
Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
She does avoid it twice, which makes it seem like she IS actively avoiding it more than mere coincidence that she didn't feel like going for a coffee.

First one was in the beach house, after the conversation, MC invite her to hang out a bit more, she agrees, then MC mentions about the coffee place she suddenly says she can't go anymore since it's far and her appointment is on the opposite direction.

Then of course we have that bit in the car where it's her who initially invites MC for a coffee and insists him to get one since there's a coffee shop nearby. After MC declines but drives past by Jo's MC brings up the coffee bit and for some reason suddenly she doesn't feel like going for a coffee anymore?

It definitely sounds like she IS actively avoiding either Cup of Jo's or Jolina.

It may be because she sent the email but there could also be more to the story than that. After all, If it's about the email, she has zero idea MC has been snooping and investigating about this, so it makes no sense for Elaine to avoid it, take caution, since a normal person wouldn't think someone was looking through cctvs to find out some obscure activity a long time back.

Despite all this, I still believe Elaine is genuine in terms of her intentions and feelings. Because it makes no sense for her to be the "evil" or manipulative one when there already is the gold digger for that.

At this point I'm just too smitten with Elaine that I hope that she's not manipulating MC or else I would be devastated.
Like I said before it is possible she is avoiding Jo herself, but having to avoid a coffee visit because of it being on the complete opposite area is not wrong in it self, we don't know how long the drive is and we don't know what time her appointment is or how close we are from it compared to if we were at the coffee shop so this could be legit but like I said he only brings her there a second time and he never actually doubles down. So yes she might be avoiding Jo but I doubt she would be avoiding it because she could possibly be the person that has send the email. She is a mature and smart woman but she is everything but tech savvy and smart in that department so that brings me to the conclusion like I said before, it is possible she has personal beef with Jo. Jo is in to women and from what I have found it seems that she and Bella had or have a thing going but also like I said I doubt Jo is a GD and she is possibly being used. Simply said to get that CCTV it seems Jo needed to pull a Jenna ( in other words a hack ) however she never said she was the one that has done the Hack, she merely said it was done. That brings it in to the same notion of her having found a possible Virus just when Bella encounters the USB, so it is possible that Bella was the one who got rid off or mentioned a Virus being on the laptop so Bella might be the tech savvy one and is the one who provided the footage. When you show Bella a pic of Elaine in the coffeeshop ( even if it is a bit older pic where her hair was longer ) she tells you, it might be possible but she would need a better picture, she never outright confirms or denies Elaine.

That brings me to another thing, with all the time that MC has spend with Elaine he never bothered to get a picture of Elaine and show it to her so that is also stupid on his end I would have done that as soon as possible.

Well the MC is controlled by us so he can be as nice or not as we want him to be... She changes tack quickly after the conditions are known. It doesn't scream "honest" in terms of reactions.
And she only "sends" him to Monica in that Monica was the only person that responded to the email she sent. As I've said before the MC has crappy friends if the email went out to everyone and Monica was the only one who responded. Thing is that means that Elaine had Monica's email address unless it went to Monica's business email and that is publicly available.
That Email was send at the start of the game before any conditions was known to anyone, including Elaine knowing about the conditions and that there was a third person and that she was being cheated on, she switched the moment she heard about the conditions because it meant she was playing right in to Don's hand by kicking him out.

And we only actually know or heard or think our stuff have actually been thrown out because Bella said so, we never actually have seen that too be the case. And remember if you do mention to Elaine about what bella said, when she said " now you are never going to... " this one is easy at this point, it is not the inheritance perse but more so about her not getting the house. Now why she legit wants the house and just merely the house is a mystery to anyone. Sure Don did not exactly pay any or much attention to her but he never outright abused her either, she merely was there and an annoyance and being threated like sort of a trophy wife of some sort. But she could genuinely have good memories of that house and like the area and just wants new memories. She gives everything else away if she can for just the house. And her conditions are not to seduce the MC but instead to cut ALL contact with the MC she must legit avoid him and discard him as if he never existed and prob even worse since she does say that the conditions make it that it would legit make the MC hate her to her core.

True, but the lawyer said that one of the other recipient know the conditions of the will, can be Elaine.

then again a lady with those tits can't be guilty
I have pointed this one out already. This game throws you Red herrings and curve balls like no tomorrow. The first with the fortune telling who talks about a sister and a pretty blonde who has a preference for women which makes you think it is about Katie and Debbie and makes it clear that the blonde is warming up to you but is closer to the sister still, this comes right after Debbie comes out to you so your first thought would be oh it's debbie. No it is not, it is tricking you while giving you hints.

The sister and the blonde are Bella and Jolina that is what the whole fortune about the blonde and sister was talking about. It would be weird talking about a sister and a pretty blonde but leave out a damn hot beauty like Lily which never get's pointed out in that whole prophecy, so that whole convo was about Bella and Jo.

The Mother figure who has kept you two apart not by her choice but by the fault of another and she wishes to tell you something but cannot, this part is about Elaine. Not Monica.

There is also a part about Monica in there, that part is that she is one of the obstacles in the way of the MC his money.

And then there is a conversation about the Viper/Dizzy. Short but it comes down to this " She is Dizzy by Name but NOT by Nature " is all we are given on the GD.

The same thing goes for the Lawyer, He tells you and gives you enough information to point out that Elaine is not the GD nor the backstabber. One he said he met/spoken that person only TWICE, he met/spoke with Elaine at least 3 times.
Now here comes to deceiving curveball that happened just like with the fortune telling.

He tells you this person knows and has seen the will and knows about EVERYONE's conditions. He does not know if they spoke to Don about it or if they have found it lying around. And who after that conversation with the lawyer mentions she had a talk about the will with Don ? Elaine. So what does your brain automatically do ? Point fingers to Elaine being that person.

However, here is a few problems with that. If Elaine knew about the conditions, it means Elaine would have known she was being cheated on and that there was a third person involved... Yet she never knew about this until everyone got their conditions. Elaine does not know who the other person is but the person who knows about all the will owners knows exactly who the other owners are. The person who KNOWS about the conditions has a different type of condition to inherit everything.
That condition is not for what she must do for example like Elaine and MC both have to do things to be able to get there will. The third owner of the will does not have requirement she must fill out, no her conditions are more tied to the actions of the MC. And he never pointed out that Elaine could be one of the people who knows about all the wills. He never gave a name.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2018
You guys really make me smile (in a good way) at all the very serious thought you guys have regarding the plot. I can also say that several of you, especially put together, have all the pieces. :) I just hope that you still find it as interesting when things start to finally play out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
You guys really make me smile (in a good way) at all the very serious thought you guys have regarding the plot. I can also say that several of you, especially put together, have all the pieces. :) I just hope that you still find it as interesting when things start to finally play out.
Oh fuck! After reading this I think he just confirmed that the GD and viper are Jolina and Bella.

Damn now I don't want Jolina any where near my precious little Jenna. :(
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Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Oh fuck! After reading this I think he just confirmed that the GD and viper are Jolina and Bella.

Damn now I don't want Jolina any where near my precious little Jenna. :(
GD/Dizzy/Viper are one and the same person, not two people or 3 different people. And the debate is still out if it is Bella exactly but mostly everything is pointing to her right now, The most that is pointed out right now is that Jo and Bella know one another, nothing more out of that capacity. So the possible things for Jolina right now are. Jo and Bella are partners in crime/ Jo is being used by Bella without her knowledge. Jolina however IS bisexual mostly with a preference for women but not to a point she has no interest in men.

Doubt he actually confirmed much, just that some of us are on the right track. Some people are pointing out Elaine still others like myself going full on Bella and then there are some that have pointed out at Theresa and others at Jolina+Bella, so kind of hard to know which camp he is saying is on the right track.


Active Member
May 28, 2018
Just a couple of point son the Elaine debate - mainly from what MrFriendly said:

1. The Email was sent (possibly by Elaine ) before the conditions of the will were announced.

2. We only 'know' the MC's possessions were thrown out by Elaine because Bella told us so.
- Also before the will was revealed.
If I remember correctly, it was revealed in EP-20 by the lawyer that someone knew about the will conditions ahead of time. That could possibly be Elaine since she would potentially have access to the will...if the MC's father left it out by accident - or not.

While Bella did say that Elaine threw the MC's stuff to the curb...Elaine told the MC that she would, via email, in 3 days if he did not come and get it. So, there is no real reason to doubt that she did and Bella was doing the MC a solid.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
GD/Dizzy/Viper are one and the same person, not two people or 3 different people. And the debate is still out if it is Bella exactly but mostly everything is pointing to her right now, The most that is pointed out right now is that Jo and Bella know one another, nothing more out of that capacity. So the possible things for Jolina right now are. Jo and Bella are partners in crime/ Jo is being used by Bella without her knowledge. Jolina however IS bisexual mostly with a preference for women but not to a point she has no interest in men.

Doubt he actually confirmed much, just that some of us are on the right track. Some people are pointing out Elaine still others like myself going full on Bella and then there are some that have pointed out at Theresa and others at Jolina+Bella, so kind of hard to know which camp he is saying is on the right track.
He said if you put all the fragments together and most of the fragments talk about Bella and Jolina and also it would make more sense for it to be them then the religious lady.

I'd find it hard to believe that the MC's father would have any interest in the religious lady at all. I mean does she even remotely seem like the type of woman the MC's father would have an interest in? Wouldn't it be weird though if Dogboy was the MC's father's son? I just can't imagine the father getting involved with her though. I would think the MC's father hated religion.

And of course the problem with it being Elaine is that it would be to obvious. That right there is a common tactic in movies, writing. It is seen in many forms and it always starts out with making you hate that person because then it is easier to believe that their motives are bad and that person cannot be trusted, to misdirect you and then the whole look how sweet Bella is, part two of the common deception to get you to like and trust the one who is actually the snake in the grass.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Jolina could have been used by Bella because she is blind with love for her. This also shows why Jolina wanted to say something to MC but didn't do it. On the day when MC hid in the closet with Jenna in Elaine's house, I thought something was wrong with Bella, this flirt attempts towards MC, she wanted to have sex with him immediately, only Bella and Jolina were on a sexual flirt course from the start with him.
Yeah like I said she been trying to get with the mc almost from the get go. Makes me think her condition seeing as it depends more on MC action then it does hers or Elaine or both that the condition or at least one of em is that she has to get pregnant with by the MC
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Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
He said if you put all the fragments together and most of the fragments talk about Bella and Jolina and also it would make more sense for it to be them then the religious lady.

I'd find it hard to believe that the MC's father would have any interest in the religious lady at all. I mean does she even remotely seem like the type of woman the MC's father would have an interest in? Wouldn't it be weird though if Dogboy was the MC's father's son? I just can't imagine the father getting involved with her though. I would think the MC's father hated religion.

And of course the problem with it being Elaine is that it would be to obvious. That right there is a common tactic in movies, writing. It is seen in many forms and it always starts out with making you hate that person because then it is easier to believe that their motives are bad and that person cannot be trusted, to misdirect you and then the whole look how sweet Bella is, part two of the common deception to get you to like and trust the one who is actually the snake in the grass.
The fragments ( and most of em coming from myself and a few others ) only mention of Jolina being either helping or being used by Bella. Jolina is because of plenty of actions from my perspective already proven not to be the GD which I have pointed out. Another reason for Jolina not being the GD is simply put, it has been made clear that the 3rd person is someone that BOTH Elaine AND MC knows, Jolina he merely met a few days ago so she falls off, that same goes for Theresa. These are not people they have known for long and nowhere has anything been pointed out that Elaine even knows Theresa so she falls off. Again the game gives you enough hints to let you know that Viper/Dizzy is ONE person. The game gives you enough hints that let you know Jolina is bisexual and also enough hints that Bella and Joline know each other. It does NOT hint that they are working together, however the game does tell you that the third will owner is cunning heartless deceitful manipulative and has plans on top of plans on top of plans. Jolina is having mental break down issues and overall a crises going on with her coffeeshop, she is in a vulnerable state by any and all means right now and the fact she likes the MC and forgives him for his actions and willing to part with a secret if she was not interrupted means she is by any and all means not the GD/Viper as that would be out of character for someone of that nature. So Jolina is either currently in a relationship with Bella and she has been hiding it from the MC and is feeling guilty about it or she has found out that Elaine and Bella are related and that she just found out that MC is in connection with her friend with benefits or gf. Jolina does not fit the category of anything that the game has hinted as being the GD/Viper. She is either in a relationship with bella or friends with benefits or both of that and is working with or being used by Bella. And I am going with the latter. You meet Jo through Jenna and you meet Theresa through Jo. So again not people either Elaine and etc know or knew before all of the will ordeal or ever. Till just recently. I already have said that Theresa falls of because of those reasons. Jolina also falls off for those reasons. Viper/GD/Dizzy is one and the SAME person not 2 not 3 not multiple..but one and the same. Again.. Most likely Jo is being used. I already pointed out in a few pages back why I personally suspect Bella and how that has not changed after I got some other info. Which in turn pointed me out to find out some things of Jolina. Jolina so far in this is innocent right now. From all the evidence that has been provided she is merely a Victim of circumstance.
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Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
If I remember correctly, it was revealed in EP-20 by the lawyer that someone knew about the will conditions ahead of time. That could possibly be Elaine since she would potentially have access to the will...if the MC's father left it out by accident - or not.

While Bella did say that Elaine threw the MC's stuff to the curb...Elaine told the MC that she would, via email, in 3 days if he did not come and get it. So, there is no real reason to doubt that she did and Bella was doing the MC a solid.
That would Imply in that case that Elaine knows exactly who the third person is and that all this time that Elaine knew she was being cheated on and never took any steps go after that person, That would also imply that Elaine was fine with being cheated on. It also should imply that if all the wills are known to her she would know who the third person is and would have all the cards to get every and all the inheritance would be out to get it.

Here are some facts though. Elaine HAS spoken about the will with done but never SEEN the wills.
She did NOT know that there was a third person involved, She did NOT know she was being cheated on.
She has had been in contact with the lawyer at the least 3 times. Dizzy/GD/Viper has only been in contact with the lawyer twice.
Fortune Teller makes it clear about a mother figure who is still with us but has been kept apart because of another but is trying to now make amends and has something she wants to tell you but cannot, let me be clear. This is about Elaine, NOT Monica.
The conditions for Elaine to get her inheritance is to cut of and discard the MC amongst a few other things that would create a bigger rift between them and actually make the MC hate her.

The conditions for the GD/Viper is all based on the actions of the MC not MC and Monica but purely and JUST the MC.
The game does throw you off thinking it is Elaine since she mentions the will just after the Lawyer talks about someone knowing about it. However words are key. Will implies 1, Wills implies multiple.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
The fragments ( and most of em coming from myself and a few others ) only mention of Jolina being either helping or being used by Bella. Jolina is because of plenty of actions from my perspective already proven not to be the GD which I have pointed out. Another reason for Jolina not being the GD is simply put, it has been made clear that the 3rd person is someone that BOTH Elaine AND MC knows, Jolina he merely met a few days ago so she falls off, that same goes for Theresa. These are not people they have known for long and nowhere has anything been pointed out that Elaine even knows Theresa so she falls off. Again the game gives you enough hints to let you know that Viper/Dizzy is ONE person. The game gives you enough hints that let you know Jolina is bisexual and also enough hints that Bella and Joline know each other. It does NOT hint that they are working together, however the game does tell you that the third will owner is cunning heartless deceitful manipulative and has plans on top of plans on top of plans. Jolina is having mental break down issues and overall a crises going on with her coffeeshop, she is in a vulnerable state by any and all means right now and the fact she likes the MC and forgives him for his actions and willing to part with a secret if she was not interrupted means she is by any and all means not the GD/Viper as that would be out of character for someone of that nature. So Jolina is either currently in a relationship with Bella and she has been hiding it from the MC and is feeling guilty about it or she has found out that Elaine and Bella are related and that she just found out that MC is in connection with her friend with benefits or gf. Jolina does not fit the category of anything that the game has hinted as being the GD/Viper. She is either in a relationship with bella or friends with benefits or both of that and is working with or being used by Bella. And I am going with the latter. You meet Jo through Jenna and you meet Theresa through Jo. So again not people either Elaine and etc know or knew before all of the will ordeal or ever. Till just recently. I already have said that Theresa falls of because of those reasons. Jolina also falls off for those reasons. Viper/GD/Dizzy is one and the SAME person not 2 not 3 not multiple..but one and the same. Again.. Most likely Jo is being used. I already pointed out in a few pages back why I personally suspect Bella and how that has not changed after I got some other info. Which in turn pointed me out to find out some things of Jolina. Jolina so far in this is innocent right now. From all the evidence that has been provided she is merely a Victim of circumstance.
Well that is good news I like Jolina and it does make a lot of sense that it is Bella because the MC would have known her for a long time.

Now I also wonder what Bella's plans are since she has plans on top of plans I am starting to think she is going to try and take everything for herself. Do you think she will even try to take the house from her sister?

I looked up the name Bella and it is of Italian/Latin origin and means beautiful. I wonder if her name is short for Belladonna which is poisonous and fits with Bella's character in this game more. :LOL:

Another reason I don't think it is Elaine because that woman used the term "viper" and when I think of a snake they are quiet and sneaky and they sneak up on you and then next thing you know they sink their teeth into you. And Elaine hasn't really acted like that she was pretty up front about how she felt about the MC.

Another thing then if the the viper conditions all depend on what the MC does do you think that the Bella is actually working for the MC's father and she is actually trying to corrupt the MC to make him more like his father and that is the way she will get her money by getting the MC to take the his inheritance and turn his back on Monica, Katie and Jenna? It would kind of make sense since she is the GD so she cares about money more then anything else just like the MC's father. They could have planned this together and Bella sent the email to Monica as part of the plan because it was some kind of test or trial.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2021
If I remember correctly, it was revealed in EP-20 by the lawyer that someone knew about the will conditions ahead of time. That could possibly be Elaine since she would potentially have access to the will...if the MC's father left it out by accident - or not.

While Bella did say that Elaine threw the MC's stuff to the curb...Elaine told the MC that she would, via email, in 3 days if he did not come and get it. So, there is no real reason to doubt that she did and Bella was doing the MC a solid.
From the lawyer we know that there ar 3 people in the will, the MC Elaine and...
The lawyer also tells us later tha one of the 3 knows everything about the will and seem quite cold and determined to win.
In episode 20 we know the Elaine sent the false email.
Knowing that Elaine lived with the father Don and could have acess to his office and maybe could have heard him when he was recording his will, it's quite logical to think that she is the one who knows all about the will.
We know that Elaine visited many lawyers to get infos about such a strange will.

At the beginning i totally rejected Bella and Elaine because it seemed stupid to do othertwise!
So it's only much later that i started to get friendly with them and i started the guilt path in the last chapters.

So is Elaine the evil one, maybe not, i guess she is really worried to loose everything because she knows all the details, mostly she absolutely wants the house, i guess that's why she sends the MC away and make him go to Monica because she knows that she will loose the house if he accepts the will conditions.
At the end of chapter 20 i was able to seduce Elaine and fuck her balls deep once i promised her that she could keep the house any way.

So who's the third one ?? Bella i guess, she seems to have a strange behaviour, first she comes to Monica's with MC stuff before the 3 days that Elaine gave him.
Then when the MC and Jenna tryied to hack Elaine's PC she seemed to be aware of what was going on and went to Elaine's room with no reason to masturbate on the bed and just after tried to seduce the MC right away.
Later we learn that she is spying her sister and tried to take the MC on her side.

Knowing what kind of sick prick the fater Don was and his hatred for family relations, i guess he wanted to separate Elaine and Bella. I guess he had a place in town where Bella was living completely depending on him and when he died she was homeless and forced to go to her sister's house.
So i start to see why Elaine seems so worried, she knowns everything, she has to send away the MC, and i guess that there is a condition that will seperate her from her sister for a long time and she gets really desperate about this. Finding herself all alone with no familly.

That father don must be really sick and has a specific hatred about family realtions and wants to separate all his relatives.
He dispise his son, Elaine and Bella because they depend on him and are not independent and strong, for him they are bugs living from his crap and want to teach them a hard lesson.
The old prick wants to crush the cockroaches that are running on his coffin!
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Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
In the beginning, choosing to just start the new update, and choosing which path you want with which girls, it says "Theresa interested (dom)"...and it isn't specific. When I pick DOM, will that make HER the dom or ME the dom? Or same if I pick I the sub or is she the sub? As it stands, I'll be playing it just to see which is which and if I end up a sub I'll just start over.
But, since saving is pointless now, I guess that doesn't really matter. lol
I get that old saves can break when doing an overhaul of older graphics/renders/etc. But, If I can just start from the latest episode, and pick who I want to fuck and who I want to hate, it does kinda make saves least to me. Maybe for those who want to start from the beginning, but after 20 episodes in,m that's not me. lol
Not complaining here..just observing and voicing opinions and asking questions. The game is still one of my faves and the ladies all look nice (well, most of them). :)


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Despite it's suspicious nature, I feel like its nothing but a misdirection from the writers. "Now you'll never give me.." makes us think she's about to say "your inheritance" but that will be too blatant.
She's talking about the house.

Why would she ask for his inheritance?

She wants the house.


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
She's talking about the house.

Why would she ask for his inheritance?

She wants the house.
The house and the money are 2 different parts of the inheritance. His inheritance is everything his dad left him. If she asked for the inheritance, she'd be asking for everything. If she asked for money, that wouldn't be asking for the entire inheritance..just part of it....same for the house...just part of it. But, I don't remember much about the dialogue, so I don't remember the wording. I struggle to remember yesterday haha.


Mar 2, 2020
The house and the money are 2 different parts of the inheritance. His inheritance is everything his dad left him. If she asked for the inheritance, she'd be asking for everything. If she asked for money, that wouldn't be asking for the entire inheritance..just part of it....same for the house...just part of it. But, I don't remember much about the dialogue, so I don't remember the wording. I struggle to remember yesterday haha.
important pedantry.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
The fragments ( and most of em coming from myself and a few others ) only mention of Jolina being either helping or being used by Bella. Jolina is because of plenty of actions from my perspective already proven not to be the GD which I have pointed out. Another reason for Jolina not being the GD is simply put, it has been made clear that the 3rd person is someone that BOTH Elaine AND MC knows, Jolina he merely met a few days ago so she falls off, that same goes for Theresa. These are not people they have known for long and nowhere has anything been pointed out that Elaine even knows Theresa so she falls off. Again the game gives you enough hints to let you know that Viper/Dizzy is ONE person. The game gives you enough hints that let you know Jolina is bisexual and also enough hints that Bella and Joline know each other. It does NOT hint that they are working together, however the game does tell you that the third will owner is cunning heartless deceitful manipulative and has plans on top of plans on top of plans. Jolina is having mental break down issues and overall a crises going on with her coffeeshop, she is in a vulnerable state by any and all means right now and the fact she likes the MC and forgives him for his actions and willing to part with a secret if she was not interrupted means she is by any and all means not the GD/Viper as that would be out of character for someone of that nature. So Jolina is either currently in a relationship with Bella and she has been hiding it from the MC and is feeling guilty about it or she has found out that Elaine and Bella are related and that she just found out that MC is in connection with her friend with benefits or gf. Jolina does not fit the category of anything that the game has hinted as being the GD/Viper. She is either in a relationship with bella or friends with benefits or both of that and is working with or being used by Bella. And I am going with the latter. You meet Jo through Jenna and you meet Theresa through Jo. So again not people either Elaine and etc know or knew before all of the will ordeal or ever. Till just recently. I already have said that Theresa falls of because of those reasons. Jolina also falls off for those reasons. Viper/GD/Dizzy is one and the SAME person not 2 not 3 not multiple..but one and the same. Again.. Most likely Jo is being used. I already pointed out in a few pages back why I personally suspect Bella and how that has not changed after I got some other info. Which in turn pointed me out to find out some things of Jolina. Jolina so far in this is innocent right now. From all the evidence that has been provided she is merely a Victim of circumstance.
Actually I read this comment and saying that Jolina isn't part of Bella's scheme could actually be wrong. Read this comment:
CheekyGimp said:
(With the exception of one or two females who are deceitful in ALL routes - but you'll need to stick around to find out who)

Notice he says one or two who are always deceitful. Yeah that is really starting me to think again that it is Bella AND Jolina and Jolina knows everything that is going on and is working with Bella to make it happen and since Bella's inheritance relies on what the MC does. I am thinking those two are going to double team the MC so they can get him to want to be with them and to leave Monica/Katie/Jenna and get his inheritance and then so will Bella and Jolina since they are probably a couple and Bella having sex with the MC (She is also probably encouraging Jolina to have sex with the MC as well) is just helping along Bella's plan to basically seduce the MC away from his family.

Bella is probably the driving force behind what is going on but that doesn't mean that Jolina isn't helping because she wants the money as well. After all she is in danger of losing her business and her home. When someone loses everything they lose it.
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Active Member
May 28, 2018
She's talking about the house.

Why would she ask for his inheritance?

She wants the house.
I agree Ava...I think she is just trying to cover the "worst case scenario" bases. If she gets her portion of the money, then the house is a mute point. But if she doesn't, she wants to ensure she has a place to live. She is just playing the "heart string" card.
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Mar 2, 2020
I agree Ava...I think she is just trying to cover the "worst case scenario" bases. If she gets her portion of the money, then the house is a mute point. But if she doesn't, she wants to ensure she has a place to live. She is just playing the "heart string" card.
no, she wants the house. the money is secondary, and she only wants that to use it to take care of mc in the event he doesn't get his cut. she'd like him to move back home so she can housewife for him because that's her nature and what she wants in life. the only thing suspicious about elaine is how quickly and eagerly she started feeling up his abs but then it is a porn game.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
The thing that some people keep overlooking with Elaine, and it's brought up in this update, is there was a time where she did mother him and love him like her own son.

She was good to him, they had family time and they started bonding well.

Then his dad stepped in and said it was a waste and made changes. She went along with it because she loved her man. I also see people saying she was abusive towards him, she wasn't. She ignored and avoided him because that's what she was told to do.

The only time we see her get short with the MC is about his stuff. She just lost the man she's been with for years, her future is uncertain and her life has been turned upside down. I think I can forgive a lapse in decency under the circumstances.

Also, we only have Bella's word she chose to bring his stuff. If she is the gold digger then for all we know Elaine could have asked her to take it over and Bella lied about it.

When the MC goes to visit Elaine and Bella is there, despite Bella saying she wants them to get along, she keeps throwing in snide remarks to remind the MC what she was like.

I give Elaine a pass because I personally haven't seen her doing anything dodgy apart from 1 photo that could have been tampered with. Several people have stated that Elaine being distant and ignorant of the MC was out of character and she was usually nice even the MC remembers the nice times they had together.

The e-mail sent to Monica was also sent to several of the MC's friends so if it was Elaine she was obviously trying to look out for him. She tried to make sure he would have somewhere to go. Even if you take the will conditions into account and her knowing there was no way to be certain Monica would take him in and he wouldn't go to one of his friends.

Ever since he found out about his conditions and having to cut Monica and her daughters from his life Elaine has tried everything to help him move out so she's obviously not setting him up there. She even looked disappointed he hadn't moved into the beach house.

There are far more plus points than minus points and I can't see her being the bad guy in all this.

End of weirdly long Elaine rant.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
I looked up the name Bella and it is of Italian/Latin origin and means beautiful. I wonder if her name is short for Belladonna which is poisonous and fits with Bella's character in this game more. :LOL:

Another reason I don't think it is Elaine because that woman used the term "viper" and when I think of a snake they are quiet and sneaky and they sneak up on you and then next thing you know they sink their teeth into you. And Elaine hasn't really acted like that she was pretty up front about how she felt about the MC.
This actually does help me a lot as I have been looking in to the names of the characters and variations and same goes for the name and variations of Dizzy/Dizziness. Viper and Belladonna we are both talking about poisons and venoms, And I did check on the symptoms just now which does make sense as it tells us Dizzy by Name but not by nature, which could mean that while we know the effects of the plants and such but by nature in itself it is not itself an issue just the symptoms it causes. So yeah that does bring more suspicion to Bella, thanks you got me something I was searching for a while.

Actually I read this comment and saying that Jolina isn't part of Bella's scheme could actually be wrong. Read this comment:
CheekyGimp said:
(With the exception of one or two females who are deceitful in ALL routes - but you'll need to stick around to find out who)

Notice he says one or two who are always deceitful. Yeah that is really starting me to think again that it is Bella AND Jolina and Jolina knows everything that is going on and is working with Bella to make it happen and since Bella's inheritance relies on what the MC does. I am thinking those two are going to double team the MC so they can get him to want to be with them and to leave Monica/Katie/Jenna and get his inheritance and then so will Bella and Jolina since they are probably a couple and Bella having sex with the MC (She is also probably encouraging Jolina to have sex with the MC as well) is just helping along Bella's plan to basically seduce the MC away from his family.

Bella is probably the driving force behind what is going on but that doesn't mean that Jolina isn't helping because she wants the money as well. After all she is in danger of losing her business and her home. When someone loses everything they lose it.
This part I can understand where it comes from but it is a bit far fetched, see it would mean that both Cheeky and Ace are shooting themselves in the foot however by their writing if Cheekygimp would say it is one it would confirm Bella, if he says one or two it could mean either one or 2 that is up to us to find out, Ace points out with everything everyone has some are on the right track but he does not point which camp has all the deets, so with that being said that is not the case. However even IF it is two people being deceitful does not mean that those 2 are working together. Jolina is not trying to take anyone away from their families, on the contrary if you put it all together, you will notice that Jolina actually has interest for Jenna from the get go and her interest there would go in direct conflict of wanting to separate the MC from the family. Also remember Jolina does not know the family at all they all met by coincidence. Jenna is the cause of meeting Jolina, Jolina is the cause of meeting Theresa. For that planning to make it a guaranteed meeting happening as part of their plan would require Bella knowing Jenna to be a super computer tech savvy person, Bella does know absolutely nothing about Monica and her family other then who they are and what they possibly mean to the MC.

Jolina her "deceitful" part is the fact she is Bisexual and might be in a relationship with another woman or was while she was getting with the MC, that woman being Bella but taking out that factor it would mean she was in a possible relationship already before being with the MC and is now attached to the MC and actually have feelings for him that she wants something serious with them. The other thing like I said is that Bella finding out about all the situations through either confining or heard it from Jolina herself is now using Bella to further her gain. The MC has money right now, he is not rich or a millionaire by any definition but he has money. He offered her twice financial aid and a place to stay and Jolina declined both of em, Jolina is willing to go through humiliation of working and using her body for money and tips over accepting money from the MC. She is having a mental break down because her business is failing. Someone in her position who would be working for a Viper/GD and is trying to make with the money would have accepted a long ago and would have done a lot more. Jolina works on emotions and pride. She refuses help from others because she wants to not be in debt with anyone and will accept the bare minimum, and she works on emotions as she is currently vulnerable, She is stressed about her business, she is stressed of the betrayal and loss of control she feels about being hacked and spied on by Jenna and MC people she let in and trusted. Getting where I am going with this ? Jolina is not in the right state of mind to plan ANYTHING, she cannot even plan a proper fix for her own situation. However if she is in a relationship or had a friendship with Bella she has no reason to not trust Bella's judgement on certain things and if the request seems innocent enough she would not mind helping out. Does not mean she is working with anyone. She is more likely being used, As I said a victim of circumstance.
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