
Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Apparently farba and his golems hits like a truck on first playthrough, how did you guys beat him?
I took the chaos path on my first playthrough as I farmed for the tail medallion, so I didn't go there until my second playthrough. My units were pretty beefy by the end. He has a cross attack so give your teams either a guy with null-cross or someone with wide null and pierce null (it doesn't matter if it's on the same dude, the nullification is party wide). Wide+pierce null counts as cross null. Skills you want on your main DPS on your teams is either dimensional slash and or a high amount of helmet split (they stack) and added attacks. Hard physique (stacks up to 90%) and slayer defence is a must have on your tanks. Slayer skills adds up to an immense proportion of damage and hard physique is a flat damage reduction unaffected by defence piercing attacks. I could give you team recommendations, but I don't know which medals, you have unlocked.

I took a look at the actual setup. The team is 2 strong fire golems (destroyers) with a preference for the night and Farba himself. Have extra blade warriors on your main team against this setup. Destroyers are weak to blade warriors (the ones with the red icon with a blade in the middle). Focus them down instead of Farba, they have much less in the way of defence and their HP is lower, but they have a high attack.
Farba himself is strong agains the "blade warriors", so you should also have a tank to take the hits for the blade warriors. Preferably with a [Hero's Shield] and a [Hero's Armor] (nulling his cross attack). Units with the skill [Defensive Tactics [X] ] also covers for the other guys in the line, besides giving a defensive buff to the rest of the team. Should his defence still be too much for where you are in the game and the rest of your teams not standing a chance either, then use poison to slowly take him down. The rest of your teams for automatic combat should have some armor penetration skills and he should go down.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
I like the gameplay of this game, but I sort of hate many of the fetishes. "Flat chests" on "very petite" """women""" is not exactly up my alley (there should be a [loli] tag). I hate futas and tentacle porn is just so weak imo... and cucking.
Fenrir, Hel, and Freya are top class.

I also hate the MC. His personality is sort of a mix between King Geoffrey from Game of Thrones and . He is written like a typical anime protagonist, full of plot armor and women who falls for him because—he is the MC...
Being unable to fully skip a scene you have already seen many times instead of having it on fast forward is also annoying.
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Some Guy 9001

Jul 6, 2018
I'm currently trying to get the marriage forms of Thor and Odin... but how do I get them to 6 affection without corrupting them and before reaching the 99% mingle mark? I seem to only be able to get them to 5 affection. I still train her, her corruption sets in at 50 training.

Unless I've gone senile at a very young age, I also only count being able to get 5 affection before corruption and the 99% mark:
I believe that reaching (and viewing) the scene for max mingle uncorrupted grants several affection points on it's own. That's what I seem to remember happening anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
I believe that reaching (and viewing) the scene for max mingle uncorrupted grants several affection points on it's own. That's what I seem to remember happening anyway.
Indeed. I thought, I did something wrong since the event didn't unlock. But it was just some weird turn order thing with her and Freya's double event.
This was also the reason, I previously deleted that part of my comment. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the reply.

I also learned something interesting from getting to Fabia on normal so I could give a better answer to the other guy. You can actually fully skip scenes... you just confusingly don't do it with the skip option. In the options menu (config) you can set the scenes to be skipped. Instead of the usual forward thing, this option will actually skip stuff you have already read OR everything if you so choose. They should just have called the normal skip option fast forward. I'd have been way less confusing. I thought that option would just automatically fast forward stuff like the skip button.
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Jun 15, 2018
Can anyone help me getting the scene with odin that occurs with 99 mingles and 6 affections? I believe it's called "Chief God's Day off" at the wikia: . I tried to first up her mingle to 99 but with 5 affection(max affection I can acquire normally I believe), and then wait for the next turn when odin's affection is now 8. But I can't seem to get the scene and getting her to 6 affection before the +3 affection bonus is practically impossible isn't it? How do I get it then?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Can anyone help me getting the scene with odin that occurs with 99 mingles and 6 affections? I believe it's called "Chief God's Day off" at the wikia: . I tried to first up her mingle to 99 but with 5 affection(max affection I can acquire normally I believe), and then wait for the next turn when odin's affection is now 8. But I can't seem to get the scene and getting her to 6 affection before the +3 affection bonus is practically impossible isn't it? How do I get it then?
I believe, you have to be on the correct route (I think, it was on the reign route). The 99 event which adds +3 affection is also needed for this event. You should get "Chief God's Day off" the turn afterwards or a few turns longer down the line (in the mingling menu).
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Aug 8, 2018
After a long time seaching for this game full save CG but so far I just find 99% CG save anyone can find complete 100% can you give me please thanks you so much :3
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New Member
Apr 8, 2020
Here is a 100% save file for the International version. It also has all the commander units unlocked and at max level. All medallions are also unlocked.
do you have any pattern how to complete any scene, and unlock all characters please (Like guide). I really appreciate it, if u can tell :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
do you have any pattern how to complete any scene, and unlock all characters please (Like guide). I really appreciate it, if u can tell :)
I have some links to a few helpful guides of the gameplay if you like:

This is good compared to the others for the pre– and suffixes of the medals:

A more "complete", but very messy site (items, skills, and pre/suf are often named differently for the same thing even on the same page):
I found it useful for double checking and something of a better overview (because of the ctrl+f) of the units and items (etc.) and their skills.

This is very helpful for getting started.

This one also goes in getting the cg in a fast way.

Ask away to me, if you have any questions regarding the gameplay.
I stopped playing after clearing Nidhogg on berserk 3 in the battle royale mode. The reward was underwhelming compared to the previous rewards and I felt let down.

Here are some tips for the higher difficulties and the skills you should consider:

For defensive units [hardy physique] is needed. Melee attacks not using dimensional attack also benefits greatly from this as they'll take a lot of damage from counter amps on the enemy's tanks.
This skill is so broken, think of it as a health increase. At 90% (max) you get x10 times the health. The guide says around 60% is fine. That's not what I've experienced on berserk 3 and what little I did on berserk 4 before getting tired of the game (berserk 4 doesn't unlock anything). 80% at minimum on your tank. The difference between 60% damage reduction and 90% damage reduction is 4 times as much damage.

The null'ing effects are not 100% needed on a team, but almost. Null-cross counts as null-pierce and null-wide. Null-wide and null-pierce in the same team counts as null-cross. The null-all is it's own thing, it doesn't nullify all the other attack type. Null-all simply nullify the ability some enemies have, which attacks the entire team.
Null-range and null-flank serves to keep your backline safe and the focus on your tank. (You start getting some really OP materials for new items on Nidhogg, which helps solve all these defense issues. A shield that blocks the all attack and another one which has null cross. An armor which also has null cross etc... lots of things.

[Helmet split] and [dimensional attack]: You need some penetration on your attacks on the higher difficulties. The stronger enemies will laugh at your 300 attack (roughly the average of your troops at that point) with their defense in the many thousands.
I thought in the start, that the deal with helmet split on the max. 75% of the attack damage would go clean through and 25% of it, would be met with the defense of the enemy. Penetration instead serves to lower the enemy's defense by the stated amount. A 2000 defense enemy would get an effective defense of 500, which is still pretty high.
Dimensional attack makes your attack ranged and with a 75% pierce (dimensional attack is always 75% pierce, the number is merely the force reduction it also causes the enemy on attack) without the limitation of ranged attacks. The only way to "counter" this attack is with evasion.
Dimensional attack and helmet split stacks in their penetration. I'm not 100% sure how. The max amount of penetration you can get is 90% on a lethal crit with a maxed helmet split and dimensional attack combined. There seems to be a difference between 40% helmet split and 80% (75%) in combination with a dimensional attack. Making me think the effect is not additive.
[Lethal crit] as previously indicated makes for another layer of armor penetration. As I recall it's around 25% armor penetration. I'd say having lethal crits with a high crit chance is a secondary concern compared to a having a high amount of helmet split. Well, at least on characters that doesn't have a dimensional attack. Still very worth considering taking advantage of on characters with inherently high crit chance (min 30%)

[Additional attacks]... as many as you can get, without compromising your armor penetration. Having a large [counter amp](lification) on your tank should, however, not be of a concern. Mattering little as the tank will have little armor penetration.

[Slayer defense] and [defense only] are also important skills for your tank besides hardy physique. [Forward guard] will keep your most squishy target (in the correct position) save from dimensional attacks. Should you not have evasion bate in the current team. The enemy will always target the weakest of your troops. So have your evasion bate (troop with 100% evasion) on lower defense (and health total if possible) than the rest of your team.
Slayer attacks can get really nasty, it'll not be uncommon to see x5 multipliers.
Defense only flat out halfs the damage taken.
I think, there's only 1 defensive troop (one of the best, Baldr is a mage type) which doesn't defensive tactics. Defensive tactics will have the troop cover for all the other troops on the same line, besides boosting your allies defense. A very necessary ability for a tank.

Don't underestimate the magic [field] abilities (fire field, lightning field, ice field etc. etc.) as I did. They are immensely powerful. I thought the damage was something of a 1:1 ratio to its stated ability nr. before I did any tests. This is not the case. I made a team of Odin's for fun with some very good staffs. I think the total number of the field abilities was around 200. Yet I saw them doing 2k-3k damage at the end of the turn. Suggesting it's more in them line of a 1:10+ ability. This ability will, however, not work in auto battle. Reduced in effectiveness or completely nullified by [spell barrier]. I suggest having some high spell barrier on your main teams.

Only use a healer on your main teams. They are not needed in auto battle as the healing isn't activated.

Cross and all attacks are also mighty good to have yourself.
Get a troop if there's room for it in your team.

The main team should have at least: 1 Tank, 2 DPS, 1 healer (with absolute cure, the wiki has abnormal treatment and absolute cure messed up, absolute cure is the one that protects the entire team), and a supporter with spell barrier.
The auto attacker teams should have at least: 1 Tank, 2 DPS.

While not being strictly necessary I do suggest you have at least a bit of [ambush alert]. Those who uses ambush attacks the most are the humans, who are mostly the weakest, so it's not a huge priority.

---------------------------- Conclusion--------------------------

Attackers should prioritize as follow:
armor penetration>multiple attacks>any aoe attack (all attack>cross attack>pierce attack>wide attack)>crit/lethal crit.
Those with inherently large crit chance should switch the priority of getting an aoe attack extra crit/lethal crit.

If it's a main DPS on a team without dimensional slash and it's not ranged, I'd go:
armor penetration>multiple attacks>min 40% hardy physique>aoe attacks>crit/lethal crit

Tanks should prioritize as follows:
80% Hardy physique>slayer defense>defense only>90% hardy physique or forward guard (depending on the setup of the rest of the team)>covering for deficiencies in the teams null abilities.

Cheers and kind regards from Hajtand.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2019
I find this stuff very overwhelming so I suggest just cheat your way through after you know how to play.

You not trying to win cash like CSGO or anything so this won't hurt
but man when I forget to save at certain point that will ruin all the ending. URGGHHH sometime
also if you similar game like this but ntr...don't freaking play it

there are other game out there that far more better than it. harem game or violated herione that still under development by community
that same type of this game was not worth your brain and RTS skill what so ever. even I rather playing Total Wars game instead

I sure you are good person enough to not play it.
the virgin ending will end with you being virgin forever because your character is just a doll that only you command them to battle and not for loving any girl you see.

it not the worst ending for me because I see much worst before but for certain with some good heart intact may not like it

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Going Chaos for first playthrough.

Not too much sympathy for Tyrca and I enjoyed Freya's corruption quite a bit due to her being a condescending hypocrite but corrupting Rigret really makes me feel bad. It's like torturing a small child.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Going Chaos for first playthrough.

Not too much sympathy for Tyrca and I enjoyed Freya's corruption quite a bit due to her being a condescending hypocrite but corrupting Rigret really makes me feel bad. It's like torturing a small child.
I used the skip scene option a lot in this game. I like the strategy in this game... not so much the porn material.
I felt sympathy for all the characters. Freya wasn't condescending. Having her people slaughtered. The people she loves above her own life. Puts a dent in her mood.
The MC is a smart-ass little shit who uses his past as an excuse to commit atrocities. All the time feeling sorry for himself. Tyrca was a new goddess in this game (besides the other thing about her), she haven't gotten her bearings of the world, but still tries to do her best. The slaughter of her people strangely enough also makes her less than happy.
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Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Eeeh there's a definite smarm and sense of superiority in everything Freya does (I'm not saying Loki is in any way better, mind you - it's just that he's pretty open about it, unlike her). She also has to be shamed into admitting she uses her invisible soldiers for political assassinations at one point.

Tyrca is entirely sympathetic, it's just that I tend to dislike her archetype in general so I don't care much.
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Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Finished Law and Chaos, now I need to prepare for Niddhog but this means unlocking medallions, cause even in Hard enemy units completely outclass mine, they have stuff I can't hire at all.

Anyways, I have a question: is it ever possible to unlock minor commanders like Dragon Girl Mio or Poison Fairy Erin? I guess Fata and Sarasa are generic Alchefairy and Reaper but the former two seemed to be special.
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