Hey Ranger, I really appreciate seeing you being so active, responsive and open, I wanted to tell you. There is real talent behind your games too. I love both Amelias and most girls we've seen so far. The endings to SO and WW have been too abrupt to my taste, especially when it was thought there would not be a sequel to Water World, but thanks to SG-1 it's fine now. Although I have to say your story is getting more confusing than ever with those parallel universes. I'll miss a few of the characters we left behind in the WW game, I hope at least young Amelia will make a comeback - although storywise it would be a little surprising. Will there be pregnancies (inc old Amelia) in the future? I was a little surprised that all the seemingly unprotected sex from WW led to only one pregnancy (as far as we know). I'm glad you dropped the eating/washing/sleeping routine in SG-1, it was nothing but a negative in WW. If you ever release the game like you say, you could consider dropping it from WW as well.
Best of luck going forward!