To be honest, I've already started planning for the next game (WW should be done by mid- next year) and one of the things I plan is to not have location indicators. They make the game a bit too easy and tens of hour of work spent making the game can be skipped through in 10 minutes which makes people wonder if it's worth supporting the development of the game (I've had such 'complaints' in Patreon). And as much as I enjoy making the game, without enough support I can't continue with it (or at least not commit to meaningful monthly releases).
Many people don't like this type of sandbox games, BECAUSE you need to spend so much time finding content, but your game doesn't have that problem because your hint system works out okay. I have no idea how many patrons complain about the game being too easy with indicators, but are you really sure that not having them won't frustrate more?
I can only speak for myself, but even with indicators you have so much time until events continue and compared to the actual new content you have to spend way more time than necessary that I for one probably wouldn't bother with the game like that.
I'm not a patron, at the moment, but I know that frustration with that kind of blind grindfeast is massive and wide-spread and surely there will be those of your patrons feeling the same way. Not to mention that many would never even think of supporting a game that turns into a grindfeast, which a game comparable to WW would be without location indicators.
Man, a game with so many locations and so many timeslots would be so incredible frustrating without the hint system as it is now, who would want that? Probably those people playing those endless Russian QSP grind-feasts.
It will never cease to amaze me that so many people seem to think frustration is part of what makes a game good.
Edited to add: Wouldn't it make way more sense to make the location indicators a feature you can turn on and off, like with freezing stats? This way people who love to stumble around blindly for hours could do so and the others won't have to start banging their heads on their tables in frustration.