Rachel may very well be my favourite character now. If the goal of this update was to garner sympathy for Rachel and make her more appealing as a LI, then you definitely achieved that. At least with me. That said, she does have a lot of making up to do, the MC suffered for years because of her and he's still not over it.
About the sounds effects: I'm the type of player that usually mutes voices in any VN and i'm generally not a fan of the moan sound effects that some devs uses in their sex scenes either so maybe i'm a bit biased.
The thing I want everyone to think when playing our VN is consider these characters as people, rather than characters. Of course they are characters, and I'm not so egotistical to think that other great authors don't make realistic characters, but it's important. I won't pretend to think I know how to write well. I think I'm okay, but the thing that drives me is emotion. Specifically, it's the character that speaks to me. When I responded to your last message, I got an idea for the next Rachel scene because your analysis of her character spoke to me. Because I treat these characters as people, it becomes easy to understand underlying logic to their actions.
To this end, as you consider these characters as people, you'll see an internal logic and paradoxically an internal chaos that comes with real people. That said, you wondered what could be so bad that she felt that cheating was a better alternative, well... you live as a human right? Have you ever had something bad happen to you and in that moment, and even for years after, you felt like it was a blight to you and ONLY you? Like, you could understand that it happen, but it was so hurtful and so traumatizing that it took many years to accept that it happens to everyone? That's my idea with our characters.
You don't need Raep back stories or someone to murder another. The harshest trauma is usually in your head. Now, I'm not saying that what Rachel DID do wasn't bad, but I''m not trying to catch you off guard with a crazy story. What she did a lot of people do, it affects other people differently, but often times we make the biggest demons in our own mind. Maybe an understandable decision that is made DAILY by people can haunt you for a lot longer than you thought at the time. Our game isn't meant to shock you (
Haley's Story...) it's meant to show people the many small things that we interpret as big things can be mitigated with a little love and care
On the subject of cheaters as love interests...
I 100% feel the same way. There's also a part of me that is glad we didn't go in that direction.
On the audio part, I do understand. I especially hate moans as well. The reason we're trying to add these vocal markers for characters is to show they are distinct through another sense rather than sight. Just to immerse just a little more. We'll look at options though. I really appreciate your feedback. Thanks so much!
I hope there is no sex between them in future story, put a romantic relation only. MC dont disturb their married between Frank and Lisa, dont make Lisa cheated to her husband. Be a good man with date with a single woman.
Oh, you'll like what goes on next. We have some surprises, we'll have some interesting situations. I know it feels weird sometimes, but I hope you can give us a shot to show you our plan with Lisa and Frank. We DO love these characters, and we want to do right by them.
There are pregnancy in the porn scenes but not planned for future tags for the game?
To be honest, I've never talked to
Sweetychily about it
You think I should?
I wonder who would be a good candidate for it
Any ideas?