is a capable writer. I don't dispute that and actually is what makes this even worse for me.
The Prologue is byzantine. Doesn't incite me to read further, in fact it incites me to don't read more. And in the air remains a whiff of lost chances.
Clearly the message is "You have to have Faith". Things will happen if you do, other things will happen if you don't. All very cryptic, all very mysterious, not a nugget of story anywhere. The only, ONLY, thing that "may" have happened is that the MC's mother died, maybe. All the rest is a repetition. A circular seemingly random series of repetitions on a theme.
Mystery? Not really. Obfuscation isn't a mystery its just smoke and mirrors.
Why do I say it is frustrating, because at every step, this person with which we are supposed to connect to and play as, is constantly thrown around without any explanation. Is this what is supposed to make me want to read the next update? When I can see from right here that it will be more of the same.
What frustrates me is what this could have been. From the obvious talent of the writer. Again I say, if this was on a complete story, no problem. For a WIP, with uncertain release dates and the eventuality of an abandoned tag on the neck, no, just no.
I wish you had made different options Mystic.