VenusBlood FRONTIER International Patch v1.0.4 -
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(Extract the files “Patch.xp3”,“etc.xp3”,“etc2.xp3” in the game folder. When you start the game, the version information present on the bottom left of the screen should now display “Ver.1.0.4”.)
Fixed a problem where renaming certain units would freeze the game during certain scenes.
Other bug fixes
Thanks, do you know if you need to DL the 1.0.3 patch first? Guess it won't hurt to do it first. Wonder how I missed this game.
Man I wish there was a way to sort the hiring units by their smiley meters lol. I thought I could just follow the moon cycles but there are enough exceptions. Feel like I have to go in there and check if units are ready be hired every turn. Not have mouseover tooltips for skills is annoying as fuck too. They could only show you building enhancements for the type of tile you have selected too. It would also be cool if you could manually choose who fought each battle where when on defense...Lots of little things that could improve this I'm seeing already. Well most are just small issues.
Should we always wait for 100 Loyalty before rehiring units? And are there units we should just completely avoid? It's pretty hard to tell what's worth leveling. I went through the first chapter and went to restart now to buy more units earlier. I wanna collect/raise em all~ Sooner you buy a bunch of units, sooner they'll level up thanks to the EXP bonuses of some buildings. I know it'd be best to focus on some elite units, at least early on, but I can't help it lol. Seems like it'll be cool to have a lot of options later on. That seems like the best way to use resources. Equipment will become obsolete as you get better stuff, so the less you can get by using, the better. More units is more options/versatility. Getting them to higher loyalty/exp sooner so they won't be useless later on.
Also learned pretty fast that we wanna split the commanders up into their own units, lol. Having a bunch of tactics in one unit is pointless and weakens the other teams that won't have any. The teams without commanders are fairly useless unless you stack them with OP units. The squads with commanders are like your actual fighting force, the rest are just leeching exp lol. Saving money by not manually healing and just letting that team rest a turn is really helpful too.
This is one of those games that seems super overwhelming and silly at first but it grows on you and becomes pretty easy to manage. Once you learn just how much you can do in a single turn, it makes things a lot easier. Attack an area manually and leave squads on defense to deal with invaders and such. Make sure there are enough to fight each of the enemy squads. You want to manually fight the hardest fight every round since you'll be able to control it and do better than the auto fights thanks to tactics and such. Leave your OP squads to defend since their performance will be not so great and they should still be able to fully ko the enemies, etc, etc. My first clear of map 1 took me like 35 turns, my second one was 19, since I knew how to not waste turns attacking invaders lol.
I still think the way you hire/rehire units is weird and overly complicated though. It's like trying to force a system just for the sake of originality over focusing on good gameplay, but meh. I guess when most units can be too similar thanks to the medal enhancements, that's one way to make them more "interesting" individually if you're forced to hire certain units at certain times.