4.10 star(s) 54 Votes


Sep 1, 2020
How to repeat Mom x Sis threesome bj? It's been a while since I've played the game ad I've gotten it before, but now can only get the mom to watch the mc with the sis at night. The thread hasn't provided any answers either.
Yeah unfortunately this latest version is no good and the reason why we can't give you a answer is some scenes work for some and don't for others. AGAIN if the dev paid half as much attention to what the game is "Western Hentai porn game" and less on the ridiculously flawed otherworld puzzles then maybe we wouldnt have to post for help,then again you get what you pay for.
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Jul 1, 2020
Looove this game really addicting but the scenes quality is so different compared to the pics/rest of the game that its not worth it. I really wish we can ask the girls to be topless because i think the point of this game is to see the girls flash their huge tits and for some girls you need to grind as hell to see them like the workshop girl i go see her everyday and i still didnt see her topless in the pics view


Oct 11, 2020
Hey guys I'm kinda stuck on how to get the mom & sis threesome scene
The notes just say hit the hay but she won't do anything now. I recorded the scene of sis. But I don't know what to do next
Can anyone help me?


Feb 2, 2018
When I am at the pool, they all hint at sex after the events, but then when I go to the changing room there is no way to go into the green stalls? Is this a bug?

Deleted member 690464

Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
Hey guys I'm kinda stuck on how to get the mom & sis threesome scene
The notes just say hit the hay but she won't do anything now. I recorded the scene of sis. But I don't know what to do next
Can anyone help me?
if you cant make it yet.
when you invite mom to see you and Sydney fuck in the couch (Mom must see you at least 2 times) in the night, the next day she will refuse to fuck (try 2 o 3 times to fuck mom. she will refuse). go during night again to mom's bedroom and talk to her (a dialogue will trigger). then go to sleep. she will visit you and fuck you as usual (or BJ or whatever you want). then she will wake you up and reveal that she's in love with your cock.
the next thing to do is to convence Sydney. to achieve this: during morning talk to her and tell her to go to bathroom so she can see MC and mom fucking. it will happend the same thing than before with mom, she will be mad about that at the begining. to convince her talk to her during afternoon in the couch and ask her to fuck, she will say NO (make this 2 o 3 times). when she rejects you 2 o 3 times come back during night when she is masturbating in the couch. a dialogue will trigger and MC will convince her to fuck, then Mom will appear and the threesome scene will trigger.
and thats it

ps. both mother and Sydney must be in Broken (5) state
Last edited:


New Member
Dec 21, 2019
If you choose the setting to choose purity vs corrupt dialogue as they come, how does that function with a given girl as the game goes on?
Does it just act like she's at a given level of whichever option you've done more, as if you'd only done that one?
Or are there different versions of the interactions you get specifically when having some of both purity and corruption?
Basically, does the choice setting get different results with a given girl or is it really just for full corrupting some and fully purity others in a given playthrough?


Jun 9, 2017
Kinda messed up how shota is completely fine but as soon as someone suggest loli everybody goes crazy and picks up their torches and pitchforks. The double standard is real XD
-NOTE- I posted the following here as well (seemed appropriate considering your comment): Comment on Shota v Loli

This is an issue with many of the people that wander the halls of F95 (and other like forums), looking to satisfy their lustful cravings and kinks through a virtual medium. I have noticed several trends, on this, and several other forums, that leads me to believe it is more than just the Mods that perpetuate this systemic "double standardization" in the VN/Gaming world. You use the example of Shota v. Loli (two oft misused terms - I digress), and you wouldn't be wrong. The idea that a boy who has sexual feelings toward his mother and older siblings and, is in "control" because the male figure/protagonist is supposed to be the aggressor or dominate figure, is somehow acceptable...yet when a girl is cast in a similar light (rare because of the dominance of the male characters across 90+ percent of the created works), it is somehow morally deficient. Seriously? It seems like there is a pandering to the masses - which I understand from a business perspective; let's face it, the bulk of the creators here are in it to make some money so they see the trends and follow suit (sometimes blatantly ripping off another VN/Game in the process). If you just look at the discussions it is rife with disparaging remarks about anything containing loli, yet when shota is involved people are just fine with it. Why?

I speculate that it has something to do with the groups of people that frequent F95 and how those groups are populated. That is, there are a larger number of younger males that come here looking for MILF, 'big tits', 'big ass', etc. tags to satisfy their predilection toward mature women. So, when a game with a younger male protagonist (most of the VN/games here), is posted, it has a much larger following and any disagreements involve character rendering, NTR, cuckolding, etc. - in other words, the usual discussions. Counter to that discourse, you have games/VN that include a girl (labelled as loli in the case of ones that look younger than 18) and people lose their shit and the discussions involve a solid, several page posting on why loli is somehow morally wrong and shouldn't be allowed.

I don't see it as solely a moderator issue, although it does beg the question as to why the shota games/VN seem to be more acceptable than those that include loli.

With that in mind I have a few questions for consideration:

  1. Why is shota and similar content more acceptable than loli and similar content?
  2. Is there really a double standard when considering what content is to be allowed?
  3. If there isn't a double standard, there must be some reason(s) why certain content is allowed and not other - and I am not talking about the rules and guidelines, because they don't seem to apply fairly across the board...what is/are the reason(s) for the content disparity?
  4. Can someone rationally explain this inequitable postioning when posting material on the forums? (I asked for a rational explanation NOT a rationalization)
I guess the reason I am wondering about all of this is because I don't see how personal fetishes and kinks as played out in make-believe, virtual games and visual novels has any real impact. Maybe to the individual player/reader there is an impact, although I don't see how that is another person(s) concern or why they should have any say it what I fap to in the privacy of my own home.


New Member
Dec 21, 2019
Kinda messed up how shota is completely fine but as soon as someone suggest loli everybody goes crazy and picks up their torches and pitchforks. The double standard is real XD
a bunch of words
Honestly, I think the distinction and double standard is fairly simple to explain.
Now, let it be acknowledged that things are ultimately at a case by case basis: each individual person has their personal tastes for their own individual reasons. But any given thing has its "primary source". The usual cause of it, or some such.

Each case of a person being into loli may be different from the "standard" but if I'm not mistaken the general source of loli things is men who are into almost childlike women. Men trying to get close to but not reach pedophilia. At least not "officially" *It says right here she's 2000 years old thank you very much.* Some given individual might not fit that billet but as a generalization that's where loli comes from; borderline pedophilia.

The same "disclamer" about given individuals applies to shota. Some of the fans of it here and there are going to be adult men and woman wanting characters that look like little boys; borderline or not-so-borderling pedophilia. But that doesn't seem to be the "primary source" of shota, the usual cause. If I am not mistaken, the general source of shota is grown men entertaining their childhood fantasies. Not seeing the child as the object of the porn, but saying to themselves "I am that child, this is what my childhood was like." A video or whatever of a shota and their teacher may be watched by a woman into shota, but normally it's watched by a man who had a crush on his teacher when he was a kid trying to virtually live out that childhood fantasy.

So, if I'm not wrong, the "object" of a shota porn isn't the kid, it's the grown woman the kid is with, whereas the object of a loli porn is the kid. In which case it's not a question of boy vs girl, but a question of whether the "target" is the kid or adult.
Right, sorry, the "not really a kid because the disclamer said so and the lore says its thousands of years old."

As for how imporant the distinction I offer is or isn't, I'm not inclined to propose a verdict.

Deleted member 690464

Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
So, if I'm not wrong, the "object" of a shota porn isn't the kid, it's the grown woman the kid is with, whereas the object of a loli porn is the kid.
Basically THIS. most of the loli consumers (not everyone) is potential pedophile bc the object of desire in this kind of games is obviously the little girl with 4.000 years old (little tits, little ass, childish aspect, inocent, etc) . shota games would be more a projection of desire to be in the child's situation. to wish to had a sexualized childhood like that
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Jun 9, 2017
Honestly, I think the distinction and double standard is fairly simple to explain.
Now, let it be acknowledged that things are ultimately at a case by case basis: each individual person has their personal tastes for their own individual reasons. But any given thing has its "primary source". The usual cause of it, or some such.

Each case of a person being into loli may be different from the "standard" but if I'm not mistaken the general source of loli things is men who are into almost childlike women. Men trying to get close to but not reach pedophilia. At least not "officially" *It says right here she's 2000 years old thank you very much.* Some given individual might not fit that billet but as a generalization that's where loli comes from; borderline pedophilia.

The same "disclamer" about given individuals applies to shota. Some of the fans of it here and there are going to be adult men and woman wanting characters that look like little boys; borderline or not-so-borderling pedophilia. But that doesn't seem to be the "primary source" of shota, the usual cause. If I am not mistaken, the general source of shota is grown men entertaining their childhood fantasies. Not seeing the child as the object of the porn, but saying to themselves "I am that child, this is what my childhood was like." A video or whatever of a shota and their teacher may be watched by a woman into shota, but normally it's watched by a man who had a crush on his teacher when he was a kid trying to virtually live out that childhood fantasy.

So, if I'm not wrong, the "object" of a shota porn isn't the kid, it's the grown woman the kid is with, whereas the object of a loli porn is the kid. In which case it's not a question of boy vs girl, but a question of whether the "target" is the kid or adult.
Right, sorry, the "not really a kid because the disclaimer said so and the lore says its thousands of years old."

As for how important the distinction I offer is or isn't, I'm not inclined to propose a verdict.
First, thank you for the well thought out and comprehensive response.

Second, I'm not certain I was clear in parts of my inquiry. For that, I apologize.

Finally, since I felt I wasn't as clear as I should have been please allow to me to clarify my line of questioning and perhaps provoke another thoughtful response:

Early in my initial post I state, 'two oft misused terms', when referring to the use of shota and loli - which you utilize correctly in your response. With that in mind, your extended explanation of this by explaining the difference between how the male is utilized in those stories about a boy exhibiting sexual interest in older women and men being sexually attracted to girls. Again, great response.

With that in mind I am interested in hearing more on a couple of thoughts your response has precipitated:

  1. If a VN/game has a young male protagonist seducing. coercing, dominating, etc. female characters AND some of those characters are younger, say sisters that could be considered underage based on appearance or even actual VN/game settings, e.g. a player might have the option to change the age of the characters in order to avoid the Patreon inquisitors. Would that, in turn, be considered similar or the same to the reasoning some VN/games are not allowed here?
  2. Along that same reasoning: If a VN/game was created that had a young female protagonist that seduced, coerced, dominated (in this case more along the idea of preyed upon the older male's sexual desire), shouldn't it be allowed to stand in this community as equitable?
At this point let me be clear: I am NOT advocating for one over the other or saying the preference for shota-like material is somehow better or worse than those labelled 'loli'. I am just trying to determine why it is more prevalent in this, and many other forums.

The explanation you offer sheds a great deal of light on this for me, and I thank you for that...although it begs the question: Regardless of the characters' sex (and I meant that in the biological sense of male/female - I'm not here to discuss gender roles), the idea that men acting out their young boy (girl?) fantasies about older women through a VN/game seems somehow dismissive of those players that might have the same fantasies about girls. In other words, when the primary character is sexualizing an older character it is okay, even though the younger male protagonist is involved in those sexual activities in the VN/game. There is a VN, 'Wife and Mother' I believe is the name, wherein the adult female protagonist develops sexual feelings toward more than one younger male character. I have seen no moral outrage at this, nor any talk of banning the thread in the interest of 'protecting the young virtual boys' ;) - which seems to me a double standard by the people the frequent this forum. I also believe this proves your point about it being a sexual fantasy in men from their youth as played out in the majority of the VN/games here. I would guess that the reason no one has complained about 'Wife and Mother' is because not only do they get to live out their fantasy of an older woman in a virtual setting , they actually get to control the woman as the protagonist!

Does that make sense? Thoughts?

I am probably WAY overthinking this and should just continue to lurk more on these forums....either way, thanks again for the discourse.


New Member
Dec 21, 2019
1: Frankly I'm not familiar with the rules of what's allowed on here or on patreon. I'm not a creator so I don't really have to worry about it. Can't post something against the rules if I'm not posting anything.

The direction of the seduction and which character is the player character really aren't significant. Men fantasized about seducing, dominating, coercing, and whatnot women when they were kids and as adults they fantasize about having done it as a kid. Men also fantasized about being seduced, dominated, coerced, and whatnot by woman as a kid, and as adults fantasize about it having been done to them. Group all the causes of "yay sex happened" into simply "initiation", and we can simply say that it doesn't matter who initiated, the shota or the woman, because it's still the woman that's the target and the shota is still just the self insert for the man playing the game. Likewise, whether the fantasy is being iniator or initatee, both fantasies can be lived out in the game regardless of which character the player controls. A man with a fantasy about teachers initiating on him as a kid is still going to enjoy the game where the player character is the lady teacher. Naturally, all that can be reversed for the loli situation to say it's still about the loli. So the question about the distinction between the direction of initation and who the player controls might be worth asking, but the answer is that it doesn't matter, since it doesn't change anything. This might be a bit of an overstatement, but basically, no matter the direction the game or whatever goes, barring the occasional exception, loli is for pedos and shota is for regular healthy men that had fantasies as a kid.

As for the inclusion of other underage characters besides the shota himself in a shota porn, well, I guess people can use the defense "hey the character I'm playing as is a minor so it's not pedophilia, it's a minor with a minor" and as such live out the fantasies they had as a kid about step sisters, real sisters, classmates whoever else without feeling like it's bad. Because, in their mind at least, it's not adult them looking at a kid, it's 14 year old them looking at another 14 year old they knew back then. Is that a good defense? A valid one? I guess I don't really know, but it's clearly been accepted, not just here but in general, considering all the games, movies, shows, and whatnot targeted at adults but taking place in high school or whatever. I mean, Persona 5. A game where you play as a highschooler and seduce like 100 other kids, and though there's no actual porn they all get an implied sex scene sooner or later, but the game is widely succesful with nobody accusing it of catering to pedophilia or even being appropriate, since you *do* play as a kid yourself.


Jun 9, 2017
1: Frankly I'm not familiar with the rules of what's allowed on here or on patreon. I'm not a creator so I don't really have to worry about it. Can't post something against the rules if I'm not posting anything.

The direction of the seduction and which character is the player character really aren't significant. Men fantasized about seducing, dominating, coercing, and whatnot women when they were kids and as adults they fantasize about having done it as a kid. Men also fantasized about being seduced, dominated, coerced, and whatnot by woman as a kid, and as adults fantasize about it having been done to them. Group all the causes of "yay sex happened" into simply "initiation", and we can simply say that it doesn't matter who initiated, the shota or the woman, because it's still the woman that's the target and the shota is still just the self insert for the man playing the game. Likewise, whether the fantasy is being iniator or initatee, both fantasies can be lived out in the game regardless of which character the player controls. A man with a fantasy about teachers initiating on him as a kid is still going to enjoy the game where the player character is the lady teacher. Naturally, all that can be reversed for the loli situation to say it's still about the loli. So the question about the distinction between the direction of initation and who the player controls might be worth asking, but the answer is that it doesn't matter, since it doesn't change anything. This might be a bit of an overstatement, but basically, no matter the direction the game or whatever goes, barring the occasional exception, loli is for pedos and shota is for regular healthy men that had fantasies as a kid.

As for the inclusion of other underage characters besides the shota himself in a shota porn, well, I guess people can use the defense "hey the character I'm playing as is a minor so it's not pedophilia, it's a minor with a minor" and as such live out the fantasies they had as a kid about step sisters, real sisters, classmates whoever else without feeling like it's bad. Because, in their mind at least, it's not adult them looking at a kid, it's 14 year old them looking at another 14 year old they knew back then. Is that a good defense? A valid one? I guess I don't really know, but it's clearly been accepted, not just here but in general, considering all the games, movies, shows, and whatnot targeted at adults but taking place in high school or whatever. I mean, Persona 5. A game where you play as a highschooler and seduce like 100 other kids, and though there's no actual porn they all get an implied sex scene sooner or later, but the game is widely succesful with nobody accusing it of catering to pedophilia or even being appropriate, since you *do* play as a kid yourself.
Great response, thank you!


Active Member
Mar 14, 2019
1: Frankly I'm not familiar with the rules of what's allowed on here or on patreon. I'm not a creator so I don't really have to worry about it. Can't post something against the rules if I'm not posting anything.

The direction of the seduction and which character is the player character really aren't significant. Men fantasized about seducing, dominating, coercing, and whatnot women when they were kids and as adults they fantasize about having done it as a kid. Men also fantasized about being seduced, dominated, coerced, and whatnot by woman as a kid, and as adults fantasize about it having been done to them. Group all the causes of "yay sex happened" into simply "initiation", and we can simply say that it doesn't matter who initiated, the shota or the woman, because it's still the woman that's the target and the shota is still just the self insert for the man playing the game. Likewise, whether the fantasy is being iniator or initatee, both fantasies can be lived out in the game regardless of which character the player controls. A man with a fantasy about teachers initiating on him as a kid is still going to enjoy the game where the player character is the lady teacher. Naturally, all that can be reversed for the loli situation to say it's still about the loli. So the question about the distinction between the direction of initation and who the player controls might be worth asking, but the answer is that it doesn't matter, since it doesn't change anything. This might be a bit of an overstatement, but basically, no matter the direction the game or whatever goes, barring the occasional exception, loli is for pedos and shota is for regular healthy men that had fantasies as a kid.

As for the inclusion of other underage characters besides the shota himself in a shota porn, well, I guess people can use the defense "hey the character I'm playing as is a minor so it's not pedophilia, it's a minor with a minor" and as such live out the fantasies they had as a kid about step sisters, real sisters, classmates whoever else without feeling like it's bad. Because, in their mind at least, it's not adult them looking at a kid, it's 14 year old them looking at another 14 year old they knew back then. Is that a good defense? A valid one? I guess I don't really know, but it's clearly been accepted, not just here but in general, considering all the games, movies, shows, and whatnot targeted at adults but taking place in high school or whatever. I mean, Persona 5. A game where you play as a highschooler and seduce like 100 other kids, and though there's no actual porn they all get an implied sex scene sooner or later, but the game is widely succesful with nobody accusing it of catering to pedophilia or even being appropriate, since you *do* play as a kid yourself.
I understand why you would think that way. However, I personally disagree. (THIS IS AN OPINION) I believe that loli and shota are both equally fine. Considering that in most instances, it's fiction. I, myself, like loli and shota hentai. But I do NOT consider myself a paedo, since I despise and have a desire to castrate people who commit sexual acts with minors, whether with boys or girls. It would be hypocritical to consider shota fine if loli wouldn't be fine, since both kinks involve fictional minors. However, yet again, it is fiction, and a person liking the shota/loli kink does not necessarily mean that they would approve or enact IRL paedophilic acts. Hell, the ones that do deserve to fucking die publicly in my opinion. Look, my point is: Don't generalise. Just because someone might like scat, piss or even bestiality in hentai, doesn't mean they want to recieve/give fecal matter, urine or have sex with animals. Same counts for Lolicons and shotacons. It's a grey line, I know, but please try to stop generalising. Ageplay is okay in porn too, and you don't see the actors performing coïtus with minors.

With kind regards,
Scythe, King of Perverts.


New Member
Oct 23, 2019
Man this sucks so much no matter what version i play my saves never... save. Neither do my auto saves or quicksaves. If i save into a file and then exit out of the game, when i return im forced to start a new game. I never got any explanation for this so i hope maybe someone can help me out now.
Dec 20, 2017
I’m stuck in a couple areas and would like some guidance please.
Firstly, where can I find Fred? I’m trying to advance the mom route but can’t until I speak with him.
Second, when you play hide and seek with Kimberly where is Kimberly hiding? I csnt seem to find her at all.
4.10 star(s) 54 Votes