Damn, I can't decide what set up is optimal for sweeper Evil Theo.
The dps titles are (50 helmet split + 50 max power attacks) or (150 added attack + 35 crit boost).
His dps innate skills are:
- All attack
- 75 lethal crit
- 35 dimension slash
- 50 max power attack
I don't have the last tier of equipment unlocked, but out of everything else, here are the possible contenders.
- Prometheus (20 dimension slash)
- Ether shot (40 helmet split)
- Estranged Stars (100 added attack)
- Prometheus Q (120 max powered + 20 flank attack) - Flank attack helps negate some evasion that would dodge dimension slash
- Jounin Robe (25 added attack...)
- Admiral Cloak (25 crit boost)
- Grisani Dress (15 dimension slash)
Ok, I just checked the jap wiki for last tier ranged weapons.
- 40 dimension slash + 100 lethal crit
- Group attack 2 + All attack
Vestments last tier is magical and defensive, so no attack options there.
So what do you guys think? 40 Dimension slash gun will max it out (AFAIK 75 is max for dimension). I see that vestments are really shitty for DPS skills though. Helmet split stacks with dimension slash multiplicatively, so it's nice to have it, but I'm guessing (150 added attack + 35 crit) title is optimal along with the 40 dimension slash weapon. The only thing we would want on top of that is helmet split, but we don't have that option on robes. So he could just wear any robe that benefits the party.