@ASLPro3D himself is the writer. Also is a book writer. We need take care of him.
Yep the writer is ASLPro3D himself

So don't worry he doesn't need to be bound to a chair or something
Thanks guys, and you are oh so right,
@Palanto Games... no need to bind me up, just yet!
You are very sure of that Palanto? Maybe not to write no, but for rendering and such?
Haha, well we're close to reaching the second goal, maybe now he can get an artist for book 2 or an artist close enough to send him the assets via mail
That would be great news if true, especially since it would also free up his time in near future on his strengths and health.
Yes, finally, after nearly 8 months we are nearing our second goal which will see
@Palanto Games getting a steady paycheck instead of the piddley amount that he's been getting thrown each month from me for the work that he's been doing and the HUGE amount of pressure he's helped to take off of my shoulders.
Honestly, in regard to stats and membership over at Patreon, we are doing quite well for only being out for 250+ days with our game, compared to others, BUT... I am hoping, in time, that he and I can start making the same kind of money that we see those like Dark Silver, MrDots and DarkCookie make to expand our operation to bring in additional, high end artists and programmers to take some of the pressure off of us and increase our output for Patreon's and fans of our work.
I know I probably sound like a broken record by now, but I really want to introduce everyone to one or two more stories/games a month from us, besides Wicked Choices and already have the novelized scripts for the others pretty much done... so it is reasonable to believe that with an increased staff, and a staggered release schedule, we could easily produce and maintain another one or two titles to fully immerse and, slowly, begin to change and shape the indie adult game genre into something that is more beneficial and rewarding to the fans as well as other creators.
It is my belief, the more solid the foundation that we make for the creators and the community for this genre, the more control we'll eventually have in regard to control of content.
To put, not to fine a point on it, if we can prove out a larger income stream and revenue base than there already is, the more likely other "Patreon" style distributors will arrive to try and get a slice of that pie... making it necessary for those distributors to come to a virtual "bargaining" table to court creators... giving creators a little more control than they currently have over their creations... and less in the hands of a sole distributor who can change their "terms of service" or "payment" options mid-stream and disrupt business for those creators.
Lofty and crazy goals... sure... but, then again, people thought the same when I introduced the first adult 3D website (Renderotica) and online stores for creators to sell their creations to others through both Renderosity and 'Rotica (and eventually adopted on Daz3D, Content Paradise and Turbosquid) to make the games that people are now playing possible for everyone...
...so, it CAN be done... after all, I did it before.
First things first, though, continue to generate income and support with "Wicked Choices", generate the reputation and good will that I need to expand and grow things for everyone... but, first, I need to work on April's release for everyone!
