Just tried this one out a couple of days ago. While I think the story has a lot of potential, I feel a couple of things are holding it back. First, is the pace. A lot of games tend to be too rushed, in this one the pace feels to slow. I often times found myself getting bored and losing focus on the game. Maybe it was all the inner monologues, not quit sure what it was, just felt to slow. However, the biggest problem for me was that I didn't like the MC. To me, he comes across as a spoiled selfish asshole. One minute he is trying to be humble about his Aunt's money and the next he is throwing it someone's face. For example, towards the end of the update there was talk about him needing a good lawyer and Lauren thought he was referring to her, but he says that his Aunt has the best lawyer. It really doesn't feel like he actually cares about Lauren. I mean, Sharon expressed some interest in the MC and he doesn't even give cheating on Lauren a second thought. Just starts thinking about how to get what he wants.
Not sure if the Developer will see this, but if so, those are my initial thoughts on the game. This is meant to be some constructive criticism, so don't take it personally. Looking forward to see how this one progresses.