Hi Mad King,
I'm sad to see that you feel Vis reached a point where you questioned if it was worth it. Like I told before, it's one of my all time favorites here, even considering the twist and turns in development. I really liked the characters and story and would very much like to see it develop to completion. I also think (just like
c3p0) that the medieval fantasy genre isn't dying (that would be a long discussion)...
Because of all that I'd like to share some thoughts.
First of all, the scope of the fantasy setting you created should be enough to absorb you for years. Like you, I loved Dragon Age: Origins, even after being a "veteran" of fantasy games and literature. But, before launching DA:O, David Gaider spent years developing the setting, writing the story and preparing it to be transformed in the game we know, which was accomplished by a whole team. You were writing, rendering, perhaps coding too, interacting with the community... No wonder you started feeling some form of struggle!
On second hand, your vision for the project changed when you adapted to different feedback... First the simple VN + the complex VN; then the VN-Sandbox; then the VN or Sandbox; then just the VN. I understand you were fighting to materialize your dream vision but the form it was taking was making you unhappy.
Finally, the costs. You had to pay a programmer (which I believe it was also a problem at some point) and you had to pay for assets (and Vis is very demanding on quality assets or it will easily miss the mark) and then you had to go to your job to pay for all that...
For me, personally, a good VN would be more than enough. I know your dream is the complete 3D open world game but, will it be possible? I'd like to see the story till the end. Really would. And even feel (unlike
GetOutOfMyLab who I respect a lot), that I should have supported you, even though it most certainly wouldn't have made any difference...
I don't know what you should do, but one idea of what you could do is very simple. Take a break from development but dedicate yourself to writing. Advance the story, further develop the characters, the branching paths until the ending or endings, mature the whole thing until you have the most polished setting and the story complete. This story is your passion so I'm guessing you'd be happy to leave it written. Perhaps publish it as a book (you probably still won't make money that way) and then come back to game development, if you still feel like it.
In the meantime, you can decide if you really want to go for the 3D open world game or settle for a quality VN, which you have already proven you can do.
Whatever you decide I'll be wishing your success, and hanging around here, waiting for good news.
Take care.