Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Well for mainly story based game I can live very well without animations as long as story is strong enough to replace them, even if they could be great.

Concerning twilight or 50 shades, I can not know for sure since ASLPRO is the writer, but considering his writing up till now, I am pretty sure we will see some sickly cloying romantic scenes with some ladies if you make the correct choices in game. :biggrin: I am pretty sure as well though the game as a whole will not be centered around getting with your Love interest, but around the story and choices you will make. Ending up in more or less healthy relations will be part of the outcome as well though.

Unless mean teaser Jack of course has a bigger twist in store as I expect and game will be a RPGM running quests game on big maps running for an hour to get to quest and raise your affection with girls after introduction phase is over. :evilsmile:
Yes, there will be some... adult romancing abilities in the game if the player wishes it, as you noted... very sticky, bumpy grindy kind of romance. hehe!

But, yes, there will even be... *gasp* romantic "love" as well in the game.... such as the sort with Lynara and Carina if people desire to pursue it... or even, maybe, between the MC and Syrina to some degree... got to wait to see how the story evolves to be sure though... I have points A through Z plotted out... but a lot can actually transpire between those points given the level of choices we want to inject for the players...

...and not going to lie, sometimes the characters do seem to have a mind of their own, such as a particular FAP... as does, Rhianna, I've recently discovered while working on April's release...

Agh you got me there, and here I thought we hid the fact that we're moving to RPGM with chapter 6 pretty well x'D

Nah just kidding... well the idea is a little different from your usual "grind" in VN's with RPG elements.... But I won't say more until we're getting there :p Just be patient my friend x'D

edit says: Well don't bite on the word "grind" to much, you won't ever feel it as a grind if we do it right :p
ROFL!!! Shame on you, @Palanto Games, giving away the secret and letting players know they can expect to have to run across three maps and fight a horde of Angelions in order to go to the store to buy food to prepare for themselves and fight hordes of them to return, while the timer clicks down so that all they can do for the day is cook one meal before going to bed to start a new day!

I am APPALLED!!! How could you ruin the surprise!!!! x'D

We are just kidding folks, that was SARCASM, really... we have no plans of screwing you over like that!! :firstimekiss:


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
I am always disappointed though if in a game for example you get to home base with a girl and you meet her in living room after and she is still mad at you or she does not know you yet. Instead of acknowledging something did change between the two of you. Of course you could explain this away with some trick like amnesiao_O, but I would think a natural flow of progression is very important for story.
Yeah, that always annoyed the crap out of me... or a character that you had dress in one particular way, but during the scenes dressed differently than what the player choose for the character... ugh.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
This. Its the only reason why i posted in the first place. There is a very clear difference between a novel , a graphical one and a comic btw ;)
I am part of the generation in between the one that cant read any-more and the one that cant text :)
Oh, there is certainly a clear difference between novel, graphic novel and comic book!! You hit the nail on the head!!

As a writer you have to approach each differently. From page and panel layouts, word count and levels of description to release schedules and time frames.

I have found doing a game to be quite different and still trying to find the proverbial "sweet spot" in doing Wicked Choices, both as the writer, as well as, the artist for it...

Just how many words a month that I can write, to not overburden myself or have us releasing on time by the skin of our teeth... or not being able to test the release enough before it's release; how many panels of art to do to compliment those words and still get the release out in time; how many different choice options can I add, before it becomes too much for players, or on myself as both the writer and artist; how much content is too much or too little for players who are patrons...

...the list goes on.

Right now, it seems to be a word count of between 3,000 words to 8,000 words a month, plus around 50-80 pieces of artwork, with my current workload... which may not seem like a whole lot, but when you consider that right now the game has over 97,000 words and 2,200 images for something that has only been out for 220 days (6 months) and compare it to other games that have been out the same time frame or longer... it is pretty mind blowing that I was able to accomplish that much without killing myself and a good chunk of the reason why I hadn't is because of @Palanto Games.

But yeah, when the first book of this game is done (all 12 chapters of it), I imagine we will be looking at a game that will have well over 300,000 words and likely 12,000 to 15,000 images.... it will be interesting to see just how close I am in that assumption when all is said and done...

...either way, we are talking about a LOT of reading though!! ;)


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
"Leisure Suit Larry"
Wha-.. did he..he just mentioned LSL and adult in the same context?? He just dared to utter the name that was forbidden!? The name that makes any true acolyte of the Dark Gods cringe??? He had the audacity to suggest that IT has anything to do, meant to do, with the exciting of the mind and body??? That..awful mockery of an adult game!!?? Thats... heresy!!! And you know what i do with heretics, don't you? Don't you!!??
Purging intesifies.gif Purging intesifies.gif

:p I mean seriously. That title.. it was actually offensive. An insult. Being advertised as an adult game. A sex game! Bah! I remember trying one of the episodes of it.. when is was trusting and naive! Innocently jumping into it thinking it will result in fappytimes! Instead it turned me into a baby.. i woke each hour at night, crying.

giving away the secret and letting players know they can expect to have to run across three maps and fight a horde of Angelions in order to go to the store to buy food to prepare for themselves and fight hordes of them to return, while the timer clicks down so that all they can do for the day is cook one meal before going to bed to start a new day!
I can't help but feel very serious about this. Because this actually reminds me that there is a very unfortunate trend unfolding in the porn game scenery. I don't know if you are aware of it guys but older RPGmaker games are not that grindy. IF at all.. compared to those who start to appear recently. I'm serious. Oldschool rpgmaker adult rpgs weren't as grindy as some of the new ones. Sure, the non-adult ones are grindy but those were real games, of course there was running around. But i find it, to my horror, that recent times games start to be waaay more grindy than they were. And this trends spreads into Ren'Py and Unity games especially. In this regard the future is rather bleak. Visual Novels made in rpgmaker, ren'py games that offer "slice of life" are endless circles of bathroom-runs, shopping runs, etc.. Its terrible to be honest. That the goal of these games seem to become ever more often high hour count spent with the game as much as to ofter lewd content.

But, yes, there will even be... *gasp* romantic "love" as well in the game....
Yes, it sure does sound terrible :D I'm just an innocent corrupter, i didn't know you gonna plunge us into the depths of such depravity as "romantic love"! How wicked of you! Ohwait... whats this title called? :D


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
...and not going to lie, sometimes the characters do seem to have a mind of their own, such as a particular FAP... as does, Rhianna, I've recently discovered while working on April's release...
Do not all women have a mind of their own? So why would you think such headstrong women as you mention would be any different even if imaginary or look like a cute hot litte pixie. Little FAP may be a sweet perverted girl at heart, that does not mean she does not know what she wants. :evilsmile:
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
:p I mean seriously. That title.. it was actually offensive. An insult. Being advertised as an adult game. A sex game! Bah! I remember trying one of the episodes of it.. when is was trusting and naive! Innocently jumping into it thinking it will result in fappytimes! Instead it turned me into a baby.. i woke each hour at night, crying.
You aren't alone... there are many of nights that I still sometimes wake up crying and suffer flashbacks with that crappy music running through my skull... I would seek a lobotomy to purge me of such, but then I wouldn't be able to work on my own.... the dreaded, catch-22!!

I can't help but feel very serious about this. Because this actually reminds me that there is a very unfortunate trend unfolding in the porn game scenery. I don't know if you are aware of it guys but older RPGmaker games are not that grindy. IF at all.. compared to those who start to appear recently. I'm serious. Oldschool rpgmaker adult rpgs weren't as grindy as some of the new ones. Sure, the non-adult ones are grindy but those were real games, of course there was running around. But i find it, to my horror, that recent times games start to be waaay more grindy than they were. And this trends spreads into Ren'Py and Unity games especially. In this regard the future is rather bleak. Visual Novels made in rpgmaker, ren'py games that offer "slice of life" are endless circles of bathroom-runs, shopping runs, etc.. Its terrible to be honest. That the goal of these games seem to become ever more often high hour count spent with the game as much as to ofter lewd content.
Yes, I've noticed this trend really starting and it seems to be a creator's excuse of "added content", no it isn't added content, it is frustrating and boring shit.... fucking write a STORY for god's sakes!!!

Look, I can understand the idea of needing to "power" up or "end a day", but man... it really freaking breaks the flow of the game when I have to stop at a fridge and freaking eat...

Yes, our game will have a "grind" to "power up" your powers, you will need to have sex to restore your powers to use on another character, or to get yourself out of a jam... and there will be times when you will really need to decide when, where or how you are going to spend that "power"... but this useless bullshit of having to eat every damn day, piss, shower or brush your freaking teeth is freaking annoying... if I wanted to play the Sims, I would... well, I'd play the SIMS damn it!!

Yes, it sure does sound terrible :D I'm just an innocent corrupter, i didn't know you gonna plunge us into the depths of such depravity as "romantic love"! How wicked of you! Ohwait... whats this title called? :D
hehehe... looks like I've been busted! :D


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Do not all women have a mind of their own? So why would you think such headstrong women as you mention would be any different even if imaginary or look like a cute hot litte pixie. Little FAP may be a sweet perverted girl at heart, that does not mean she does not know what she wants. :evilsmile:
Oh so true... and each of my characters do have a personality that is sometimes contrary to my own, or wish to do something entirely different than what I wish them to do... as a writer, I've come to expect it...

...but as a person who also has to do the artwork and make sure the game stays on track, it is also damn frustrating at times!!

But I can't help but love our little FAP... no matter how much she annoys the shit out of me! :D
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Conversation Conqueror
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Oct 10, 2017
when I have to stop at a fridge and freaking eat...
..before or after you take a shower. Then you leave your home, that means leaving the apartment then enter the lobby and leave the building then use a bus to get to the next map then go to work, enter the lobby, announce your presence to the receptionist and take up work. Then repeat this whole process in a reverse order. Each day every day and if you are lucky, you will advance the story to have lewd scenes then. But maybe only just 3 days later. And you might have to repeat the evening chitchat with older sister 6x times before that happens... (meaning 6 more wonderful days in your slice-of-life adventure as you work)


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
..before or after you take a shower. Then you leave your home, that means leaving the apartment then enter the lobby and leave the building then use a bus to get to the next map then go to work, enter the lobby, announce your presence to the receptionist and take up work. Then repeat this whole process in a reverse order. Each day every day and if you are lucky, you will advance the story to have lewd scenes then. But maybe only just 3 days later. And you might have to repeat the evening chitchat with older sister 6x times before that happens... (meaning 6 more wonderful days in your slice-of-life adventure as you work)

That, to me, is not "content"... annoying is what it really is.
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Red Rose
Jun 15, 2017
@ASLPro3D There needs to be an "unavoidable heroine rape" tag on this, or at least a warning on the main post. A simple "rape" tag is not at all the same as a "unavoidable rape" tag. There's bound to be a ton of people who don't want to watch that type of content and will get angry that you at least didn't put a disclaimer up. On the flip side, people who are into that type of thing can find the game more easily by including the tag or mentioning it in the main post so that searching for that type of content will lead them to the game. Not mentioning something that is such a fiercely controversial and contested topic (most likely just as much, if not more than, NTR) seems like a mistake in my opinion. Unless, of course, you are doing it for trolling purposes (though I highly doubt that's your intention, since clearly a ton of effort went into making the game), in which case the current setup should work just fine to make the most amount of people angry... =__=


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
The game is tagged with the rape tag, tentacles and cheating and the game is called Wicked Choices. If that is not a reason to look a bit into posts about the game, if you really cannot stand content like that, well that is your own mistake then. Also the unavoidable rape that is in the game is a major plot point for future developments, which without that scene would not make much sense overall. In the other avoidable case it is there to show something about a society that is important in this game and its story.

Yeah as I said also in my review of this game, this story is not for the fainthearted or easily offended. It is a great story though up until now.


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 4, 2017
@ASLPro3D There needs to be an "unavoidable heroine rape" tag on this, or at least a warning on the main post. A simple "rape" tag is not at all the same as a "unavoidable rape" tag. There's bound to be a ton of people who don't want to watch that type of content and will get angry that you at least didn't put a disclaimer up. On the flip side, people who are into that type of thing can find the game more easily by including the tag or mentioning it in the main post so that searching for that type of content will lead them to the game. Not mentioning something that is such a fiercely controversial and contested topic (most likely just as much, if not more than, NTR) seems like a mistake in my opinion. Unless, of course, you are doing it for trolling purposes (though I highly doubt that's your intention, since clearly a ton of effort went into making the game), in which case the current setup should work just fine to make the most amount of people angry... =__=

There is a rape tag, that should suffice since RAPE means RAPE whoever gets raped it doesn't matter at all, it is tagged and also inside the Genre Spoiler in the OP. If we had to tag every character seperately the list would be endless by the time we finish the game... so yeah, if you see rape inside the tags or in the genre spoiler you should be prepared that someone could get raped... And as far as I can tell, the topic has already 78 pages, most of them filled with positive comments about the game, some being angry about Claire getting raped but not because it's inside the game, but because they want to rip out the heart of her brother and mother for that matter.... What raised more negative comments was the furry family member at the end of chapter 3 ;)

tldr: There is a rape tag and also rape mentioned in the genre spoiler. Most people were freaking out about chapter 3s end but not about the unavoidable rape, most were just angry and wanted to eat her brother and mother but not us for implementing it ;)

p.S.: Those are the tags available on this forum:
Ask a moderator / admin to add that specific tag if that's what you need/want :)


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
@redroajs1 What tag you are talking about? Tags are predefined, not made up by whims of uploaders and devs. So go bother the staff if you feel like the tag system needs a reform because they have the authority in the matter. This title was tagged as Rape, because thats the only tag that handles what you suggest along with anything rapey.

EDIT: Yeah, i just repeated Palanto Games. He dared to be quicker! The audacity! :D


Red Rose
Jun 15, 2017
The game is tagged with the rape tag, tentacles and cheating and the game is called Wicked Choices. If that is not a reason to look a bit into posts about the game, if you really cannot stand content like that, well that is your own mistake then. Also the unavoidable rape that is in the game is a major plot point for future developments, which without that scene would not make much sense overall. \in the other avoidable case it is there to show something about a society that is important in this game and its story.

Yeah as I said also in my review of this game, this story is not for the fainthearted or easily offended. It is a great story though up until now.
Mate, I never said or implied I was offended. It's clearly an excellent game that was made with a lot of love and care. As a person who doesn't want to watch rape since I get turned off (not angry, just ruins my effort of trying to take my mind off of things and relax), which is most likely the same opinion for the majority of people, I was just suggesting something that would ruin less peoples' days (or at least dampen their moods temporarily). And just saying that there is unavoidable rape in a game is not a spoiler. That's a tag in VNDB for a reason.


Red Rose
Jun 15, 2017
There is a rape tag, that should suffice since RAPE means RAPE whoever gets raped it doesn't matter at all, it is tagged and also inside the Genre Spoiler in the OP. If we had to tag every character seperately the list would be endless by the time we finish the game... so yeah, if you see rape inside the tags or in the genre spoiler you should be prepared that someone could get raped... And as far as I can tell, the topic has already 78 pages, most of them filled with positive comments about the game, some being angry about Claire getting raped but not because it's inside the game, but because they want to rip out the heart of her brother and mother for that matter.... What raised more negative comments was the furry family member at the end of chapter 3 ;)

tldr: There is a rape tag and also rape mentioned in the genre spoiler. Most people were freaking out about chapter 3s end but not about the unavoidable rape, most were just angry and wanted to eat her brother and mother but not us for implementing it ;)

p.S.: Those are the tags available on this forum:
Ask a moderator / admin to add that specific tag if that's what you need/want :)
How do I go about asking a moderator to do that? Any names I can tag or place where I can search for the names? Help is much appreciated. And I also wasn't angry that there is rape, just that there isn't enough forewarning. :)
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