Yeah, sorry for being rude. I could have communicated my thoughts better thanks for the respectful reply.
Hey, don't worry about it,
@trumpthatbitch, it's the silly season... where time and patience is short, stress and worry abounds, people are in a rush and money is tight... don't stress it any.
But, for the record, one of the major sticking points that I presented to
@Palanto Games was the importance of being able to continue providing the game in "chapter chunk" updates, rather than forcing players to re-download the entire game over and over again, taxing people on limited or metered Internet.
So while this download was 1.5tb in size, all future updates will be back to lower file size for those like you.
As for why other Devs don't follow the same format, I haven't a clue. To me, they are limiting the reach of their games and interest in their games because they beef them up so much that you have to wait hours to download it if you are on a poor connection.
I really don't understand it to be honest and it is the main reason that I choose to do my game using Renpy instead of using RPGMaker, as I knew that even without a programmer, I could split the game up as individual chapters rather than for a large download on people for every release each month (also because till Palanto joined the team, the game was just kinetic).
Anyhow, next month we will be back down to smaller file size for everyone at least for our game and all you do is dump the file in the folder that this month's game is in to keep playing.
Happy Holidays!!