- Oh, you don't have to tell me twice- I have seen some people go through such mental-gymnastics to justify their actions, you'd think they were going for the gold. I recently got to experience this very thing not too long ago first-hand and if/when you try to call them on their B.S.- they'll hold the "Good Book" in front of them like a shield and wield their piety like it's a superpower, AND come up with such a compelling argument you almost begin to wonder IF you're the one that's wrong. So, yeah, sadly- I know of such people.
Yeah some people take the whole "Shield of Faith" a little too far and sometimes actually use it to try and club people over the head with it... or try to fan the stench of their own shit away from them.
I have my own "faith" and much of it is disguised within the game's story, in a way, I am sharing my thoughts, beliefs and observations with others, but doing it in a way that they might listen, understand and form their own opinions.
My reach is limited, due to the subject matter that some may not 'get into' or will bother to try to understand because of the 'wall of text', but there are some, that I've found (such as yourself) that feel as I do, share the same kind of viewpoints and aren't afraid to look past the curtain of bullshit to glimpse the 'wizard' behind.
From this game, I have found the faithful... the hungry... the passionate ones who crave more than the simple shackles that life and others try bind us with. I have found those who don't mind me standing on a pulpit, sharing my vision and who hungers for something more than a thin wafer of entertainment and seeks more than a sip from the chalice.
Man, I love my new 'church' and it's congregation!!! :eazyHype:
- I get what you're saying, it's a case of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer", but this may not always be the best strategy. Even if you manage to get this person to work with you/for you- their loyalty is neither secured nor guaranteed; they were your enemy for a reason, typically nothing is going to change that- they will turn on you at the first opportunity and you'll only have yourself to blame. Eliminating the problem as soon as you can prevents it from coming to back to haunt you later- it's better to stab the Hydra in the heart, rather than cut of its head(s). I mean, honestly, how many times has this worked out for James Bond villains?
True, but the abandonment of family, no matter how intolerable they may be, is a criminal thing to do. We are talking about individuals that know the deepest, darkest parts of us and the ways in which to hurt us most.
If a stranger, it is but a simple thing to move on, to leave them to the vultures... but a man whom turns his back on family... is that someone that the rest of the family would want to follow and believe in? Hence, the choice of punishment instead... this doesn't mean that one must 'trust' the family member, but it does mean that one can not simply cut them off either... for if you could do it to them, what is to keep you from doing it to the others?
- Y'all are right about that Conan clip- Darth, er James Earl Jones was amazing in that movie. I remember watching it with a buddy, and the scene you showed- he didn't quite get the philosophy behind it (never said any of my friends were the deepest of thinkers), but I remember him saying, "That was stupid- if he'd have thrown a sword from that height, he'd still have a sword..." So, yeah, completely over his head (Hellraiser eluded him as well, but that really wasn't a surprise). Lol
There are some in life who won't even get it, even if you hit them upside the head with a 2x4... those people usually grow up to be Marines. x'D
- Who knows- you might've still been a priest if the Bible had been that good. (Of course, then the world would've been deprived of your incredible vision...)
Yeah, for myself, probably not even then... I love my little FAP, she's sort of grown on me... but still... exit only!
Oh, and back when I said that Palanto's German accent made me break out the Scorpions CD's- I forgot the mention that Jamima's punishment made me break out the Quiet Riot LP's. \m/
Yeah.... lol... when 'Gettin' hot 'n' nasty, climbin' in-between' some of these scenes and 'I'm-a rockin' in the mornin' and in the night' to get it done!