It only happens in the beginning, that I know of, but it's rather important to the plot development and what happens/how you influence things later on in the game. A fair word of warning is extremely powerful, in both imagery and text, so it's not for the faint of heart.

Once you get past that, prepare yourself for one of the most thought-provoking, well written, and beautifully illustrated stories/games/experiences that this site has to offer.
AND from reading the comments- I, apparently have MUCH to catch up on. I was waiting until I could sit down and absorb this all in one sitting (haven't played since the update over the core DL, Lol), but I may have parlay more important things IRL (eating, sleeping, working, etc.,.), just to get up to speed with the rest of the class.

I'm trying to avoid even scanning the comments for fear or spoilers- it's like everyone has seen the movie except me and they won't shut up about it.
Also, the only way Catawashere (sp?) will be happy with ANY update- is if NO ONE dies that he wants to include in his Harem. Lol
btw, "Hi, Jack."