Who was your favourite heroine?

  • Audrey

  • Cassandra

  • Samira

  • Victorica

  • Yoona

  • Yuria

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Jan 5, 2018
Honestly I loved the blondes, but I think I'm in the minority lol
I'm curious as to what state the overarching story will be left in, considering this is the final game.
Maybe our crew is the last stand of the Alliance?
Blonde is absolutely fine, but not for everyone all the time. :p

Also I'm assuming/thinking It's going to be a more Small Scale thing maybe?
An Elite Alliance Squad on a mission to take down somebody, getting changed by orders from a traitorous superior/liaison they don't trust over the course of the operation.
With snippets and references to the ladies of the previous games over the radio or mentioned in dialogue.

My assumption at least.

Also, I finally "bought" both Valdana and Isis on Itch.io, so hopefully that's some motivation to Tjord. :p


Active Member
Sep 6, 2017
For what it's worth, I like both the gyarufication of the first game and the "dark makeup" approach of the second game more or less the same.


Jul 4, 2017
I prefered the gyarufications just because I tend to love having a much larger change between pre and post corruption appearances. Doesn't mean I didn't like Valdana v1's corruptions, but some looked more like a progressive step to the full corruption rather than the final forms, more particularly Yoona.

Ideally, since the next game is apparently going to be more progressive, something like base form -> Valdana v1-esque corruption form -> Isis gyarufication with Valdana's heavier makeup would be the best of both worlds imo.

Gonna have to wait and see what we get I guess. Really hyped to see what they will look like and also curious what would be the part that's going to be vastly different enough to make some fans of the two past games disappointed according to Tjord's comment from before the reveal, unless they were alluding to the different PoV/protagonist dynamic.
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Jan 5, 2018
Listen, Isis was hot as hell and I loved the transformations despite them turning into the exact opposite of what I like. I'll love whatever happens to them.

That being said, I'd love it if the transformations altered them in way that enhanced their features (or yeah the 'dark' changes from Valdana, but that's already confirmed to not be the case.) instead of making them all uniform. Especially the darker-skinned women didn't look good with blonde (in my opinion of course).

I'll definitely give whatever Tjord puts out a try, and generally the corruption and plots are so good I' ll enjoy it anyway. I basically praised Isis while generally really disliking Gyaryu.It's that good!
4.30 star(s) 15 Votes