Is AC Origins as good as Black Flag? Should I give it a try?
@lacikris , I would say that AC Origins is pretty close to being as good as the original Assassin's Creed game in the level of content, exploration and things to do within the game; I am having some 'disconnect' with the character himself (Bayek), but I think some of that disconnect is from my lack of knowledge of the time period and a little bit of the way that they introduced the character and that I am not that deep into the story.
My gameplay style, particularly while playing games like these, is to play till I can unlock the main areas and then run around and do the side missions till I can no longer do them (due to story constraints or I get bored of doing them), so story-wise, I've only gone as far accompanying Apollodorus to meet Cleopatra for the first time and have been heavily focused on the side-quests and exploration missions (which there is a TON of) and focusing on raising myself to being damn near god-like when I return to the story.
Side-note: Cleopatra is not only yummy looking in her outfit and quite sexual, but also has a very strong and captivating personality.
Also, gone is the forced upon you story missions and directions... the: "You MUST do this mission or you are screwed and stuck in the game to repeat it over and over and over again till you can" format. If there is a mission that you are having a problem with, you can exit out of it and return to it at any time you feel comfortable enough to try again, while still having lots to do in the meantime.
Currently, as I said, I haven't progressed very far into the main story... only going so far as to unlock a REALLY HUGE map of Egypt that's proveniences are clearly marked on the map which level you should be at before stepping into their borders and doing the side missions within them (hence the reason why I was able to try to take on the level 40+ God Anubis and suffered an ill-advised fate for my attempt)... but, I am currently level 23 with nearly all legendary gear and can kick some serious ass!
The combat isn't exactly the way of the Creed game's of the past and took me a little bit to get familiar with, which the location of Siwa is for at the start of the game... while it is a tutorial location, it still provides a challenge and interesting missions that doesn't make you feel like a n00b and certainly helps you become accustom to the new combat system without long periods of frustration... the addition of the hawk: 'Senu' to the game is AWESOME, giving you the ability to have a bird's eye view of the location you plan to infiltrate, mark the bad guys with so they stay 'lit' even through rock walls or while they are hiding, as well as, eavesdrop on some dialogue as they talk amongst themselves, allowing you to plot your takedowns well in advance of storming the location and activating combat.
In short, is it as good as Assassin's Creed: Black Flag... personally, in some ways, it is BETTER than AC Black Flag, though I miss the pirating actions... but apparently, later in the story there is supposed to be some part of that incorporated into this game, I just haven't gone far enough into the story to unlock that yet... but if it does have that ability (like they say it does) and it allows me to travel the sea at my leisure raiding other ships, then this game is WAY BETTER than Black Flag... but I've yet to put on my pirate hat in this newest excursion and title.
Just from what I've done so far, game-wise, I would this game a very strong 9/10 just in the story mission size (of the ones I've played), exploration and side-quests and an 8/10 for characters... but as I've said, I've not interacted much with many of the story's characters... though I get the sense that there is some NTR when it comes Bayek's (your character's) wife... I wonder if anyone else got that vibe from her while playing this game.
Worth playing... certainly worth the money to play and nice to see a solid release again from Ubisoft!!
Hope that helps!