One of the few products on here that is actually a game! ...designed by a promising designer to boot.
Simple and with excellent pacing, that allows the player to ease into the controls and what the game is about.
I am very curious as to the future of this title.
Some critique/ideas - should the dev happen to read it. If not - perhaps another dev does. 
The sex scenes could be made more interesting/varied, as they became very repetitive, very quickly...
(The inclusion of a "repeat" function indicates the dev is already aware of this.)
While the game doesn't quite suffer from the "one-click-to-receive-the-whole-sex-scene", it could easily
be made more interactive. There are way too few games along the lines of "Strive for Power", "Lilith's Throne",
and the "ERA" series of games.
Something I found myself especially liking were some minor acknowledgements that the player had interacted
with the NPC before. Little things that made each day feel slightly different, such as the small
"...again?!", that
the lifeguard mumbles as she is pushed down to her knees for a 2nd time. Playing on this further would deepen
the immersion/experience.
For whatever it's worth...

Good luck.