Holy Family Trees Batman! Consider my mind officially blown. I don't know how I managed to get my wires that crossed- I guess I wasn't paying as close attention as I thought I was. Lol Thanks for clearing all of that up for me.
It wasn't my original intention to even post it here- sometimes when I type things and my mind gets another thought- I try (operative word being "try") to segregate my ideas that I either want to proofread or post for another game with the "Spoiler" boxes, so that I keep my ideas compartmentalized- then I can move them around or tweak them when and where appropriate. Then every once in a great while my palm hits that stupid trackpad thingie below the spacebar too quickly or my wrists bump the buttons- and *poof*- it's posted and then I have to edit/delete/shuffle everything around again... I did go back and remove it, though, once my browser finally decided to unfreeze (gotta love Firefox).
Once again, thanks for clarifying everything.
Holy crap!! Talk about keeping notes!! Hard to believe all of that is all up in my noggin, but couldn't tell you what I had for dinner 3 nights ago! LOL
@Safetydummy, @Sierra3 is correct.... It was Daryl Jr. that had been preparing himself and his family (both of whom will be introduced in Book Two) to take the ring and control of the family... not Janice's husband, Bill Davies.
I still want William will be a sissy man gangbanged by everyone who is near. This will raise a regret for his behaviour and an anger against Janice making him help MC to punish her.
I still want William will be a sissy man gangbanged by everyone who is near. This will raise a regret for his behaviour and an anger against Janice making him help MC to punish her.
Oh that can happen, already even have the penis cage ready for him... yeah, doesn't matter if he changed to a sissy, a futa or a woman, that little bastard is going to regret he/she was ever born, I am sure! LOL
Holy crap!! Talk about keeping notes!! Hard to believe all of that is all up in my noggin, but couldn't tell you what I had for dinner 3 nights ago! LOL
You provided the information (not always obvious, though ), I just extrapolated it and combined with my theories/ideas (something I had to do in one of my previous 'jobs'). The numbers, I think, are fairly accurate...though I had to do some 'cyphering' (as Jethro would say). I happened to remember a comment you made a while back about math. :biggrin:
Holy crap!! Talk about keeping notes!! Hard to believe all of that is all up in my noggin, but couldn't tell you what I had for dinner 3 nights ago! LOL
@Safetydummy, @Sierra3 is correct.... It was Daryl Jr. that had been preparing himself and his family (both of whom will be introduced in Book Two) to take the ring and control of the family... not Janice's husband, Bill Davies.
AND more importantly, once my Anti-Christ powers are in full-effect- I shall scorch the Earth where Terri (and her little dog, too) and Janice (and was hoping for William- but it appears that you have other plans for him/???) once stood. Lol
AND more importantly, once my Anti-Christ powers are in full-effect- I shall scorch the Earth where Terri (and her little dog, too) and Janice (and was hoping for William- but it appears that you have other plans for him/???) once stood. Lol
Though sometimes the most cruel thing one can do is let the enemy live. I do truly believe what our fine tutor of political wrangling once said in 'The Prince' never hurt an enemy alittle for they can rise up and make you pay, but crush them so that they may never move again(I know, I know, may be a bit of a paraphrase), but there is a certain joy to be had when you can break them, and keep them around to watch your triumph or *gasp* actually revel in your further victories. To own them...
You provided the information (not always obvious, though ), I just extrapolated it and combined with my theories/ideas (something I had to do in one of my previous 'jobs'). The numbers, I think, are fairly accurate...though I had to do some 'cyphering' (as Jethro would say). I happened to remember a comment you made a while back about math. :biggrin:
Yup, I suck at it and can often be seen down by the cement pond using multiple fingers and toes with a small pad of paper to try to keep track of my results!
AND more importantly, once my Anti-Christ powers are in full-effect- I shall scorch the Earth where Terri (and her little dog, too) and Janice (and was hoping for William- but it appears that you have other plans for him/???) once stood. Lol
When have you even known people, equally in the wrong or just as guilty, to act with anything other than righteous indignation, or like their crap doesn't stink, when they think that they've been slighted?
I have found that people will do everything that they can to try and justify the actions, particularly betrayal, and try to place the blame on anyone but themselves... sometimes even spinning things to be the fault of, or place the blame on, the person that they've betrayed.
Just because you don't think the person has 'room to talk', doesn't mean that they won't flap their gums.
As for raining fires down from the heavens, in a 'scorched Earth' approach to dealing with the situation or those that have 'slighted' you... I suppose one could do that; and become the very monster that people will try to point you out to be... or you can find other ways and means in which to inflict your will and judgement upon them and still use them to and for your benefit. :evilsmile:
Though sometimes the most cruel thing one can do is let the enemy live. I do truly believe what our fine tutor of political wrangling once said in 'The Prince' never hurt an enemy alittle for they can rise up and make you pay, but crush them so that they may never move again(I know, I know, may be a bit of a paraphrase), but there is a certain joy to be had when you can break them, and keep them around to watch your triumph or *gasp* actually revel in your further victories. To own them...
Imagine, for a moment, the incredible strength of will that one must have... to have the powers of a god and not smite those that offended, abused and torture you to death... the discipline and strength of character to not rain fire down onto a population and wipe a city off of a map from those hell-bent on seeing you suffer and, ultimately, put to death!
IF the bible is accurate in the skills and powers of Christ, to simply stand there and allow a chain of events to occur that would ultimate bring about your own end and not turn an entire population inside out, in a gory, meat-bag explosion fest... well, that certainly says something about the strength of character of the individual!
Personally, I'd love to see the outcome to those that had participated in that sequence of events... chanting and taking pleasure in the torture and crucifixion of the 'Son of God'... to have that scene in the bible end on a note where it follows the key players in that event and hear the humiliating and painful outcome of those responsible for the death of an innocent man.
Now, imagine, upon a grassy knoll, below the cross, Karma does walk among the population gathered there, taking note and measure of those who gleefully chant in pleasure and look upon, with pleasure, as the life slowly drains out of a person that could've willed that crowd to internally combust into flaming matchsticks if He wished it...
To see Karma, smiling as she walks among that crowd, lightly touching some of them on the shoulder and imparting her particular judgement on them... and then follow some of them, as they go back to their homes and karma starts to set in...
...how one individual that was present, face dirty with flecks of drying blood that had peppered it, as she looked joyfully up to see the spear's tip, cleave through the side and ribcage of the man she cheered to see die, get suddenly pulled into a narrow alley between mud baked homes and gang-raped...
...or another, rushes home with a grin on his face, smuggling his 'souvenir' from the event, that he had shoved beneath his robes to hide with plans to sell it in the marketplace later, only to meet his end by a runaway oxen pulled merchandise cart that got away its owner... his head exploding in a meaty pulp as the heavy laden, wooden wheel crushes his skull...
...or to the beggar, who made a fortune and that would keep him for a month in wine, collecting alms from those gathered at the event, as he makes his way through the dirt covered streets to the nearest tavern and whorehouse... only to never make it to his destination and his body found the next morning... his body bloody and torn apart, his insides spilled out and half eaten... torn apart by a pack of rabid lemmings...
Yeah, if shit like that had been in the Bible, I think it would've been awesome and a far better read!! LOL
I'm not a fan of revenge porn, so all these ideas of transforming William in a woman and let him get raped looks a bit extreme to me.
Plus, I would be more pratical. If really the MC get to have absolute control over him (her ?) make him work hard to get the best job possible (by all mean necessary) and use him has an intel to gather power.
And what about his mother ? She's as guilty as him.
And finally the wife. I understand the anger as she cheated on the MC. But, if I undestand correctly, she was force to left behind the man she loved for the man her family choosed for her. Then she met the love of her life again when she was miserable whith her marriage. If she was the MC of her story, everybody would be like "of course fuck with him, you're in love !"
Not that that is an excuse for her behavior. The best move would have been to revele her feelings to the MC and ask for a divorce. However, I don't know if it was really a possibility when her father was still alive.
Still, revenge ? What kind of revenge ? For what ? He is the Antechrist now. Even not knowing she cheated on him, he cheated on her with this both his nieces and possibly with his step-mother or Mariam. Just get the divorce, man.
Sometimes the best means in which to have someone understand the pain one's caused another is for them to experience the same... 'An eye for an eye' and all of that.
I can certainly understand that there will be some that won't be interested in the side-arc adventures of William undergoing his punishment... but, for me, this little side-arc, is a means to try out and test the new software and abilities of it before continuing on with the main "Wicked Choices" storyline and, hopefully, providing us with the ability to get a little further away from the linear way of storytelling that it currently has been and more "game-like" for players.
She will be undergoing her own punishment as well, she just won't have a game dedicated to her "re-education", however, Players will be able to see some of it taking place in "Wicked Choices: Adventures of a Changed Boy".
And finally the wife. I understand the anger as she cheated on the MC. But, if I undestand correctly, she was force to left behind the man she loved for the man her family choosed for her. Then she met the love of her life again when she was miserable whith her marriage. If she was the MC of her story, everybody would be like "of course fuck with him, you're in love !"
Not that that is an excuse for her behavior. The best move would have been to revele her feelings to the MC and ask for a divorce. However, I don't know if it was really a possibility when her father was still alive.
Still, revenge ? What kind of revenge ? For what ? He is the Antechrist now. Even not knowing she cheated on him, he cheated on her with this both his nieces and possibly with his step-mother or Mariam. Just get the divorce, man.
Like you, I don't see the wife as 'evilly' as some of the other players... yes, she's betrayed her vows of marriage to her husband... but, he's just done the same as well, so he's not entirely "innocent" himself.
Personally, I see the wife as a young woman that was pressured to be married to an individual that she cared about, but isn't her 'true love'... sort of settling for second best.
I think, while she loves (or loved) the MC, there was a piece missing from her that wasn't filled by the MC, so when the other man appeared back into the picture, she was able to fill that spot that she's been missing.
Having been cheated on by my ex-wife (not my current wife) with my best friend, I can easily remember the feelings of hurt, anger and betrayal that lasted far longer than my divorce proceedings lasted. Looking back on it now and now happily married to someone better for me and who loves me in ways that my ex-wife never could've, those feelings for my ex-wife are pretty muted now, barely registers with me anymore and I hope that she is happy in whatever life that she now lives.
Still, while I can look back on it logically now, there was that initial white-hot, searing anger and desire for retribution in the beginning at having been betrayed... so I expect the same will be felt by the MC to a degree and will leave it to the players on how they want to move through and past that.
My task, is to provide multiply options that the player can choose... like, for example, with his wife Terri:
1.) Anger/Retribution/Punishment
2.) Appeasement/Try to make it work
3.) Separation/Divorce
and just leave it in the player's hands to decide the response they wish to go with.
Each month, in our game: “Wicked Choices”, you will play one of the TWO major characters that you will control... the first is MICHAEL PRESTON (or the name of your choosing), the true Main Character that chronicles the events that unfolds (and that you, as the players, decide) as he is introduced and thrown into a world seeped in lies, deceit, incest, corruption, humiliation and all manners of dark desires. Married into a wealthy family that carries a dark secret and heavy burden, Michael Preston will learn that he has the destiny of being the ‘Antichrist’... the one fated to unleash onto mankind the demons that have long been kept imprisoned. Enter PRINCESS LYNARA, a young angel, wanted by her own kind for the truth she holds and who’s destiny is to find and meet the ‘Antichrist’; will she try to stop him… or will she allow herself to be corrupted and help aid him in his destiny?
As the story progresses, you will be introduced to more and more characters that you will be able to interact with, experience, build relationships with and sometimes be able to control as the story moves more and more to its conclusion… Which ‘Wicked Choice’ will you make? Which side will you choose to stand with? Or… will you create a new path that no one could foresee. Only you, the player, can choose the fate and outcome of these character’s destinies, as the ripples of your choices affect all those around them!