hahaha....yeah i admit it this games really nice. I would say this is slightly better than Anna Affection(For me). Both have good graphic,good story,good corruption way of doing things.Tbh, I like this Astrid more than Anna because she has perfect body...haha that's just me though :closedeyesmile:. There is also Overgrown - Genesis this games quite good but much more difficult compared it to Selena OHA so i need to used cheat to kill those zombies. There is also Katie Corruption this is good games you should try it too, Depraved Awakening , Vis Major. Then all is well if this games continue :heartcoveredeyes:. I know it's hard make games beautiful like this so take your times devs and Thank you.it isnt stopped he is still working on making updates he is just a a bit slow but he works hard on it
LordD99 you just dont have patients 0.4 comes out soon enough