People have the right to restrict the sort of content that they wish to all on the properties that they own. WE may not like it, we may not care for it... but we've little that we can do about it.Yeah i know that paypal here have a big influence over patreon, still i don't understand the meaning of all this. What benefit could you gain by censorship? We are talking about Art here, something fictitous born from someone imagination, and so should remain free and pure as the creator himself imagined it not adulterated only cause it not fit the liking of a group of people.
Patreon must comply to PayPal's rules, PayPal must comply with Bank rules and Banks must comply with stuffy old farts sitting in board rooms, who are part of the 'Moral Majority' or pressured by them...
We are glad to, that we've been able to tell the story that we've wanted to tell without any real blowback from the "Powers that Be"... but we'll never, ever, ever be able to rid the world of some sorts of censorship... as long as there are more than on person left on this planet, the one will tell the other how they think the other should live...Well im glad about it dude, and yeah story+sex is better than sex only XD. Anyway sorry for my little off-topic, but i asked this mainly cuz i can't stand censorship in any of its form. Ignorance and forced silence is far more damaging than free speech, as it will prevent elevating ourselves from our current position.'s human nature.