
Dec 20, 2019
Gotcha, I see thank you. I'll try to get her to 13.

Quick question, how did you get her affection to 13? Is it possible to corrupt one or two goddesses but stay on the reign/lawful route? Again, thanks for the help. Was confused by the somewhat vagueness of the guide.
You can get additional fena affection events from odin and corrupted tycra and yes it is possible to corrupt one or all goddesses and still enter the law route
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May 28, 2018
Hmm, are you guys certain you need 12 fena affection and not 9?
Leaving that ending for the last thing I do in the game, doing the berserker runs meanwhile so will take a few days until I personally confirm it.

Just tells how absolutely wrong all info was until I actually bothered with doing the guide to pile up the correct reqs... I failed shit tonn of the endings because of wrong information all around and then tested with trial and error what are ACTUAL requirements >>

Also wondering if anyone has a list of unique commanders in berserk difficulty? That's the only thing I am still trying to find out aside of fena ending.

Would help if you could list the conditions for them as well, but simply knowing what commanders exist at all in berserk would help a tonn.


Sep 6, 2017
I posted a wiki link at page 23. Use that one. It's still missing choices, but contains most of what you're looking for. If you still can't find it, then join the Discord for VBFI. It has all the information you're looking for and people who can guide you in real time.

Some Guy 9001

Jul 6, 2018
I'm pretty sure the requirement is 12 affection (though having more won't hurt) 9 was just the requirement to get the scene that's just a few sentences, and to get it here's a little bit of advice on how to get some of the less obvious (and some fairly obvious) ones. In her first mingle scene, the "put him to death option" doesn't just get you a conquest point, it also gets you an affection point with her, for some reason.

Tyrca has 2 scenes with choices that can gain affection with Fena post corruption, "right to clean the room" and the one who you choose 1 of 4 gladiators who you think will win, choose the one Fena supports to get an affection point with her.

When conquering Folk, at one point there is a scene where Garm goes off somewhere. The choice to follow him gets you a reign point and has you discover the troops having a party, the choice to not bother has Loki quickly boning Fena off-screen and getting an affection point with her.

One of Rigret's post corruption scenes has her wet the bed and offer to deal with it, choose to have Fena deal with it, and you get an affection point with her, even though she doesn't actually show up in the scene (unless my memories foggy).

And for the last un-obvious (except in hindsight) affection point I can think of, when Odin asks if she can have a massage (this is pre-corruption), decline, and Loki will say something about how Fena's massages are only for him, resulting in her gaining an affection point at the expense of Odin not gaining one (did I phrase that right?).


Apr 28, 2018
Please, does someone have the original Japanese game ISO/image file? I need the original japanese game so I can install it, one time the Steam version of the game won't run on my OS. Once installed then I'll try copying the files so the game is displayed in english. Thank you.

EDIT: I found an ISO, I'll try it. I'll come back in case it doesn't work. Thank you.
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Respected User
Oct 8, 2017
VenusBlood FRONTIER International Patch v1.0.4 - (Extract the files “Patch.xp3”,“etc.xp3”,“etc2.xp3” in the game folder. When you start the game, the version information present on the bottom left of the screen should now display “Ver.1.0.4”.)

Fixed a problem where renaming certain units would freeze the game during certain scenes.
Other bug fixes


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
VenusBlood FRONTIER International Patch v1.0.4 - (Extract the files “Patch.xp3”,“etc.xp3”,“etc2.xp3” in the game folder. When you start the game, the version information present on the bottom left of the screen should now display “Ver.1.0.4”.)

Fixed a problem where renaming certain units would freeze the game during certain scenes.
Other bug fixes
Thanks, do you know if you need to DL the 1.0.3 patch first? Guess it won't hurt to do it first. Wonder how I missed this game.

Man I wish there was a way to sort the hiring units by their smiley meters lol. I thought I could just follow the moon cycles but there are enough exceptions. Feel like I have to go in there and check if units are ready be hired every turn. Not have mouseover tooltips for skills is annoying as fuck too. They could only show you building enhancements for the type of tile you have selected too. It would also be cool if you could manually choose who fought each battle where when on defense...Lots of little things that could improve this I'm seeing already. Well most are just small issues.

Should we always wait for 100 Loyalty before rehiring units? And are there units we should just completely avoid? It's pretty hard to tell what's worth leveling. I went through the first chapter and went to restart now to buy more units earlier. I wanna collect/raise em all~ Sooner you buy a bunch of units, sooner they'll level up thanks to the EXP bonuses of some buildings. I know it'd be best to focus on some elite units, at least early on, but I can't help it lol. Seems like it'll be cool to have a lot of options later on. That seems like the best way to use resources. Equipment will become obsolete as you get better stuff, so the less you can get by using, the better. More units is more options/versatility. Getting them to higher loyalty/exp sooner so they won't be useless later on.

Also learned pretty fast that we wanna split the commanders up into their own units, lol. Having a bunch of tactics in one unit is pointless and weakens the other teams that won't have any. The teams without commanders are fairly useless unless you stack them with OP units. The squads with commanders are like your actual fighting force, the rest are just leeching exp lol. Saving money by not manually healing and just letting that team rest a turn is really helpful too.

This is one of those games that seems super overwhelming and silly at first but it grows on you and becomes pretty easy to manage. Once you learn just how much you can do in a single turn, it makes things a lot easier. Attack an area manually and leave squads on defense to deal with invaders and such. Make sure there are enough to fight each of the enemy squads. You want to manually fight the hardest fight every round since you'll be able to control it and do better than the auto fights thanks to tactics and such. Leave your OP squads to defend since their performance will be not so great and they should still be able to fully ko the enemies, etc, etc. My first clear of map 1 took me like 35 turns, my second one was 19, since I knew how to not waste turns attacking invaders lol.

I still think the way you hire/rehire units is weird and overly complicated though. It's like trying to force a system just for the sake of originality over focusing on good gameplay, but meh. I guess when most units can be too similar thanks to the medal enhancements, that's one way to make them more "interesting" individually if you're forced to hire certain units at certain times.
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Apr 28, 2018
I managed to grab a copy of the japanese game 10th anniversary edition, but the translated files from Steam won't work on it. The original japanese game works on older OS, so should Steam. Shame on Steam.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Is there any downside to taking the "Astonishing" title/medal slot if you don't plan on using medals on that character (At least on that hire, I don't know if they keep medals if rehired)?

Man I've restarted this game like 8 times now, lol. Always something new I'm missing. I hope I don't get tired of this shit before I advance more.

Edit: Seems taking medals/titles increases the food or magic cost of the unit to hire and after battles, though apparently it's not a big deal unless you like double medal all your units at the start. So Astonishing titles are probably worth, though you might run out of resources and not be able to hire new units eventually if you have too many medals around your army. Though gold can cover for your after battle costs at a 1:1 ratio, being at 0 food or magic still means you can't hire new units. Happens naturally around chapter 2-3 anyways until you can get more resource income. I avoided it in my first run, but in future runs I'll probably take more thanks to the bonus starting resources of newgame+.
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Sep 6, 2017
If you keep doing what you're doing then you WILL get tired first. Just keep playing because new medals will unlock down the line. Also, this game is meant to be played over multiple playthroughs where you carry over your units and challenge the ultimate difficulty in Battle Royale.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
One of the worst things about this game is the unit type limit. I don't see how that helps or enhances anything. Especially since most healers are casters, it means you can't have many mages.

And man do those Call events hit you hard after you've captured a few goddesses. Have to stop every turn to watch 3-4 different events. I look forward to replaying this just so I can skip most these and play the damn game lol.
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Sep 6, 2017
New game plus has a Battle Royale mode where all the story is stripped and leaving only the gameplay. This game is meant to be played over multiple playthroughs, and the higher the difficulty you chose the more special hero units you can unlock.


May 28, 2018
One of the worst things about this game is the unit type limit. I don't see how that helps or enhances anything. Especially since most healers are casters, it means you can't have many mages.

And man do those Call events hit you hard after you've captured a few goddesses. Have to stop every turn to watch 3-4 different events. I look forward to replaying this just so I can skip most these and play the damn game lol.
You are unlikely to use more than 1 actual healer for the purpose of healing beyond early game...
At most you will have 1 for main team.. encounter teams will make do with whatever that makes them immune to conditions, be it healer or simply fielder.

You are not really limited by slots honestly, all good units are pretty spread out.. with archer type probably having least useful units but still...
It's hard as is to have enough units worth using to worry about things like lacking slots.

In endgame I personally didn't have more than 10(and max is 12) units in a single type I used at same time...
And 10 was the defender(since none of the commanders can tank as good as custom tanks)..
Defender did have 11 total that I used frequently tho, but that's about it, more than that would be useless.

As for call events - that's what the game is, a novel.. if you only want gameplay just play the battle royale it has 0 events/story.
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Sep 6, 2017
This was the "first" game (sixth in the series actually, but the first three are incredibly old and didn't really have a "complete" gameplay experience until this one) of the series, so future games won't have this limit anymore. In fact, you'll have so many units to choose from you can probably get sick just from staring at them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
This was the "first" game (sixth in the series actually, but the first three are incredibly old and didn't really have a "complete" gameplay experience until this one) of the series, so future games won't have this limit anymore. In fact, you'll have so many units to choose from you can probably get sick just from staring at them.
Oh cool, have something to look forward to if the others are ever translated then. I saw that Venus Blood Chimera thread in the similar threads, but it did seem super outdated so I wasn't interested.

Nice ava btw, girl is cute.
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Jan 31, 2018
When I open the game, the screen is black but I can hear the music in the background and when clicking options.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
I'm running it from wine from mac.
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