Yes, there will be some... adult romancing abilities in the game if the player wishes it, as you noted... very sticky, bumpy grindy kind of romance. hehe!Well for mainly story based game I can live very well without animations as long as story is strong enough to replace them, even if they could be great.
Concerning twilight or 50 shades, I can not know for sure since ASLPRO is the writer, but considering his writing up till now, I am pretty sure we will see some sickly cloying romantic scenes with some ladies if you make the correct choices in game. :biggrin: I am pretty sure as well though the game as a whole will not be centered around getting with your Love interest, but around the story and choices you will make. Ending up in more or less healthy relations will be part of the outcome as well though.
Unless mean teaser Jack of course has a bigger twist in store as I expect and game will be a RPGM running quests game on big maps running for an hour to get to quest and raise your affection with girls after introduction phase is over. :evilsmile:
But, yes, there will even be... *gasp* romantic "love" as well in the game.... such as the sort with Lynara and Carina if people desire to pursue it... or even, maybe, between the MC and Syrina to some degree... got to wait to see how the story evolves to be sure though... I have points A through Z plotted out... but a lot can actually transpire between those points given the level of choices we want to inject for the players...
...and not going to lie, sometimes the characters do seem to have a mind of their own, such as a particular FAP... as does, Rhianna, I've recently discovered while working on April's release...
ROFL!!! Shame on you, @Palanto Games, giving away the secret and letting players know they can expect to have to run across three maps and fight a horde of Angelions in order to go to the store to buy food to prepare for themselves and fight hordes of them to return, while the timer clicks down so that all they can do for the day is cook one meal before going to bed to start a new day!Agh you got me there, and here I thought we hid the fact that we're moving to RPGM with chapter 6 pretty well x'D
Nah just kidding... well the idea is a little different from your usual "grind" in VN's with RPG elements.... But I won't say more until we're getting thereJust be patient my friend x'D
edit says: Well don't bite on the word "grind" to much, you won't ever feel it as a grind if we do it right![]()
I am APPALLED!!! How could you ruin the surprise!!!! x'D
We are just kidding folks, that was SARCASM, really... we have no plans of screwing you over like that!! :firstimekiss: